Dynamic Host Configuration WG (dhc) Wednesday, August 13 at 0900-1130 Wednesday, August 13 at 1930-2200 ================================= Chair: Ralph Droms AGENDA: The DHC WG will discuss the DHCPv6 spec and extensions docs during the 9AM-11:30AM (Wednesday) slot. Here is the agenda for that meeting: Intro of the Reviews Droms 15 min. Mulicast Scalability Perkins 15 min. Reconfigure Msg Perkins 15 min. Retransmission Issues Perkins 15 min. Error Codes Update Bound 15 min. Dyn DNS Processing Review Bound 15 min. Edits to New Drafts for PS Perkins/Bound 60 min. Much of the discussion will be driven by the issues raised in the recent reviews of the DHCPv6 documents. We will have a lot of material to cover at this meeting. It will be crucical for productive discussion that everyone have read the latest drafts, the reviews written by Matt Crawford and Erik Nordmark and the recent discussion on the dhcp-v6 mailing list. Archives of the mailing list, which include the reviews and subsequent discussion, are available from listserv@bucknell.edu (send "help" for details). I also strongly encourage participation in the mailing list discussion prior to the Munich meetings. To date, participation in the discussion has been limited to just a couple of WG members and the document authors. I *still* need wider response so I can assess the breadth of review the docs have received. The WG will discuss DHCPv4 during the 1930-2200 slot. The changes to the agenda accommodate additional discussion of security issues. Multicast address allocation Shah 25 min. Inter-server protocol Stapp 20 min. DHCP-DNS interaction Rekhter 15 min. DHCP security requirements Gudmundsson 10 min. Secure DHCP (via temporary address) Patel 10 min. DHCP security architecture Gudmundsson 10 min. Discussion of DHCP security approaches Droms 20 min. NDS option Droms/Provan 10 min. Agent options Droms/Patrick 10 min. Netware/IP options Droms/Fong 10 min.