TCP Over Satellite BOF (tcpsat) Thursday, April 10 at 0900-1130 Friday, April 11 at 0900-1130 =============================== DESCRIPTION: Satellites are being used to extend the Global Interenet geographically and will be more ubiquitous in the next decade with the deployment of several proposed services capable of providing greater than T1 access to individual users anywhere in the world. Yet, satellite links have a unique combination of characteristics that can affect the throughput of TCP traffic. Because of the high-bandwidth delay product, slow start and congestion control algorithms behave much differently when the path includes a satellite link than exclusively terrestrial ones. This BOF will present some of the research that has been done to characterize this behavior and suggest creation of a short lived working group to sort out the issues into those which require more research and those which can be addressed through a combination of implementation and protocol solutions. BOF Goals: Build a consensus to create a working group that will have a very short lifetime (1-2 meetings). This working group will have as its charter to produce an informational draft (ID). This ID shall describe the issues affecting improved TCP throughput over satellite links. Issues that should be addressed are the high delay-bandwidth product and the high propagation delay between routers because they are the primary issues affecting throughput. Other issues identified by the working group may be included as well. The document should identify implementation factors that affect throughput as well as protocol factors. Standards track protocol changes or options as well as acknowledged best practices should be identified where they improve throughput. The ID should have a section on additional requirements and open problems. This section could include pointers to organizations/companies that are willing to donate satellite resources to collaborate in this research. The BOF will meet twice during the Memphis IETF. The first meeting will address the items below and the second meeting will be to start work on the I-D. AGENDA INTRODUCTION (10 min) ISSUES SUMMARY (1-2 presentations) (one hour) Briefing One: Current view of the problem domain Tim Shepard, BBN - This is our environment(s) - These are the symptoms of our problem - We think these are the biggest contributing factors - Identification of similar communities of interest - These are some solutions that have been proposed to date - Rhetorical question (until discussion time): What have we overlooking? Briefing Two: Phased Solutions Shawn Osterman, Ohio Univ. - We need an "environmentally friendly" solution now - This is what we can do today (mostly architectural) - This is what we think is possible in the near term (IETF timespan of a Working Group) to influence existing and standards track protocols - Ultimately, it would be nice if... - What are we missing/overlooking here? DISCUSSION OF THE PROPOSED CHARTER (45 min) DRAFT CHARTER PROPOSAL The TCP over Satellite Working Group is chartered to produce an informational draft which describes the issues affecting TCP througput over satellite links. It identifies the domains in which each issue applies; fixes, both protocol and implementation, that ameliorate reduced throughput; and areas for further research. This group will meet at two IETFs and will present the final ID for review at [the IETF meeting following Germany]. DISCUSSION TOPICS: - Feedback on the problem space o Factors that have been overlooked o Identified factors that might not be relevant - Discussion on proposed solutions & identification of other possibilities o How feasible are they (i.e, are there "server-side" only solutions) o How civic minded are the fixes (do they work and play well with others?) - Discussion on how to demonstrate that a candidate solution(s) will not be detrimental to the larger community o I don't think that a simulation/emulation only approach will cut it. ADJOURN If you would like to participate in online discussion, register for tcp-over-satellite by doing the following: Send mail to: with the following in the body of the message: subscribe tcp-over-satellite To send mail to the list, send mail to: To get a list of the archives available via email, send mail to: With the following in the body of the message: index tcp-over-satellite Also, visit: