QoS Routing Monday, December 9 at 1300-1500 =============================== AGENDA: 1) Agenda Bashing/Administrivia 2) Presentations - B. Rajagopalan, R. Nair, "Quality of Service Based Routing in the Internet" (20 minutes) (draft-nair-qos-based-rotuing-01.txt) - B. Braden, "Interdomain Multicast Routing for Integrated Service Networks" (20 minutes) - M. Ohta, Y. Goto, "Path QoS collection for RSVP-friendly Hop-by-Hop QoS Routing" (20 minutes) (draft-ohta-rsvp-friendly-hop-path-00.txt) - Discussion of QOSPF simulation, Dr. Mark Pullen, GMU (20 minutes) 3) Work group viability and Charter discussion