351 HP OpenMail 352 Lotus cc:Mail 353 Lotus Notes 354 Mail OnNet 355 Microsoft Mail 356 Novell GroupWise 357 Mosaic Browsers 358 Netscape 359 Microsoft Exchange Client 360 Windows 95 Explorer 361 Windows NT Explorer 501 KEYview 5.0 502 KEYview 503 5.0 504 FTPSoftware 505 KEYview 5.0 - 506 Setup 507 Integration 508 Maintenance 509 Installer 510 ERROR 511 Welcome 512 Setup Complete 513 Uninstall Complete 514 Initializing .... 515 Copying program files ... 516 Installation complete. 525 Indicate which applications you would like KEYview to integrate with 526 An older version of KEYview has been located on your system. \n\nContinuing with install will delete this version of KEYview. \n\nPress Yes to continue. 527 Complete Install \nDo a complete install over top of your previous install located in 528 Uninstall \nRemove KEYview. 529 Integrate \nIntegrate KEYview with other applications. 530 Setup has located KEYview on your system.\nSelect an option: 531 Removing Files ... 532 Updating Registry ... 533 Removing Groups ... 535 De-installing Integrations 536 Would you like to delete %s? This is a sharable DLL that may be used by other applications. Leaving this file will not harm your system. If you do not know what to do, we suggest you select 'NO'. 537 The viewer for %s documents has not been installed. Would you like to install it now? 538 Please insert the next disk, Disk 539 . If the files on this disk can be found in another location, for example, in another drive, enter its full path or click the Browse button to select its path. 540 Are you sure you want to completely remove KEYview? 541 Destination Path 542 Would you like to delete the QuickTime Player files? These are sharable DLL's that may be used by other applications. Leaving these files will not harm your system. If you do not know what to do, we suggest you select 'NO'. 544 Setup is updating the registry . . . 545 This format is not supported in the limited edition of KEYview that is included with this TCP/IP suite from FTP Software. \n \n 546 Call your FTP Software distributor to order a full copy of KEYview, the best Windows utility that views and converts over 100 file formats . . . from anywhere. 547 Setup is not complete. If you quit the Setup program now, the program will not be installed.\n\nIf you would like to continue installing the program, click YES. 548 *Windows 95 Explorer 549 *Microsoft Windows File Manager 550 Setup is complete. 551 KEYview will now display the README file. 552 KEYview Conversion Tool 553 KEYview ReadMe File 554 Some files could not be installed because they are currently in use by other programs in the system. 555 To allow for proper operation of the new program you should restart your system at this time. 556 Remove any disks from their drives, and then click Finish to Complete Setup. 557 Some files could not be removed because they are currently in use by the system. 558 To allow for proper clean up of this program you should restart your system at this time 559 Remove any disks from their drives, and then click Finish to Complete Setup. 700 Not enough memory to perform operation. 701 is write protected. Please toggle your write protect tag on your diskette and retry. 703 ERROR: 16 Bit KEYview is incompatible with your Operating System. Please Install 32 Bit KEYview.\n ERROR: 002 704 Decompress failed on %s, %s\n ERROR : 003 705 failed to create directory. 706 file not found in library. 707 incompatible compression. 708 not enough memory. 709 not enough free disk space. 710 cannot find input file. 711 cannot create output file. 712 invalid options. 713 target is read only. 714 Not a possible choice.\n ERROR: 004 715 Failed to create target directory.\n ERROR: 005 716 Failed to update registry\n ERROR: 006 717 Unable to create a directory under %s. Please check write access to this directory. 718 Unable to create lists\n ERROR: 008 719 Copy failed on %s \nERROR: 0009 720 General file transfer error.\n Please check your target location and try again.\n ERROR: 010 721 There is not enough space available on the disk %s \n Please free up some space or change the target\n location to a different disk.\nMinimum space required: %ld K.