Welcome to Silvermoon's Computers. Based out of Oak Harbor , Washington
the business was started in Jan of 1997. I started the business because of my long love of computers and seeing the prices of computers so high that most people couldn't get a quality product for a fair price. I started helping others get good deals on prices and helped them build their own systems to the capacity that they wanted it to be. They were able to learn how the computer worked and how to assemble and work on it for themselves. I feel this is a must for true computer intelligence. Now that prices are coming down and people are able to compete with the small time business owner like myself , I have decided to continue on with my own desire to create my own software along with still helping people on the side. The software I am producing will be shareware in the original stages until it is at a point I feel I need to finally place a total fee on it before it can be downloaded.

Please check out the following pages for more information and remember that Shareware is not Freeware