Message Decoder was designed to give you the ability to decode any "message" you receive in oral or written form by finding "hidden messages". Numerology has been used for centuries to decode "hidden messages". Now, the power of that knowledge is finally at your fingertips. Message Decoder is using complex Numerological and Astrological calculations to uncover "hidden messages". Message Decoder is also based on the Egyptian Book of Dead and the Cabala. Message Decoder should be used by anyone and everyone who has an open mind and who is curious about the ancient art of decoding "hidden messages". DECODE - decode "hidden messages" via Numerological calculations. COPY - copy text from Message Decoder to any other application. PASTE - paste text from any other application to Message Decoder. HELP - help information. EXIT - will end the program and save all your data. Message Decoder is free only for registered users of Numerology Readers (Numerology Star Reader & Companion Reader). Message Decoder Copyright © 1998 Eugene Khmelevsky Inc. All rights reserved.