Calendaring and Scheduling WG (calsch) Tuesday, April 8 at 1300-1500 ============================= AGENDA: 1. Discussion of FINAL iCalendar draft (75 minutes) The common object specification (iCalendar) will be submitted as a draft by 26-Mar-1997 (the I-D cutoff for Memphis). What we had said in our last update to the mailing list is that the week after the meeting, it would be ready to be submitted to the IESG as a standards track RFC. With that as our goal, we should use the meeting to surface any significant remaining issues and use "hallway huddles" to work out solutions. That makes the discussion at the scheduled WG meeting a face-to-face last call. An I-D will be submitted prior to the meeting. 2. Discussion of protocol requirements and solution approaches using TCP vs. HTTP vs. SMXP (45 minutes) The mailing list consensus is that we need a e-mail based transport and a connection oriented, real-time transport. It seems to be assumed that the e-mail based transport is going to be quite straightforward. The real-time transport has been discussed a lot and no consensus has developed yet, although there appears to be some sentiment against full blown HTTP. The WG has reviewed a TCP based and a HTTP based protocol proposal. The objective of this discussion will be to review a set of requirements that will expand the discussion and guide the selection of an underlying transport. An I-D will be submitted prior to the meeting, or the requirements document will be available at the WG web site.