draft X.400 image body parts Aug 96 Title Thu Aug 15 15:47:25 MET DST 1996 Harald Tveit Alvestrand UNINETT Harald.T.Alvestrand@uninett.no Status of this Memo This draft document is being circulated for comment. Please send comments to the author, or to the MIXER list . The following text is required by the Internet-draft rules: This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas, and its Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet Drafts. Internet Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months. Internet Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as a "working draft" or "work in progress." Please check the I-D abstract listing contained in each Internet Draft directory to learn the current status of this or any other Internet Draft. The file name of this version is draft-ietf-mixer-images-01.txt Alvestrand Expires Feb 97 [Page 1] draft X.400 image body parts Aug 96 1. Introduction This document contains the body parts defined in RFC 1495 for carrying image formats that were originally defined in MIME through an X.400 system. This document is an Experimental standard; if it turns out to be useful and widely deployed, it can be moved onto the standards track. It also documents the OIDs assigned to these data formats as FTAM body parts, which allow the MIME types to be converted to FTAM body parts; this will probably be more useful than the new body parts defined here. 2. Newly defined X.400 body parts 2.1. The JPEG body part The following Extended Body Part is defined for JPEG data streams. It has no parameters. jpeg-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE DATA OCTET STRING ::= mime-jpeg-body mime-jpeg-body OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mixer-bp-data 3 } The content is as defined in [MIME]. 2.2. The GIF body part The following Extended Body Part is defined for GIF data streams. It has no parameters. gif-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE DATA OCTET STRING ::= mime-gif-body Alvestrand Expires Feb 97 [Page 2] draft X.400 image body parts Aug 96 mime-gif-body OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mixer-bp-data 4 } The content is as defined in [MIME]. 3. Defined equivalences with MIME types 3.1. image/jpeg - jpeg-body-part X.400 Body Part: Extended Body Part, OID jpeg-body-part MIME Content-Type: image/jpeg Conversion: None 3.2. image/jpeg - FTAM EMA JPEG X.400 Body Part: FTAM EMA JPEG MIME Content-Type: image/jpeg Conversion: None The OID assigned to JPEG by EMA in [MAWG] is { ema objects(2) messaging (2) attachments(1) jpeg-image(6) } while EMA's OID is { joint-iso-ccitt(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) ema(113694) } making the total OID, numeric only { 2 16 840 1 113694 2 2 1 6 } 3.3. image/gif - gif-body-part X.400 Body Part: Extended Body Part, OID gif-body-part MIME Content-Type: image/gif Conversion: None Alvestrand Expires Feb 97 [Page 3] draft X.400 image body parts Aug 96 3.4. image/gif - FTAM EMA GIF X.400 Body Part: FTAM EMA GIF MIME Content-Type: image/jpeg Conversion: None The OID assigned to JPEG by EMA in [MAWG] is { ema objects(2) messaging (2) attachments(1) gif-image(4) } 4. Security considerations Security issues are not consiered in this memo. 5. REFERENCES [MIME] RFC 1521: N. Borenstein, N. Freed, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message Bodies", 09/23/1993 [MAWG] Electronic Messaging Association Message Attachment Working Group (MAWG): File Transfer Body Part Feasibility Project Guide - version 1.5.1 - March 1996 Alvestrand Expires Feb 97 [Page 4]