:Base rgb.hlp :Title RGB Editor for Windows 95/NT 1 Getting Started 2 Introduction=Introduction 2 Installing RGB Editor=Installing RGB Editor 2 Configuring RGB Editor=Configuring RGB Editor 2 RGB Editor Explorer Setup=RGB Editor Explorer Setup 2 Using RGB Editor=Using RGB Editor 1 Menus and Commands 2 File Menu=File Menu 2 Edit Menu=Edit Menu 2 View Menu=View Menu 2 Help Menu=Help Menu 2 Shortcut Keys=Shortcut Keys 1 Program Information 2 Comments and Upgrades=Comments and Upgrades 2 Release History=Release History 2 System Registry=System Registry 2 Removing RGB Editor=Removing RGB Editor 1 Software by Design 2 Web Site=Software by Design Web Site 2 BBS and Internet Operators=BBS and Internet Operators 1 Purchasing RGB Editor for Windows 95/NT 2 What is Shareware=What is Shareware 2 Registering RGB Editor for Windows 95/NT=Registering RGB Editor for Windows 95/NT 2 Purchasing Information=Purchasing Information 2 Shareware Order Form=Shareware Order Form 2 License Agreement=License Agreement