Definitions of Managed Objects for HPR May 14, 1997 Bob Clouston (editor) Cisco Systems Bob Moore (editor) IBM Corporation 1. Status of this Memo This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months. Internet-Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as a working draft or work in progress. To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the 1id-abstracts.txt listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow Directories on,,, or 2. Introduction This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it defines objects for monitoring and controlling network Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 1] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 devices with HPR (High Performance Routing) capabilities. This memo identifies managed objects for the HPR protocol. This memo does not specify a standard for the Internet community. 3. The SNMP Network Management Framework The SNMP Network Management Framework consists of several components. For the purpose of this specification, the applicable components of the Framework are the SMI and related documents [1, 2, 3], which define the mechanisms used for describing and naming objects for the purpose of management. The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of experimentation and evaluation. 4. Overview This document identifies objects for monitoring the configuration and active characteristics of devices with HPR capabilities. HPR is an enhancement to the Advanced Peer-to-Peer Network (APPN) architecture that provides fast data routing and improved session reliability. APPN is one of the protocols that can use the HPR transport mechanism. See the SNANAU APPN MIB [4] for management of APPN and APPN use of the HPR transport. The HPR terms and overall architecture [5] are available at Automatic Network Routing (ANR) is a fast low-level routing technique. Each node assigns a unique (within that node) ANR label for each out- bound link as it is activated. The label size is defined by the ANR node, and nodes only need to know how to interpret their own labels. The ANR string is a group of ANR labels encoded in a header in front of the message being sent. At each hop the node strips off its own ANR label and forwards the message onto the link with that label. The last label in the string is the Network Connection Endpoint (NCE), which identifies the component within the destination node that is to receive the message. Rapid Transport Protocol (RTP) is an end-to-end full duplex transport connection (pipe). It provides for high-speed transport of data using ANR. RTP is connection-oriented, and delivers data in correct order reliably. Error recovery is done efficiently with selective Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 2] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 retransmission of data. An RTP path can be switched without disrupting the sessions using it. An RTP path switch may be done automatically if a link in the path fails and another RTP path is available, or on demand to attempt to restore the optimal path. RTP performs flow/congestion control with the Adaptive Rate-Based (ARB) algorithm, described in [5]. ARB is done only at the endpoints of the RTP pipe, so intermediate hops are not involved. ARB regulates the flow of data over an RTP connection by adaptively changing the sender's rate based on feedback on the receiver's rate. It is designed to prevent congestion rather than react to it. In this document, we describe HPR managed objects. Highlights of the management functions supported by the HPR MIB module include the following: o Identifying network connection endpoints (NCEs). o Identifying how incoming packets are routed based on ANR labels. o Monitoring the RTP connections between nodes. o Ability to trigger an RTP path switch. The MIB only supports a path switch with no specified path. Some implementations may have a product-specific option to specify a new path. The hprOperatorPathSwitchSupport object identifies this support. o Historical information about RTP path switch attempts. This MIB module does not support: o Configuration of HPR nodes. o Protocol-specific uses of HPR (such as APPN). o Traps. The APPN MIB contains a trap for Alert conditions that may affect HPR resources. The value for the affectedObject object contained in the alertTrap is determined by the implementation. It may contain a VariablePointer from the HPR MIB. The APPN/HPR Alerts are defined in [6]. Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 3] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 4.1. HPR MIB Structure Although HPR is an extension to APPN, the HPR MIB relies very little upon the APPN MIB. The appnNodeCounterDisconTime object in the APPN MIB is used to detect discontinuities in HPR MIB counters. The hprNodeCpName object in this MIB has the same value as the appnNodeCpName object in the APPN MIB. The HPR MIB module contains the following collections of objects: o hprGlobal - general HPR objects. o hprAnrRouting - objects related to the ANR routing table. o hprTransportUser - objects related to users of the HPR transport. o hprRtp - objects related to the HPR Transport Tower. These are described below in more detail. 4.1.1. hprGlobal group The hprGlobal group consists of general objects such as the APPN CP (control point) name of the HPR node and the level of support for operator-requested path switches. 4.1.2. hprAnrRouting group The hprAnrRouting group consists objects to monitor and control the counting of ANR packets received and the following table: The hprAnrRoutingTable correlates incoming ANR labels to the outbound transmission group (TG) or local NCE to which incoming packet will be forwarded. An entry defines the label type as identifying a local NCE or a TG, identifies the NCE or TG, and counts the number of packets received with the entry's ANR label. 4.1.3. hprTransportUser group The hprTransportUser group consists of the following table: Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 4] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 The hprNceTable identifies network connection endpoints and their function types. The function type can be any combination of a CP, logical unit (LU), boundary function, and route setup. 4.1.4. hprRtp group The hprRtp group consists of the following objects and tables: 1) hprRtpGlobe These objects contain information about the number of RTP connection setups, and control of RTP counters. 2) hprRtpTable This table contains one entry for each RTP connection. The information includes local and remote NCE IDs and TCIDs (transport connection identifiers), timers, send rates, and statistics. A path switch can be triggered by the hprRptPathSwitchTrigger object if the agent node supports it; however, a new path cannot be specified. 3) hprRtpStatusTable This table contains statistics and historical information for RTP path switches attempts, including old and new ANR strings and Route Selection Control Vectors (RSCVs), why the path switch was initiated, and the result (successful or reason for failure). Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 5] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 5. Definitions HPR-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS DisplayString, DateAndTime, TimeStamp, TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC Counter32, Gauge32, Unsigned32, TimeTicks, OBJECT-TYPE, MODULE-IDENTITY FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF snanauMIB FROM SNA-NAU-MIB SnaControlPointName FROM APPN-MIB; hprMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "970514000000Z" ORGANIZATION "AIW APPN / HPR MIB SIG" CONTACT-INFO " Bob Clouston Cisco Systems 7025 Kit Creek Road P.O. Box 14987 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1 919 472 2333 E-mail: Bob Moore IBM Corporation 800 Park Offices Drive RHJA/664 P.O. Box 12195 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1 919 254 4436 E-mail: " DESCRIPTION Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 6] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 "This is the MIB module for objects used to manage network devices with HPR capabilities." ::= { snanauMIB 6 } -- snanauMIB ::= { mib-2 34 } -- ********************************************************************* -- Textual Conventions -- ********************************************************************* -- SnaControlPointName is imported from the APPN MIB HprNceTypes ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit string identifying the set of functions provided by a network connection endpoint (NCE). The following values are defined: bit 0: control point bit 1: logical unit bit 2: boundary function bit 3: route setup " SYNTAX BITS { controlPoint(0), logicalUnit(1), boundaryFunction(2), routeSetup(3) } HprRtpCounter ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object providing statistics for an RTP connection. A Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the correspondingly indexed hprRtpCounterDisconTime object." SYNTAX Counter32 -- ********************************************************************* hprObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprMIB 1 } -- ********************************************************************* -- ********************************************************************* hprGlobal OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprObjects 1 } -- ********************************************************************** -- The hprGlobal group applies to both intermediate and end nodes. Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 7] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 -- ********************************************************************** hprNodeCpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnaControlPointName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administratively assigned network name for the APPN node where this HPR implementation resides. If this object has the same value as the appnNodeCpName object in the APPN MIB, then the two objects are referring to the same APPN node." ::= { hprGlobal 1 } hprOperatorPathSwitchSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notSupported(1), switchTriggerSupported(2), switchToPathSupported(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object indicates an implementation's level of support for an operator-requested path switch. notSupported(1) - the agent does not support operator-requested path switches switchTriggerSupported(2) - the agent supports a 'switch path now' command from an operator, but not a command to switch to a specified path switchToPathSupported(3) - the agent supports both a 'switch path now' command and a command to switch to a specified path. Note that the latter command is not available via this MIB; a system that supports it must do so via other means, such as a local operator interface." ::= { hprGlobal 2 } -- ********************************************************************** hprAnrRouting OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprObjects 2 } -- ********************************************************************** Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 8] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 hprAnrsAssigned OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "ANR labels" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of ANR labels assigned by this node since it was last re-initialized. A Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the appnNodeCounterDisconTime object in the APPN MIB." ::= { hprAnrRouting 1 } hprAnrCounterState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive(1), active(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used for a network management station to turn on/off the counting of ANR packets in the hprAnrRoutingTable. The initial value of this object is an implementation choice. notActive(1) - the counter hprAnrPacketsReceived returns no meaningful value active(2) - the counter hprAnrPacketsReceived is being incremented and is returning meaningful values" ::= { hprAnrRouting 2 } hprAnrCounterStateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the hprAnrCounterState object last changed its value. The initial value returned by this object is the time at which the APPN node instrumented with this MIB was last brought up." ::= { hprAnrRouting 3 } hprAnrRoutingTable OBJECT-TYPE Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 9] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HprAnrRoutingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ANR Routing table provides a means of correlating an incoming ANR label (i.e., one assigned by this node) with the TG over which a packet containing the label will be forwarded. When the ANR label identifies a local NCE, the hprAnrOutTgDest and hprAnrOutTgNum objects have no meaning. The table also contains an object to count the number of packets received with a given ANR label." ::= { hprAnrRouting 4 } hprAnrRoutingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprAnrRoutingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ANR label is used to index this table." INDEX { hprAnrLabel } ::= { hprAnrRoutingTable 1 } HprAnrRoutingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hprAnrLabel OCTET STRING, hprAnrType INTEGER, hprAnrOutTgDest DisplayString, hprAnrOutTgNum INTEGER, hprAnrPacketsReceived Counter32, hprAnrCounterDisconTime TimeStamp } hprAnrLabel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The first ANR label in an incoming packet." ::= { hprAnrRoutingEntry 1 } hprAnrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { nce(1), Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 10] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 tg(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An object indicating whether an ANR label assigned by this node identifies a local NCE or a TG on which outgoing packets are forwarded. nce(1) - the ANR label identifies a local NCE. In this case the hprAnrOutTgDest and hprAnrOutTgNum objects have no meaning. tg(2) - the ANR label identifies a TG." ::= { hprAnrRoutingEntry 2 } hprAnrOutTgDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0 | 3..17)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Destination node for the TG over which packets with this ANR label are forwarded. This is the fully qualified name of an APPN network node or end node, formatted according to the SnaControlPointName textual convention. If the ANR label identifies a local NCE, then this object returns a zero-length string. This object corresponds to the appnLocalTgDest object in the APPN MIB." ::= { hprAnrRoutingEntry 3 } hprAnrOutTgNum OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of the TG over which packets with this ANR label are forwarded. If the ANR label identifies a local NCE, then this object returns the value 0, since 0 is not a valid TG number for a TG that supports HPR. This object corresponds to the appnLocalTgNum object in the APPN MIB." Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 11] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 ::= { hprAnrRoutingEntry 4 } hprAnrPacketsReceived OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "ANR packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of packets received with this ANR label as their first label. A Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the hprAnrCounterDisconTime object in the same row." ::= { hprAnrRoutingEntry 5 } hprAnrCounterDisconTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the sysUpTime object when the hprAnrPacketsReceived counter for this ANR label last experienced a discontinuity. This will be the more recent of two times: the time at which the ANR label was associated with either an outgoing TG or a local NCE, or the time at which the ANR counters were last turned on or off." ::= { hprAnrRoutingEntry 6 } -- ********************************************************************** hprTransportUser OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprObjects 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- Transport Service User (TU) Table: (RTP Connection Users) -- -- There will be several users of the HPR transport and each HPR node -- shall maintain a table of these users. -- ********************************************************************** hprNceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HprNceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Network Connection Endpoint (NCE) table." Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 12] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 ::= { hprTransportUser 1 } hprNceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprNceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NCE ID is used to index this table." INDEX { hprNceId } ::= { hprNceTable 1 } HprNceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hprNceId OCTET STRING, hprNceType HprNceTypes, hprNceDefault HprNceTypes, hprNceInstanceId OCTET STRING } hprNceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Network Connection Endpoint (NCE) ID. NCEs identify Control Points (Cp), Logical Units (Lu), HPR Boundary Functions (Bf) and Route Setup (Rs) Functions. A value for this object can be retrieved from any of the following objects in the APPN MIB: - appnLsCpCpNceId - appnLsRouteNceId - appnLsBfNceId - appnIsInRtpNceId - appnIsRtpNceId In each case this value identifies a row in this table containing information related to that in the APPN MIB." ::= { hprNceEntry 1 } hprNceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprNceTypes MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 13] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 DESCRIPTION "A bit string identifying the function types provided by this Network Connection Endpoint (NCE)." ::= { hprNceEntry 2 } hprNceDefault OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprNceTypes MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A bit string identifying the function types for which this Network Connection Endpoint (NCE) is the default NCE. While default NCEs are not explicitly defined in the architecture, some implementations provide them; for such implementations, it is useful to make this information available to a Management Station." ::= { hprNceEntry 3 } hprNceInstanceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (4)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The NCE instance identifier (NCEII) identifying the current instance of this NCE. An NCEII is used to denote different instances (IPLs) of an NCE component. Each time an NCE is activated (IPL'd), it acquires a different, unique NCEII." ::= { hprNceEntry 4 } -- ********************************************************************** hprRtp OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprObjects 4 } -- ********************************************************************** -- ********************************************************************** -- -- The RTP group is implemented by all managed nodes supporting the -- HPR Transport Tower. The group contains several scalars (simple -- objects) and a table. -- ********************************************************************** -- ********************************************************************** hprRtpGlobe OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprRtp 1} -- ********************************************************************** hprRtpGlobeConnSetups OBJECT-TYPE Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 14] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 SYNTAX Counter32 UNITS "RTP connection setups" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of RTP connection setups in which this node has participated, as either sender or receiver, since it was last re-initialized. Retries of a setup attempt do not cause the counter to be incremented. A Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the appnNodeCounterDisconTime object in the APPN MIB." ::= { hprRtpGlobe 1 } hprRtpGlobeCtrState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notActive(1), active(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object allows a network management station to turn the counters in the hprRtpTable on and off. The initial value of this object is an implementation choice. notActive(1) - the counters in the hprRtpTable are returning no meaningful values active(2) - the counters in the hprRtpTable are being incremented and are returning meaningful values" ::= { hprRtpGlobe 2 } hprRtpGlobeCtrStateTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the value of the hprRtpGlobeCtrState object last changed. The initial value returned by this object is the time at which the APPN node instrumented with this MIB was last brought up." Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 15] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 ::= { hprRtpGlobe 3 } -- ********************************************************************** -- The RTP Connection Table -- There may be many RTP connections on a node supporting the functions -- specified in the RTP option set. Each node implementing this option -- set shall maintain a table of these RTP connections. -- ********************************************************************** hprRtpTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HprRtpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The RTP Connection table" ::= { hprRtp 2 } hprRtpEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local NCE ID and local TCID are used to index this table." INDEX { hprRtpLocNceId, hprRtpLocTcid } ::= { hprRtpTable 1 } HprRtpEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hprRtpLocNceId OCTET STRING, -- local nce id hprRtpLocTcid OCTET STRING, -- local tcid hprRtpRemCpName SnaControlPointName,-- remote cp name hprRtpRemNceId OCTET STRING, -- remote nce id hprRtpRemTcid OCTET STRING, -- remote tcid hprRtpPathSwitchTrigger INTEGER, -- trigger (read-write) hprRtpRscv OCTET STRING, -- rscv hprRtpTopic DisplayString, -- topic (cos) hprRtpState INTEGER, -- state hprRtpUpTime TimeTicks, -- up time hprRtpLivenessTimer Unsigned32, -- liveness timer hprRtpShortReqTimer Unsigned32, -- short request timer hprRtpPathSwTimer Unsigned32, -- path switch timer Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 16] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 hprRtpLivenessTimeouts HprRtpCounter, -- liveness timeouts hprRtpShortReqTimeouts HprRtpCounter, -- short req timeouts hprRtpMaxSendRate Gauge32, -- maximum send rate hprRtpMinSendRate Gauge32, -- minimum send rate hprRtpCurSendRate Gauge32, -- current send rate hprRtpSmRdTripDelay Gauge32, -- smooth rnd trip delay hprRtpSendPackets HprRtpCounter, -- packets sent hprRtpRecvPackets HprRtpCounter, -- packets received hprRtpSendBytes HprRtpCounter, -- bytes sent hprRtpRecvBytes HprRtpCounter, -- bytes received hprRtpRetrPackets HprRtpCounter, -- pkts re-xmitted hprRtpPacketsDiscarded HprRtpCounter, -- pkts discarded hprRtpDetectGaps HprRtpCounter, -- gaps detected hprRtpRateReqSends HprRtpCounter, -- rate req send hprRtpOkErrPathSws HprRtpCounter, -- ok err path sws hprRtpBadErrPathSws HprRtpCounter, -- bad err path sws hprRtpOkOpPathSws HprRtpCounter, -- ok op path sws hprRtpBadOpPathSws HprRtpCounter, -- bad op path sws hprRtpCounterDisconTime TimeStamp -- discontinuity ind } hprRtpLocNceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local Network Connection Endpoint (NCE) ID of this RTP connection. NCEs identify CPs, LUs, Boundary Functions (BFs), and Route Setup (RS) components. A value for this object can be retrieved from any of the following objects in the APPN MIB: - appnLsCpCpNceId - appnLsRouteNceId - appnLsBfNceId - appnIsInRtpNceId - appnIsRtpNceId In each case this value identifies a row in this table containing information related to that in the APPN MIB." Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 17] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 ::= { hprRtpEntry 1 } hprRtpLocTcid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local TCID of this RTP connection. A value for this object can be retrieved from either the appnIsInRtpTcid object or the appnIsRtpTcid object the APPN MIB; in each case this value identifies a row in this table containing information related to that in the APPN MIB." ::= { hprRtpEntry 2 } hprRtpRemCpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnaControlPointName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administratively assigned network name for the remote node of this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpEntry 3 } hprRtpRemNceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote Network Connection Endpoint (NCE) of this RTP connection. NCEs identify CPs, LUs, Boundary Functions (BFs), and Route Setup (RS) components." ::= { hprRtpEntry 4 } hprRtpRemTcid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote TCID of this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpEntry 5 } hprRtpPathSwitchTrigger OBJECT-TYPE Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 18] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 SYNTAX INTEGER { ready(1), switchPathNow(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Object by which a Management Station can trigger an operator- requested path switch, by setting the value to switchPathNow(2). Setting this object to switchPathNow(2) triggers a path switch even if its previous value was already switchPathNow(2). The value ready(1) is returned on GET operations until a SET has been processed; after that the value received on the most recent SET is returned. This MIB module provides no support for an operator-requested switch to a specified path." ::= { hprRtpEntry 6 } hprRtpRscv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The forward Route Selection Control Vector for this RTP connection. The format of this vector is described in SNA Formats. The value returned in this object during a path switch is implementation-dependent: it may be the old path, the new path, a zero-length string, or some other valid RSCV string." ::= { hprRtpEntry 7 } hprRtpTopic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The topic for this RTP connection. This is used to indicate the Class of Service." ::= { hprRtpEntry 8 } Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 19] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 hprRtpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { rtpListening(1), rtpCalling(2), rtpConnected(3), rtpPathSwitching(4), rtpDisconnecting(5), other(99) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The state of the RTP connection, from the perspective of the local RTP protocol machine: rtpListening - connection open; waiting for other end to call in rtpCalling - connection opened, attempting to call out, have not yet received any data from other end rtpConnected - connection is active; responded to a call-in or received other end's TCID from a call-out attempt rtpPathSwitching - the path switch timer is running; attempting to find a new path for this connection. rtpDisconnecting - no sessions are using this connection; in process of bringing it down other - the connection is not in any of the states listed above." ::= { hprRtpEntry 9 } hprRtpUpTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks UNITS "1/100ths of a second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of time the RTP connection has been up, measured in 1/100ths of a second." ::= { hprRtpEntry 10 } hprRtpLivenessTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 20] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 UNITS "1/100ths of a second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the liveness (ALIVE) timer of this RTP connection, in units of 1/100th of a second. When this timer expires and no packet has arrived from the partner since it was last set, packets with Status Request indicators will be sent to see if the RTP connection is still alive." ::= { hprRtpEntry 11 } hprRtpShortReqTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "1/100ths of a second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the RTP SHORT_REQ timer, in units of 1/100 of a second. This timer represents the maximum time that a sender waits for a reply from a receiver." ::= { hprRtpEntry 12 } hprRtpPathSwTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "1/100ths of a second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The length of time that RTP should attempt a path switch for a connection, in units of 1/100th of a second." ::= { hprRtpEntry 13 } hprRtpLivenessTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "liveness timeouts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of liveness timeouts for this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpEntry 14 } hprRtpShortReqTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 21] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "short request timeouts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of short request timeouts for this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpEntry 15 } hprRtpMaxSendRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bytes per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The high-water mark for this RTP connection's send rate, in units of bytes per second. This is the high-water mark for the entire life of the connection, not just the high-water mark for the connection's current path. For more details on this and other parameters related to HPR, see the High Performance Routing Architecture Reference." ::= { hprRtpEntry 16 } hprRtpMinSendRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bytes per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The low-water mark for this RTP connection's send rate, in units of bytes per second. This is the low-water mark for the entire life of the connection, not just the low-water mark for the connection's current path. For more details on this and other parameters related to HPR, see the High Performance Routing Architecture Reference." ::= { hprRtpEntry 17 } hprRtpCurSendRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "bytes per second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 22] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 DESCRIPTION "The current send rate for this RTP connection, in units of bytes per second. For more details on this and other parameters related to HPR, see the High Performance Routing Architecture Reference." ::= { hprRtpEntry 18 } hprRtpSmRdTripDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 UNITS "1/1000ths of a second" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The smoothed round trip delay for this RTP connection, in units of 1/1000th of a second (ms). For more details on this and other parameters related to HPR, see the High Performance Routing Architecture Reference." ::= { hprRtpEntry 19 } hprRtpSendPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "RTP packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of packets successfully sent on this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpEntry 20 } hprRtpRecvPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "RTP packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of packets received on this RTP connection. The counter is incremented only once if duplicate copies of a packet are received." ::= { hprRtpEntry 21 } Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 23] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 hprRtpSendBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of bytes sent on this RTP connection. Both RTP Transport Header (THDR) bytes and data bytes are included in this count." ::= { hprRtpEntry 22 } hprRtpRecvBytes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "bytes" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of bytes received on this RTP connection. Both RTP Transport Header (THDR) bytes and data bytes are included in this count." ::= { hprRtpEntry 23 } hprRtpRetrPackets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "RTP packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of packets retransmitted on this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpEntry 24 } hprRtpPacketsDiscarded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "RTP packets" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of packets received on this RTP connection and then discarded. A packet may be discarded because it is determined to be a duplicate, or for other reasons." ::= { hprRtpEntry 25 } Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 24] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 hprRtpDetectGaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "gaps" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of gaps detected on this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpEntry 26 } hprRtpRateReqSends OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "rate requests" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of Rate Requests sent on this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpEntry 27 } hprRtpOkErrPathSws OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "path switch attempts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of successful path switch attempts for this RTP connection due to errors." ::= { hprRtpEntry 28 } hprRtpBadErrPathSws OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "path switch attempts" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of unsuccessful path switches for this RTP connection due to errors." ::= { hprRtpEntry 29 } hprRtpOkOpPathSws OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "path switches" MAX-ACCESS read-only Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 25] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of successful path switches for this RTP connection due to operator requests." ::= { hprRtpEntry 30 } hprRtpBadOpPathSws OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpCounter UNITS "path switches" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The count of unsuccessful path switches for this RTP connection due to operator requests. This counter is not incremented by an implementation that does not support operator-requested path switches, even if a Management Station requests such a path switch by setting the hprRtpPathSwitchTrigger object." ::= { hprRtpEntry 31 } hprRtpCounterDisconTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for this RTP connection last experienced a discontinuity. This will be the more recent of two times: the time at which the connection was established or the time at which the HPR counters were last turned on or off." ::= { hprRtpEntry 32 } -- ********************************************************************** -- The RTP Connection Status Table -- This table contains statistics and historical information related to -- both successful and unsuccessful RTP path switches. This information -- can be important for both trend analysis and problem determination. -- -- Note the terminology here: when RTP is triggered to find a new path -- for a connection, this initiates a 'path switch,' which will end up -- being either successful or unsuccessful. During this path switch, -- RTP will make one or more 'path switch attempts,' which are attempts -- to find a new path for the connection and switch the connection to Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 26] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 -- it. This 'new' path may be the same path that the connection was -- using before the path switch. -- -- It is an implementation option how many entries to keep in this -- table, and how long to retain any individual entry. -- ********************************************************************** hprRtpStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF HprRtpStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RTP Connection Status Table: This table contains historical information on RTP connections. An entry is created in this table when a path switch is completed, either successfully or unsuccessfully." ::= { hprRtp 3 } hprRtpStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX HprRtpStatusEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table is indexed by local NCE ID, local TCID, and an integer hprRtpStatusIndex. Thus the primary grouping of table rows is by RTP connection, with the multiple entries for a given RTP connection ordered by time." INDEX { hprRtpStatusLocNceId, hprRtpStatusLocTcid, hprRtpStatusIndex } ::= { hprRtpStatusTable 1 } HprRtpStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE { hprRtpStatusLocNceId OCTET STRING, -- local nce id hprRtpStatusLocTcid OCTET STRING, -- local tcid hprRtpStatusIndex Unsigned32, -- index hprRtpStatusStartTime DateAndTime, -- time stamp hprRtpStatusEndTime DateAndTime, -- time stamp hprRtpStatusRemCpName SnaControlPointName,-- remote cp name hprRtpStatusRemNceId OCTET STRING, -- remote nce id hprRtpStatusRemTcid OCTET STRING, -- remote tcid hprRtpStatusNewRscv OCTET STRING, -- new rscv hprRtpStatusOldRscv OCTET STRING, -- old rscv Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 27] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 hprRtpStatusCause INTEGER, -- cause hprRtpStatusLastAttemptResult INTEGER -- result of last } hprRtpStatusLocNceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local Network Connection Endpoint (NCE) of this RTP connection. NCEs identify CPs, LUs, Boundary Functions (BFs), and Route Setup (RS) components." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 1 } hprRtpStatusLocTcid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The local TCID of this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 2 } hprRtpStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table index. This value begins at one and is incremented when a new entry is added to the table. It is an implementation choice whether to run a single counter for all entries in the table, or to run a separate counter for the entries for each RTP connection. In the unlikely event of a wrap, it is assumed that Management Stations will have the ability to order table entries correctly." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 3 } hprRtpStatusStartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the path switch began." Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 28] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 4 } hprRtpStatusEndTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time when the path switch was ended, either successfully or unsuccessfully." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 5 } hprRtpStatusRemCpName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnaControlPointName MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Administratively assigned network name for the remote node of this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 6 } hprRtpStatusRemNceId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote Network Connection Endpoint (NCE) of this RTP connection. NCEs identify CPs, LUs, Boundary Functions (BFs), and Route Setup (RS) components." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 7 } hprRtpStatusRemTcid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (8)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The remote TCID of this RTP connection." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 8 } hprRtpStatusNewRscv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 29] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 DESCRIPTION "The new Route Selection Control Vector for this RTP connection. A zero-length string indicates that no value is available, perhaps because the implementation does not save RSCVs." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 9 } hprRtpStatusOldRscv OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The old Route Selection Control Vector for this RTP connection. A zero-length string indicates that no value is available, perhaps because the implementation does not save RSCVs." ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 10 } hprRtpStatusCause OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other(1), rtpConnFail(2), locLinkFail(3), remLinkFail(4), operRequest(5) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The reason for the path switch: other(1) - Reason other than those listed below, rtpConnFail(2) - RTP connection failure detected, locLinkFail(3) - Local link failure, remLinkFail(4) - Remote link failure (learned from TDUs), operRequest(5) - Operator requested path switch. " ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 11 } hprRtpStatusLastAttemptResult OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { successful(1), initiatorMoving(2), directorySearchFailed(3), rscvCalculationFailed(4), Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 30] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 negativeRouteSetupReply(5), backoutRouteSetupReply(6), timeoutDuringFirstAttempt(7), otherUnsuccessful(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The result of the last completed path switch attempt. If the path switch is aborted in the middle of a path switch attempt because the path switch timer expires, the result of the previous path switch attempt is reported. The values are defined as follows: successful(1) - The final path switch attempt was successful. initiatorMoving(2) - The final path switch attempt failed because the initiator is mobile, and there was no active link out of this node. directorySearchFailed(3) - The final path switch attempt failed because a directory search for the destination node's CP name failed. rscvCalculationFailed(4) - The final path switch attempt failed because an RSCV to the node containing the remote RTP endpoint could not be calculated. negativeRouteSetupReply(5) - The final path switch attempt failed because route setup failed for the new path. backoutRouteSetupReply(6) - The final path switch attempt failed because the remote RTP endpoint refused to continue the RTP connection. timeoutDuringFirstAttempt(7) - The path switch timer expired during the first path switch attempt. otherUnsuccessful(8) - The final path switch attempt failed for a reason other than those listed above." Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 31] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 ::= { hprRtpStatusEntry 12 } -- *************************************************************** -- Conformance information -- *************************************************************** hprConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprMIB 2 } hprCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprConformance 1 } hprGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { hprConformance 2 } -- Compliance statements hprCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for the SNMPv2 entities that implement the HPR MIB." MODULE -- this module -- Unconditionally mandatory groups MANDATORY-GROUPS { hprGlobalConfGroup, hprAnrRoutingConfGroup, hprTransportUserConfGroup } -- Conditionally mandatory groups GROUP hprRtpConfGroup DESCRIPTION "The hprRtpConfGroup is mandatory for HPR implementations supporting the HPR transport tower." ::= { hprCompliances 1 } -- Units of conformance hprGlobalConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hprNodeCpName, hprOperatorPathSwitchSupport } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing the instrumentation of HPR Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 32] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 general information and capabilities." ::= { hprGroups 1 } hprAnrRoutingConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hprAnrsAssigned, hprAnrCounterState, hprAnrCounterStateTime, hprAnrType, hprAnrOutTgDest, hprAnrOutTgNum, hprAnrPacketsReceived, hprAnrCounterDisconTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing instrumentation for the node's ANR routing." ::= { hprGroups 2 } hprTransportUserConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hprNceType, hprNceDefault, hprNceInstanceId } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information on the users of the HPR transport known to the node." ::= { hprGroups 3 } hprRtpConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { hprRtpGlobeConnSetups, hprRtpGlobeCtrState, hprRtpGlobeCtrStateTime, hprRtpRemCpName, hprRtpRemNceId, hprRtpRemTcid, hprRtpPathSwitchTrigger, hprRtpRscv, hprRtpTopic, Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 33] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 hprRtpState, hprRtpUpTime, hprRtpLivenessTimer, hprRtpShortReqTimer, hprRtpPathSwTimer, hprRtpLivenessTimeouts, hprRtpShortReqTimeouts, hprRtpMaxSendRate, hprRtpMinSendRate, hprRtpCurSendRate, hprRtpSmRdTripDelay, hprRtpSendPackets, hprRtpRecvPackets, hprRtpSendBytes, hprRtpRecvBytes, hprRtpRetrPackets, hprRtpPacketsDiscarded, hprRtpDetectGaps, hprRtpRateReqSends, hprRtpOkErrPathSws, hprRtpBadErrPathSws, hprRtpOkOpPathSws, hprRtpBadOpPathSws, hprRtpCounterDisconTime, hprRtpStatusStartTime, hprRtpStatusEndTime, hprRtpStatusRemNceId, hprRtpStatusRemTcid, hprRtpStatusRemCpName, hprRtpStatusNewRscv, hprRtpStatusOldRscv, hprRtpStatusCause, hprRtpStatusLastAttemptResult } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing the instrumentation for RTP connection end points." Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 34] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 ::= { hprGroups 4 } -- end of conformance statement Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 35] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 6. Acknowledgments This MIB module is the product of the IETF SNA NAU MIB WG and the AIW APPN/HPR MIBs SIG. Thanks to Ray Bird, IBM Corporation; Jim Cobban, Nortel; and Laura Petrie, IBM Corporation, for their contributions and review. 7. References [1] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information for version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1902, January 1996. [2] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1903, January 1996. [3] SNMPv2 Working Group, Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Conformance Statements for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1904, January 1996. [4] Clouston, B., and B. Moore, "Definition of Managed Objects for APPN", Cisco Systems, IBM Corporation, November 1996. [5] IBM, APPN High Performance Routing Architecture Reference, SV40- 1018-00. [6] IBM, SNA/MS Formats, GC31-8302-00 Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 36] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 8. Security Considerations In most cases, MIBs are not themselves security risks; if SNMP security is operating as intended, the use of a MIB to view information about a system, or to change some parameter at the system, is a tool, not a threat. None of the read-only objects in the HPR MIB reports a password, user data, or anything else that is particularly sensitive. Some enterprises view their network configuration itself, as well as information about network usage and performance, as corporate assets; such enterprises may wish to restrict SNMP access to most of the objects in the MIB. One read-write object in the MIB can affect network operations: o hprRtpPathSwitchTrigger: Setting this object to 'switchPathNow' triggers an immediate path switch attempt. An HPR path switch does not itself disrupt the SNA sessions using the RTP connection undergoing the path switch. However, frequent path switches for many RTP connections can have an adverse impact on overall network performance. It is recommended that SNMP access to this object be restricted. Other read-write objects control the gathering of network management data; controlling access to these objects is less critical. 9. Authors' Addresses Bob Clouston Cisco Systems 7025 Kit Creek Road P.O. Box 14987 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1 919 472 2333 E-mail: Bob Moore IBM Corporation 800 Park Offices Drive CNMA/664 P.O. Box 12195 Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 37] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA Tel: 1 919 254 4436 E-mail: Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 38] Internet Draft SNANAU HPR MIB May 1997 10. Table of Contents 1. Status of this Memo .................................... 1 2. Introduction ........................................... 1 3. The SNMP Network Management Framework .................. 2 4. Overview ............................................... 2 4.1 HPR MIB structure ..................................... 4 5. Definitions ............................................ 6 6. Acknowledgments ........................................ 36 7. References ............................................. 36 8. Security Considerations ................................ 37 9. Author's Addresses ..................................... 37 Expires November 14, 1997 [Page 39]