Windows 95/98: Multimedia and Graphics Tools: Graphics Tools: Graphics Palette and Compression Tools

Windows 95/98 Graphics Palette and Compression Tools

Click Here for FREE Download GifClean32
Version 2.5 Getit! No Registration Required
13-May-98 365K Win 95/98/NT Freeware Never Expires Install & Uninstall
5 min at 14.4K 2 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
Now even better! Remembers your settings and restores them next time you use GifClean! Cleans comments and extraneous data from your Gif File! Smaller files download FASTER!
Published by Martin Haring GifClean32 Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download RGBMIX
Version 0.1   No Registration Required
11-May-98 133K Win 95 Freeware Never Expires No Install
2 min at 14.4K 1 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
RGB Color Mixer & Color Code Calculator.
Published by Jose Manuel Fernandez No Home Page Available

Click Here for FREE Download CyberView Image
Version 2.01   Online Registration Not Yet Available
14-Apr-98 993K Win 95/98/NT Demo
Expiration Unknown Install & Uninstall
12 min at 14.4K 6 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
Interactive, dynamic JPEG compressor and optimizer. Side by side preview of source, full color JPEG and 8-bit simulation of JPEG. Stand alone application and plug-in for Photoshop. Universal hook-up for ANY image editor. Several compression controls, flexible interface, powerful image navigation controls. It is relay fun to use. The easiest and the most productive way to optimize JPEG images!
Published by CyberView Corporation CyberView Image Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download HVS ColorGIF
Version 2.007   Online Registration Not Yet Available
27-Feb-98 227K Win 95/NT Demo
Expires after 30 Days No Install
3 min at 14.4K 1 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
A plugin for Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and compatible programs which produces highly optimized, compact GIFs using the HVS algorithm. It allows advanced control of color tables, transparency, dithering, gamma and thresholding.
Published by Digital Frontiers HVS ColorGIF Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download HVS JPEG
Version 2.016   Online Registration Not Yet Available
27-Feb-98 319K Win 95/NT Demo
Expires after 30 Days No Install
4 min at 14.4K 2 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
A plugin for Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and other programs which creates high quality JPEGs typically 45% smaller than Photoshop-standard JPEGs.
Published by Digital Frontiers HVS JPEG Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download BitmapShrinker
Version 1.0   Online Registration Not Yet Available
21-Jan-98 774K Win 95/98 Shareware
Expires after 30 Days Install & Uninstall
10 min at 14.4K 5 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
Mainly a tool for authors of web-pages and help-files. It can shrink and enlarge graphics. It tries to choose the best fitting colors for the pixels in the resulting graphic to avoid disturbing stair and block-effects. The method is often called anti-aliasing or bilinear interpolation. Supports special 216 color palette and others! Perfect for editing screen-shots!
Published by Peter Beyersdorf BitmapShrinker Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download CurrentPalette
Version 1.0   No Registration Required
21-Jan-98 146K Win 95/98 Freeware Never Expires No Install
2 min at 14.4K 1 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
Displays the palette realized by Windows on 256-color systems. It is very useful for programmers creating applications that make use of color palettes. The palette-index and the RGB-color-values of the pixel under the mouse-cursor are displayed continuously. CurrentPalette is also able to make pixels of a specified color flash and to count them. Requires 256 color display driver!
Published by Peter Beyersdorf CurrentPalette Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download EZPalette
Version 1.0   No Registration Required
16-Sep-97 11K Win 95/98/NT Freeware Never Expires No Install
<1 min at 14.4K <1 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
A really easy-to-use palette editor for 256 color VGA modes (13h, mode X), especially useful for games artwork. Requires the VB 4.0 Runtimes.
Published by Michael Lam EZPalette Home Page

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