Directory Deployment BOF (dirdep) Wednesday, August 13 at 0900-1130 ================================= Chairs: Chris Apple Roland Hedberg DESCRIPTION: There are five primary areas of concern when it comes to Directory Deployment: a) installed base problems and mitigation strategies b) schema inconsistencies and mappings c) piloting activities in support of particular application use of a directory service (e.g., forward knowledge of certificates and a global white pages service) d) co-existance of multiple IETF standards-track protocols e) help and guidance for the people who deploy directories All of the work items described in the draft charter as posted to the mailing list are believed to be useful (eventually) based on the experience of the persons requesting this BOF as well as based on many discussions with IETFers and other folks. One goal of this BOF is to slice the draft charter down to something more reasonable and focused based on what's important enough to tackle _now_. The remaining work will be tabled or perhaps pushed off into its own BOF/WG at a future IETF meeting if there is sufficient interest to justify such work. AGENDA: I. Agenda Review (all) II. Goals for this BOF (co-Chairs) A. discuss and prioritize fundamental goals of a WG of this type (based on five areas of concern above) B. review existing draft DIRDEP WG charter C. reduce scope of work implied by draft WG charter to something doable in a shorter period of time based on prioritized goals III. Fundamental goals and motivation for this type of WG (co-Chairs) IV. Elimination of existing/addition of new goals as appropriate (all) A. add goal related to deployment issues and requirements for mission critical directory services ? B. add goal related to locating an appropriate directory service ? V. Prioritize goals (all) VI. Review and mark-up draft DIRDEP WG charter (all) A. add mission critical directory services requirements document ? B. add draft-greenblatt-defema-02.txt (Directory Entries From E-mail Addresses) to charter as work item ? VII. Volunteers for Document Editors? (all) VIII. Next steps with dates (all) IX. Any other BOF business (all)