Network Address Translation BOF (nat) Wednesday, August 13 at 1930-2200 ================================= Chair: Pyda Srisuresh DESCRIPTION: * Collect input on what NAT means to different people. * Exploration of any specific problems that people think NAT boxes create or any technologies that NAT boxes do not seem to support. * Summarize guidelines on NAT applications, caveats and any resolutions. * Depending upon the level of interest, decide whether to form a work group to continue discussions for the future. AGENDA: 1. Statement of objective for the BOF. 2. Talk by Yakov Rekhter on overview, plusses and minuses of NAT. 3. Present contents of the new NAT draft titled draft-rfced-info-srisuresh-02.txt or a later version - Basic NAT as specified in RFC 1631 - Corrections to the RFC - NAPT (Network Address Port Translation) as an extension to Basic NAT. 4. Field comments from audience: - Comments and general thoughts on NAT. - Exploration of any specific problems that NAT boxes seem to create or technologies that NAT boxes may not support. - Level of interest to form a work group to continue discussions in the future.