Windows 95/98: Games: Text Role Playing Games

Windows 95/98 Text Role Playing Games

Click Here for FREE Download Virtua School
Version 1.22   No Registration Required
14-May-98 96K Win 95/98 Freeware Never Expires No Install
1 min at 14.4K 1 min at 28.8K <1 min at ISDN 128K
This is a hilarious text-based game! You are a guy who is the "new kid" in school and try to establish a good reputation. Funny and twisted scenarios await! Executable version AND source code included.
Published by Dana LoDico and Josh Noe Virtua School Home Page

Click Here for FREE Download Losing Your Grip
Version 3.0   Online Registration Not Yet Available
15-Feb-98 561K Win 95/98/NT Shareware
Expiration Unknown No Install
7 min at 14.4K 4 min at 28.8K 1 min at ISDN 128K
A text adventure in the grand tradition of Infocom's. In it you journey through your mind, facing your past and your fears.
Published by Stephen Granade Losing Your Grip Home Page

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