WWW Distributed Authoring and Versioning BOF Wednesday, December 11 at 0900-1130 =================================== DESCRIPTION: This group has strong ties with the World Wide Web Consortium and with the IETF HTTP WG, but at present does not have official sponsorship by either the W3C or the IETF. The membership of this WG is very diverse, containing members from Microsoft, Netscape, W3C, America Online, Xerox PARC, Xerox, in addition to many members from Document Management Alliance companies, configuration management companies, all active hypertext versioning researchers, and several others who cannot be easily categorized. To date, the WG has produced a document outlining scenarios of usage of distributed authoring and versioning capability, along with documents describing the requirements for distributed authoring and for versioning in the WWW context. At present, our WG is developing a preliminary interoperability specification for meeting these requirements. Detailed information on the WG can be found at the group's web page: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~ejw/authoring/ AGENDA: - Presentation giving the history of distributed authoring and versioning activities to date, brief overview of what is DAV, an overview of the WG's activities (30-45 min). J. Whitehead. - Presentation on the DAV requirements (1 hour). J. Whitehead - Presentation on the preliminary DAV specification (1 hour). Y. Goland Each presentation will allow for Q&A throughout. The intent of the session is to inform the IETF community on the work the WG has been performing, to receive feedback on our direction, requirements, and approach, and to solicit new members.