1 Invalid argument 2 RDOCURS.DLL Internal Consistency Error 3 File system error 4 Record is out of range 5 Insufficient disk space 6 Cannot update a read-only cursor 7 Numeric overflow 8 Insufficient memory 9 Data type mismatch 10 Connection missing or invalid 11 No update tables are specified 12 No key columns are specified for the update table 13 Key used in update is not unique 14 Invalid SQL SELECT statement 15 Invalid type conversion for output parameters 16 Connectivity error 17 Invalid type conversion 18 Connection is busy 19 Table buffer contains uncommitted changes 20 Cannot perform update with an empty row 21 Field does not accept null values 22 Update conflict 23 Update conflict - Partial commit 24 Too many columns 25 No primary key 26 Object is open 27 Object is not open 28 Item not found in collection 29 Invalid cursor position 30 Invalid operation on a deleted row 31 Property is read-only 32 Invalid lock type 33 Parameter object has already been added to a command object. 34 The original values for this column have not been fetched. 35 Unable to determine default update properties. 36 Operation invalid for current edit state. 37 Illegal Operation for non blob data. 38 The current row has been deleted from the remote database. 39 One of the modified columns has no source table defined. 40 Assigned data exceeds defined column size. 65534 The KeyColumn specified is not unique. 65535 This Database connot detect conflicts on batch updates.