Chassis MIB (chassis) --------------------- Charter Last Modified: 28-Jul-93 Current Status: Concluded Working Group Chair(s): Bob Stewart Network Management Area Director(s): Deirdre Kostick Network Management Area Advisor: Deirdre Kostick Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: This Working Group will produce a document describing MIB objects for use in a ``chassis'' --- which is a collection of traditionally discrete network devices packaged in a single cabinet and power supply. A chassis may comprise, for example, combinations of layer 1 repeater elements, MAC layer bridges, or internetwork layer routers. The Working Group is chartered to produce up to three distinct documents that define extensions to the SNMP MIB: (1) The Working Group is chartered to define MIB objects that represent the mapping of the logical functions of traditional network devices onto particular, physical hardware resources within the chassis. These MIB definitions will not address any aspects of the network functions comprised by a chassis box that are shared with an analogous collection of discrete network devices. (2) The Working Group is chartered, at its option, to define MIB objects that instrument the operational state of a power supply element in a chassis. (3) The Working Group is chartered, at its option, to define MIB objects that represent aggregated information about collections of network devices (e.g., aggregate information about devices attached to a particular LAN), provided that this MIB specification is not specific to chassis implementations of such networks and is also readily implementable for analogous collections of discrete network devices. The MIB object definitions produced will be for use by SNMP and will be consistent with existing SNMP standards and framework. Although the Working Group may choose to solicit input or expertise from other relevant standards bodies, no extant standards efforts or authorities are known with which alignment of this work is required. Because the structure of chassis implementations varies widely, the Working Group shall take special care that its definitions reflect a generic and consistent architectural model of chassis management rather than the structure of particular chassis implementations. Should the Working Group elect to define objects representing aggregated information about collections of network devices, those efforts will not compromise the operational robustness of the SNMP that depends on its realization of management system function as closely as possible to centers of responsible authority. Goals and Milestones: Done Discuss the Charter and define the scope of the Working Group. In particular, review all contributed MIBs and agreement on plan for producing baseline document(s). Done Post the first draft of the Chassis MIB specification as an Internet-Draft. Jan 93 Submit the Chassis MIB to the IESG as a Proposed Standard. Internet-Drafts: No Current Internet-Drafts. Request For Comments: None to date.