'The Next Tool' for Windows(R) 95 - V1.91 (c) 1995-97 Christian Hagenah & Joerg Schliesser (All rights reserved) 'The Next Tool' in brief: - Archive Management: ZIP, RAR, LHA, ARJ, TAR, GZIP and TGZ archives can be treated like normal directories, including long filenames, without external programs. - Disk Management: Formatting, Copying and Disk Images including 1680 KB (DMF formats). - File Management and Tools: - Virtual desktops for Windows(R) 95. - Command Line for the easy start of programs. - Powerful file commands with lots of features and real multi- threading: copy, delete, rename, find, text editor, multi-file hex-editor etc. Of course, everything also available in archives! - Shell Functions: - Integrated in the taskbar and/or with an own application bar. - 'Commander' compatible window placement, as desired, and controllable by means of the usual keyboard shortcuts. - Operation through drag-and-drop and pop-up menus. - User-defined windows, commands, menus etc. - In Addition: - Also runs under Windows(R) NT 4.0 - Quickview extension for ZIP, RAR, LHA and ARJ. - Self-Extracting archives ( as freeware) for ZIP, RAR, LHA and ARJ. For a complete description of the functionality of 'The Next Tool', please refer to the online documentation 'TNTWIN.HLP'. Further Contents of this File: I. ...... Purchasing a User License and a Registration Code II. ..... Installing the Software III. .... Updating a Version that was Previously Installed I. Purchasing a User License and a Registration Code The software 'The Next Tool' for Windows(R) 95 is shareware. That means you can try out the software for 45 days free of charge. If you want to use the software after the 45 day evaluation period, you have to purchase a registered user license. If you purchase the license, you will get a personal registration code to register the software and the right to use the software permanently. If you use a version of the software that is not registered, a shareware reminder will appear about 10 days after the software was installed. After 45 days the reminder screen will temporarily block the use of the program and you can remove the reminder screen without quitting the program only after an increasing period of time. Distributing the unregistered version of the software is allowed, as far as none of the guidelines that are named in the file 'LICENSE.TXT' are violated. For detailed information about the license agreement that is the basis for the use of the software, refer to the file 'LICENSE.TXT'. You can obtain a registered user license for 'The Next Tool' and your personal registration code for 49 US$. For further information about how to order refer to our order wizard 'ORDER.EXE'. To run the order wizard, simply press the 'Order' button in the 'Info about T.N.T.' dialog box. To open the 'Info about T.N.T.' dialog box, press the button or the icon of 'The Next Tool' in the taskbar with the right mouse button and choose 'Info about T.N.T.' from the main menu. If you have access to CompuServe(R), you can also register by GO 'SWREG' with RegNo. 8298. In case of further questions or comments contact: Mail: Joerg Schliesser Software Development Rotenwaldstr. 41 A Stuttgart, 70197 Germany Fax: +49 - 711 - 65 99 556 WWW: http://www.schliesser.de E-mail: support@schliesser.de FIDO: Christian Hagenah@2:2487/3002.3 You can get information about new releases of the software 'The Next Tool' online at the following locations (information is subject to alteration): WWW: http://www.schliesser.de NEXUS BBS: +49 - 511 - 95 088 97 (28800 Baud and ISDN) Login: tnt95eng Password: guest FIDO-Request: 2:2437/38 (28800 Baud & ISDN) Magic: TNT95ENG II. Installing the Software To install the software 'The Next Tool' for Windows(R) 95, open the file 'SETUP.EXE' in the directory in which the files of the program are located. SETUP will guide you through the install process by means of a wizard. Depending on the way in which you received the software (on a floppy disk, in a directory on a CD-ROM or in a self- extracting archive) there are the following possibilities to execute 'SETUP.EXE': - Installing by using the start menu... Insert the floppy disk or the CD-ROM on which the T.N.T. files are located in the corresponding drive and choose 'Run' from the Windows(R) start menu. Afterwards you can enter the path of the file 'SETUP.EXE' in the 'Open' edit control of the 'Run' dialog box. For instance, if the file is on a floppy disk in drive 'A:', you would enter: A:\SETUP.EXE Then press the 'OK' button in the 'Run' dialog box. (Note: If the file is in a directory on a CD-ROM, enter the corresponding path.) - Installing out of a self-extracting archive... If you received T.N.T. in the form of the self-extracting archive 'TNTWIN95.EXE' (for instance, by downloading the file with your modem), proceed as described above to open the self-extracting archive by means of the 'Run' option of the Windows(R) start menu. For instance, if the archive is in the 'DOWNLOAD' directory on drive 'C:' is, enter C:\DOWNLOAD\TNTWIN95.EXE and press the 'OK' button in the 'Run' dialog box. Then a dialog named 'The Next Tool - Self-Extracting Archive' appears in which you can enter the target directory for the extraction of the files. As soon as all files are extracted you can run 'SETUP.EXE' directly. III. Updating a Version that was Previously Installed To update a version of the software 'The Next Tool' for Windows(R) 95 that was previously installed, run the install wizard 'SETUP.EXE' of the new version as described above. When overwriting an old version, you have the chance to keep your old configuration files 'TNTWIN.INI' and 'TNTWIN.ICS', so your personal settings will not be lost. Anyway, please use 'SETUP.EXE' to update the software, so that entries in the registry and other system parameters can be updated and all improvements and extensions of the new versions become effective.