HTTP-NG Requirements BOF (httpng) Thursday, August 14 at 1300-1500 ================================ Chair: Jim Gettys Statement of principle: This is a BOF to see if there is interest in forming a working group on HTTP/NG requirements; expect independent working groups on actual HTTP/NG proposals once there are concrete protocol proposals to vet. Background o PARC/W3C HTTP/NG prototype project - any others out there? o Anyone working on a future Web protocol desperately needs better data of current and near future Web usage. Right now, everyone is in great danger of optimizing the wrong things. Questions: Should this be part of a requirements working group? Is this the proper interface from the research community working in this area? How can we encourage the research community to work more in this area? How can we get better data to those working in this area? Requirements o transition plan o buy in from vendors o Possible technical features - ability to support dual protocol servers - ability to support current HTTP semantics, and near future (WEBDAV). - notification? - objects? - formal interfaces? - low bandwidth/mobile performance? - other features? Discussion of these points. Organization o charter? o working group chair(s)? o schedule? Discussion of these points