Internet Printing Protocol Thursday, December 12 at 1300-1500 ================================== DESCRIPTION: Internet printing involves using Internet technologies and services to find networked resources, such as printers, and then submit jobs using those resources. The goal of this working group is to define a new application level distributed printing protocol as well as defining naming and service registration attributes for printing. The protocol shall support a global, distributed environment where print service users (clients, applications, drivers, etc.) cooperate and interact with print service providers (servers, printers, gateways, etc.). The working group will leverage existing (and emerging) technologies for: authentication, authorization, privacy, and commercial transactions. For location of printers, the working group will leverage existing standards for directories. The working group shall strive to coordinate its activities with other printing-related standards bodies. The new job submission protocol should strive not to preclude any types of output devices (e.g., fax, printer, gateway). Also, the working group will define extensibility paths to maximize interoperability and minimize conflict. The Internet Printing Protocol will be designed to make use of Web browsers, HTTP, and LDAP for directory look-ups. The Internet Printing Protocol is intended to supplant RFC 1179 'Line Printer Daemon Protocol' as the preferred printing protocol. LPR/LPD was designed a long time ago with line printers in mind and does not fit with current needs. AGENDA: Introduction (10 mins) History and Requirements (30 mins) - Existing standards for printing - Current user and technology requirements - Proposed Charter for IPP Proposal for the Internet Printing Protocol (30 mins) - Work to date in the Printer Working Group (PWG) - Presentation of the IPP draft document Discussion and Resolution of Issues (if possible) (30 mins) - Needs to coordinate with other IETF projects? - Security Requirements for IPP? - Other issues? Wrap-up (10 mins) - Summary of discussion - List remaining issues to be resolved - Home work assignments - Make recommendation about further progress in IETF Related documents Requirements: draft-wright-ipp-req-00.txt IPP Draft: draft-isaacson-ipp-info-00.txt