Deadline dates for the 40th IETF Meeting - Washington, DC November 17 - Working Group scheduling closes at 1800 November 21 - Internet Draft submission cutoff date at 1700 November 28 - Registration Payment cutoff date at 1700 December 4 - Registration cutoff date at 1700 December 4 - Working Group agendas due date by 1700 All times are in US Eastern Time Note for Internet-Draft submitters: Subject: Internet-Draft Submissions and IETF Meetings From: Internet-Drafts Administration Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 15:31:20 -0400 We are implementing a slightly different procedure for Internet-Draft submissions just prior to and during IETF meetings. Beginning with the DC meeting, we will begin accepting Internet-Drafts submissions during the week of the IETF meeting. We will, however, continue to not send Internet-Draft announcements until the IETF meeting is over. For the 40th IETF Meeting in Washington DC: As was announced., the cut-off date is November 21. Any submissions received between November 22 through December 7 will not be retained and they must be resubmitted after December 7. Internet-Draft submissions received after December 7 will be processed (i.e. there is no need for them to be resubmitted). Internet-Draft announcements will be sent until after the meeting.