Universal Logging Protocol BOF (ulp) Tuesday, December 9 at 1015-1115 ================================ Chair: Erik Guttman DESCRIPTION: Network based logging services provide system administrators with an important tool for diagnosing a variety of problems. There is no standard way to do logging. We propose a single very simple protocol which will allow interoperable logging for the Internet. This protocol will include features for structuring log entries with fields which have standard definitions. We would like to define a standard API, string based protocol and message format for log entries. We also will address internationalization of logs, how to transmit log entries securely. Another important topic is how a logging protocol should interact with network management. AGENDA: Minutes 10 Presentation: Universal structured logging is a good thing 30 Discussion: A successful Universal Logging Protocol's requirements might include the following. We won't decide on the problems, just consider if they are hard or easy, within scope or outside of it. - A lightweight client implementation must be easy to achieve. - Is the model that each (client) host has one ULP server? In other words, ULP configuration would not be available at the 'user' level, it would be a system service. - Are there compatibility requirements with syslog, NT event logger, others? - Should ULP use TCP or UDP? - It should be a String based protocol. - Should we allow only logging or also retrieval and erasing of entries from the client side (as per the NT logger). - Security (bidirectional authentication? encryption? overcoming risks of denial of service attacks?) - Management: Should a ULP server be configurable via SNMP? An ULP client? How does ULP tie in with RMON2? - Configuration: Should there be any standard way to configure a host's ULP server (DHCP, for instance? Or by using SLP?) - Server to server extensions? (Should we offer control how logs get forwarded and maintain a 'path' of where they have been?) - API: should one be offered as Informational, Standards Track? - Binary compatibiliby of API? protocol on-the-wire compatibility? Are these good features? Should we pay the price for them? 10 Is ULP really a good thing? Is it a well specified project? Who wants to work on it? Who would follow the work? Who would use it? 10 Draft a charter, get volunteers