1 SV-283 V4fx Racing Wheel 2 << Error >> 3 << Device does not support Force Feedback >> 4 Acquired 5 Unacquired 6 << Default >> 7 Version 8 SV-281 fx Racing Wheel 9 Click to launch program for 10 profile database editing 11 Mode 1 12 Click to access Web Site 13 of InterAct Accessories Inc. 14 Mode 2 15 Virtual Device Driver 16 Press the button on the fx Racing Wheel that you want to test. 17 If the button lights up in the picture below, the button 18 is working correctly. 19 Axis Movement 20 Press the button on the V4fx Racing Wheel that you want to 21 test. If the button lights up in the picture below, the button 22 20Hz 23 Bump 24 is working correctly. 25 Change Road 26 Change 27 Road 28 Choppy Road 29 Diesel 30 Engine Idle 31 Engine 32 Idle 33 Pull Left 34 Pull 35 Left 36 Side Force 37 Side 38 Force 39 On Ice 40 On 41 Ice 42 Hard St 43 Hard 44 St 45 Hard Rg 46 Rg 47 Hard Turn 48 Turn 49 Inertia 50 Wheel Off 51 Wheel 52 Off 53 Mud 54 Mode Key 55 Mode 56 Key 57 Grasp your fx Racing Wheel and press a button to feel the force. 58 Grasp your V4fx Racing Wheel and press a button to feel the force. 59 Choppy 60 SV-281 fx Racing Wheel 61 Mode 3 62 SV-283 V4fx Racing Wheel 63 Mode 4 64 Software Version : 65 Driver Version : 66 Firmware Version : 67 Left Hand Side 68 Right Hand Side 69 Sawtooth (Right Motor) 70 Vibration + Sawtooth 71 Sawtooth (Left Motor) 72 Vibration (Left Motor) 73 Vibration + Sawtooth 74 Vibration (Right Motor) 78 InterAct fx Racing Wheel 79 InterAct V4Fx Racing Wheel 80 Battery Level 92 SV-281 fx Racing Wheel 93 SV-281 fx Racing Wheel Properties 94 SV-281 fx Racing Wheel 95 LOW 96 MED 97 HIGH 98 ENABLE 99 FORCE FEEDBACK 100 X axis 101 Y axis 102 Your gaming device is not connected correctly.\n\nEnsure that it is plugged into your computer. 103 Device connection error 104 Power is off on your device.\n\nPlease make sure the power supply is plugged in. 105 Button C 106 Button D 107 Button E 108 Button F 109 Button L1 110 Button L2 111 Button R1 112 Left Lever 113 Right Lever 114 Arrow Up 115 Arrow Down 116 Arrow Right 117 Arrow Left 118 Button Extra 119 Effect Error 120 20Hz not playing 121 Force Bump not playing 122 Force Bump not playing 123 Force Change Road not playing 124 Force Choppy Road not playing 125 Force Diesel not playing 126 Force Diesel not playing 127 Force Engine Idle not playing 128 Force pull left not playing 129 Force SideF not playing 130 Force On Ice not playing 131 Force Hard St not playing 132 Force Hard Rg not playing 133 Force Hard Turn not playing 134 Force Inertia not playing 135 Force Wheel Off not playing 136 Force Mud not playing 137 Enable Force Feedback 138 DISABLE 139 Button R2 140 Button A 141 Button B 142 ENTER 143 ESC 144 Y-Max. 145 Y-Min. 146 Graphics display of this program will have distortion if using 256 color or below. Click "Yes" to change to Hi-color (16 bit) mode and reboot system. 147 Control Panel 148 Pull Right 149 Right 150 Steer the Wheel to sense the force 151 Button G 152 Button H 153 Button O 154 Force Feedback is being disabled 155 Force Feedback Error 159 SV-262 HammerHead Fx 160 InterAct SV-285 161 InterAct SV-286 162 Effects Strength 163 Battery Level 164 InterAct/3dfx HammerHead Fx 165 InterAct/3dfx HammerHead Fx 166 Press the button that you want to test. 167 If the button lights up in the picture below, it is working 168 correctly. 170 Number of Axes: 171 Number of Buttons: 172 Number of POVs: 176 If your game controller is not functioning properly on the Test 177 To set Your controller's center position, leave its handle 178 centered, and then press a button on the controller. 179 To set your controller's range of motion, move its handle in 180 complete circles several times, and then press a button on the 181 the controller. 182 To confirm your controller's center position, leave its handle 183 To set the range of motion for throttle, move it all the way up 184 and all the way down several times, and then press a button 185 on the controller. 186 You have successfully calibrated your controller. To save 187 your controoler's calibration, click Finish. 188 Graphic display of this program will have distortion if using 256color or below. 213 Fails to locate proper Internet Browser 214 20Hz 215 Bump force 216 Choppy road 217 Diesel engine 218 Pull wheel to left 219 Pull wheel to right 220 Hard to go straight 221 Hard to turn wheel