Council of Registrars Database (coredb) --------------------------------------- Charter Current status: BOF Chair(s): Rick Wesson Operations and Management Area Director(s): John Curran Michael O'Dell Mailing lists: General To Subscribe: In Body: with 'subscribe' in the body of your messa Archive: Description of Working Group: Enhancements to the gTLD DNS space will entail sharing a registration data base (repository) among mutually suspicious registrars. For this operation to succeed, a reliable and efficient method must be defined for achieving that sharing. This Working Group will specify the functional requirements and specify or select the protocol to be used for such a service. There are three main participatnts in a shared gTLD repository: Applicants (users), Registrars, and the Repository. The Registrars take applications from end-users and submit create, modify, and delete requests to the central repository. This Working Group will define a protocol for the interaction of the Registrars and the central repository i.e., a shared database. This group will also define a set of templates that the registrars will accept and the maping of those templates into request the Repository will process. This working group will focus on transitioning from the system implemented by CORE to a robust open standard. The group will look at scaleing and security issues, define a transition plan, define protocols for interaction between system components, and define database objects. The group will work twards a system that scales to 100's of millions of objects while not excludeing implementstions from the use of distributed databases. Security concerns will include authenticated and private exchanges between registrars and the repository, and to migration of applicants entries between registrars in a manner that satisfies CORE policies, for example preventing "theft" of accounts. The working group will coordinate it's effort where necessary with other working groups (in particular RIDE) for data formats that are already defined or use the guidelines put forward by said groups. Goals and Milestones: Jun 97 Draft of requirements for shared repository Aug 97 Draft of object formats Aug 97 Draft of application templates. Sep 97 Draft (or selection) of exchange protocol Dec 97 Revisions to requirements, object and protocol specifications Apr 98 Specifications submitted to standards track Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: None to date.