Dalesoft Systems










Welcome to Dalesoft Systems, one of the newest and most innovative sites on the web. Well maybe not really, but we're sure trying hard.

There's not a lot here right now, but we're working on it. As of yet, we only have one piece of software available online, DXF2CDF.

This application can be used to convert an AutoCAD DXF file into a Geographix CDF File. A CDF file is a columnar ASCII format, which can be easily transcribed to be brought into many other systems. DXF2CDF is currently only available for Windows95 and WindowsNT, please contact us for a Windows 3.x version.


To download DXF2CDF for Windows95/NT click here

If already have to VB4.0 runtimes click here to download dxf2cdf.exe

If you do not have Windows95 of WindowsNT please contact us for a Windows 3.1 Version

Comming soon...

  SegP1 Fixer: the easiest way to import non-standard formats in to standard software

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