Internet Policy Control BOF (ipc) Tuesday, August 12 at 1300-1515 =============================== Chair: Shai Herzog DESCRIPTION: In recent years, the networking community had witnessed an emerging breed of service differentiation protocols such as RSVP, which provide some flows with better network service at the expense of others. In an open and public Internet (as well as large intranets), maintaining such service differentiation inherently depends on mechanisms capable of enforcing (or reporting) operational policy constraints. The purpose of the IPC working group is to establish a scalable policy control model. The working group would develop a standard, yet open framework where actual policy behavior is not specified, endorsed or mandated. The working group would focus on specifying a minimal set of standard interfaces and protocols required for ensuring interoperability across multiple autonomous domains and in multi-vendor environments. The working group would evolve these specifications and introduce them into the Internet standards track; it will also serve as a meeting place and forum for those developing and experimenting with IPC mechanisms. The IPC working group had evolved from work on RSVP policy control conducted at the RSVP working group. First and foremost, the task of the IPC working group would be to create a robust specification for real-world implementations of policy control solutions for RSVP. This task will be tightly coordinated with the RSVP working group. The working group would consider input from users about immediate and projected policy requirements. As a result, the working group may register wire formats of some classes of policies to enable inter-domain interoperability. However, these would be optional. AGENDA: - Charter Draft Proposal 25 min - Scope of the WG - Relationship to the RSVP WG - Goals and milestones - Basic requirements of Policy Control 15 min for RSVP - Client/Server policy protocols - PEPCI-00, Jim Boyle 25 min - OOPS-01, Shai Herzog 25 min - Questions & discussion (OOPS + PEPCI) 15 min - Classes of policies - Uniform Template for defining new policies 15 min - Open ended discussion 15 min CURRENT INTERNET DRAFTS: Accounting and Access Control Policies for Resource Reservation Protocols. S. Herzog, "Internet-Draft", draft-ietf-rsvp-policy-arch-01.[ps,txt], Dec. 1996. RSVP Extensions for Policy Control. S. Herzog, "Internet-Draft", draft-ietf-rsvp-policy-ext-02.[ps,txt], Apr. 1997. Open Outsourcing Policy Service (OOPS) for RSVP, S. Herzog, et al. "Internet-Draft", draft-ietf-rsvp-policy-oops-01.[ps,txt], July. 1997. Light-weight Flow Admission Protocol Specification, Version 1.0, Paul amsden et al. "Internet-Draft", draft-rfced-info-amsden-00.txt, Apr. 1997. Protocol for Exchange of PoliCy Information (PEPCI), Jim Boyle et al., "Internet-Draft", draft-ietf-rsvp-pepci-00.txt, July 1997. Local Policy Modules (LPM): Policy Enforcement for Resource Reservation Protocols. S. Herzog, "Internet-Draft", draft-ietf-rsvp-policy-lpm-01.[ps,txt], Dec. 1996.