Internet Cache Protocol BOF Tuesday, December 10 at 1530-1730 ================================= DESCRIPTION: ICP is the Internet Cache Protocol used between peers in a WWW Cache hierarchy/mesh. ICP was developed in the hierarchical cache component of the ARPA-funded Harvest project. We estimate that ICP is currently in use by approximately 2000 operational WWW caches throughout the Internet. ICP is currently an informally defined protocol. During this BOF we will explore ideas and venues for making ICP a more formal and standardized protocol. PRELIMINARY AGENDA: - Background (10 min) - Derived from Harvest project. - What ICP does for caches. - Status (15 min) - Squid/Harvest split has caused some incompatibilities. - Limitations of the current design. - Notes on current implementation. - Standardizing (20 min) - Is formal standardization desirable? - Forums for the standardization process. - Future (45 min) - Needed features - Packet formats - HTTP/1.1 issues - Interoperability