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Open a Web Project

There are a number of ways to open 8Legs Web Studio projects.

One way is to open a project from the "Foghorn 8Legs Web Studio" window upon application startup.

1. If the 8Legs Web Studio is not running, start it now. The following window is displayed:

Click the "Close" button.

The following window should be displayed on your screen:


2. Choose the "Open an existing project" option on this window, and select the name of the project you want to open, then press the "OK" button. 8Legs opens the project you selected, and lists the project files in the "Project" view.


Another way to open a project, once the 8Legs Web Studio is open, is to select the "File" menu on the 8Legs main window.

1. Click the "File" menu on the 8Legs window.


2. Select one of the items in the "Recent Project Files" list. This list contains the names of the last four projects you opened in 8Legs. 8Legs opens the project you selected, and lists the project files in the "Project" view.

You can also open an 8Legs project from the toolbar on the 8Legs main window.

1. Click the "Open Project" button on the 8Legs toolbar.


2. 8Legs displays the Open Project window.


3. Double-click on the name of the project you want to open.

4. Select the name of the project file to open, and press the "Open" button. 8Legs opens the project you selected, and lists the project files in the "Project" view.

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