===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+=== Copyto Ver 2.0 Jun 1,1998 Copyright(c) 1996-1998 kish designs.All Rights Reserved kish(kish@cool.email.ne.jp) Download the Latest Version at http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~bd7k-isi/ ===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+=== About Copyto for Windows95/NT4.0 --------------------------------- An Explorer Add-on that adds a menu "Copy to..." to copy, move, delete, update, synchronize files in two folders. There is a briefcase-like function that can synchronize files in two folders with file-type filtering and the exclusion of specified folders. Display the "Preview window" before execution. You can select or deselect files,and change copy direction on the window by right-mouse click. You can run Copyto.exe at the DOS prompt or created shortcut link with command line options. This version is thorough improvement on the "Preview window". - You can run Copyto.exe at the DOS prompt or created shortcut link with command line options. - Batch operation by using MS-DOS batch file. - Supports UNC paths. Copyto is "Shareware". This means that we have made the software available to you for free evaluation. You are entitled to evaluate the software for up to 30 days without obligation to pay. After 30 days,if you decide to keep the software, you must register your copy with us for a small fee. Download the Latest Version at http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~bd7k-isi/ Changes to Ver 2.0 --------------------------------- - Thorough improvement in the Preview window. - Change Copy Direction in the Preview window. - Added a Apply button in main windows. - Exclude Inaccessible files. - Move old files to Recycle Bin on replace. - Display Warning about Not enough space on the disk. - Display "Nothing to do" dialog. - Logging to file. - View logfile when finished. - Play sound when finished and displayed the Preview window. - etc. Install & Uninstall ----------------- Archive Contents cptsetup.exe Copyto setup program file copyto.exe Copyto program file copyto.hlp Copyto help file copyto.cnt Copyto help contents file cptoshex.inf Setup information file cptoshex.dll Copyto shell extension DLL readme.txt Readme file - Install The distributed file of Copyto is distributed as a self-extracting ZIP file. To install it, run the self-extracting ZIP file. - Uninstall Use the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs item. Select the Copyto item (listed as "Copyto (Remove Only)") and click the Add/Remove button. - Upgrade Instructions Follow the installation instructions above. Environment ----------------- Windows 95 and Windows NT4.0(Service Pack2) I confirmed the main features work fine with US and Japanese version. ===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+=== Copyright(c) 1996-1998 kish designs. All Rights Reserved