103 Show information about the selected font 133 Configure the application 134 Integrate FontShow with MS Windows Explorer 199 Exit the application and return to the Windows desktop 212 Insert Clipboard contents 299 Open the Clipboard 309 Reload the Font List 325 Display font character chart 330 Display True Type fonts 331 Display stock MS Windows fonts 332 Open the MS Windows Control Panel 333 Explore the MS Windows Font Folder 398 Minimize window to an icon 399 Make the application window topmost 901 Open the application help window 902 Search for a specific help topic 903 Display instructions for using Help 997 Visit the Software by Design web site 998 Register FontShow for Windows 95/NT 999 Display program information, version and copyright notice 1000 FontShow 1001 %s - FontShow 1002 FontShow for Windows 95/NT 1019 Version 2.7 1020 Font Viewer for Windows 95/NT 1021 © 1996-1998 Gregory Braun. All rights reserved. 1103 Properties 1133 Options 1212 Paste 1299 Clipboard 1309 Refresh 1325 Chart 1330 TrueType 1331 Stock 1399 Topmost 1901 Help 1999 About 5000 Register FontShow for Windows 95/NT 5001 Software registration was successfully completed. Thank you for registering FontShow for Windows Your name and organization will now be listed as the registered user in the program splash box. 5002 An invalid software registration number was detected. Please re-enter the registration number provided.