Distributed File Systems (dfs) ------------------------------ Charter Last Modified: 18-Jun-93 Current Status: Concluded Working Group Chair(s): Peter Honeyman Service Applications Area Director(s): Dave Crocker Service Applications Area Advisor: Dave Crocker Mailing Lists: General Discussion:dfs-wg@citi.umich.edu To Subscribe: dfs-wg-request@citi.umich.edu Archive: Description of Working Group: Trans- and inter-continental distributed file systems are upon us. The consequences to the Internet of distributed file system protocol design and implementation decisions are sufficiently dire that we need to investigate whether the protocols being deployed are really suitable for use on the Internet. There's some evidence that the opposite is true, e.g., some distributed file systems protocols don't checksum their data, don't use reasonable MTUs, don't offer credible authentication or authorization services, don't attempt to avoid congestion, etc. Accordingly, a Working Group on DFS has been formed by the IETF. The Working Group will attempt to define guidelines for ways that distributed file systems should make use of the network, and to consider whether any existing distributed file systems are appropriate candidates for Internet standardization. The Working Group will also take a look at the various file system protocols to see whether they make data more vulnerable. This is a problem that is especially severe for Internet users, and a place where the IETF may wish to exert some influence, both on vendor offerings and user expectations. Goals and Milestones: May 90 Generate an RFC with guidelines that define appropriate behavior of distributed file systems in an internet environment. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: None to date.