CBM 94-7 Psychosocial Aspects of AIDS January 1992 through May 1994 1275 Citations Prepared by Peggie S. Tillman, Ph.D., M.L.S., National Library of Medicine Edward R. Turner, M.S.W., National Institute of Mental Health U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 1994 National Library of Medicine Cataloging in Publication Tillman, Peggie S. Psychosocial aspects of AIDS : January 1992 through May 1994 : 1275 citations / prepared by Peggie S. Tillman, Edward R. Turner. -- Bethesda, Md. (8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda 20894) : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Reference Section; Pittsburgh, PA : Sold by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1994. -- (Current bibliographies in medicine ; 94-7) Available from NLM at no cost though Internet FTP. 1. HIV Infections - psychology - bibliography 2. HIV Seropositivity - psychology - bibliography 3. AIDS Serodiagnosis - psychology - bibliography I. Turner, Edward R. II. National Library of Medicine (U.S.). Reference Section III. Title IV. Series 02NLM: ZW 1 N272 no.94-7 SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine's Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINE, AVLINE, BIOETHICSLINE, CANCERLIT, CATLINE, HEALTH, POPLINE and TOXLINE. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: Karen Patrias, Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 Phone: 301-496-6097 Fax: 301-402-1384 Internet: patrias@nlm.nih.gov Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. To order the entire CBM series for calendar year 1994 (approximately 10 bibliographies), send $60.00 ($75.00 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM94. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($8.50, $10.63 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title, CBM number, and the GPO List ID given above. Internet Access: The Current Bibliographies in Medicine series is also available at no cost to anyone with Internet access through FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP to nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov and login as anonymous. The index file in the "bibs" directory provides information on the bibliographies available. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through September 30, 1994. PSYCHOSOCIAL ASPECTS OF AIDS The Centers for Disease Control estimates that there are approximately 800,000 cases of HIV positive individuals, with 40,000 new cases each year. These estimates are considered to be conservative because of the difficulty in identifying new cases. While it was originally thought that the disease was confined to particular groups, it is now believed that HIV is affecting all segments of the population with heterosexual partners, intravenous drug users, and ethnic minorities being most at risk. For example, in 1991 the reported number of deaths from AIDS (HIV) per 100,000 population was 29 percent for Black, 17 percent for Hispanic, and 9 percent for White individuals. The greatest toll of this epidemic has been in the age group of 25-44 years of age, with the expectation that mortality for this group will increase substantially over the next decade. Intensive education and information programs are being directed at this most vulnerable population. As our knowledge of the AIDS (HIV) increases, we are required to abandon myths and previous stereotypes, and to view this epidemic with more sophistication as we confront our concerns and anxieties. As this epidemic touches the lives of more and more individuals, a range of factors must be addressed together, including workplace issues, stress related to the disease for individuals and their families, and the many unanswered questions about etiology and treatment. The need to identify and promote behaviors and attitudes that motivate individuals toward personal well-being and preventive measures has been recognized. The literature is replete with often conflicting information on many issues of importance to the still growing professional community interested in this disease. This bibliography contains literature published between January 1992 through May 1994. The 1275 citations include journal articles, monographs, book chapters, audiovisuals, and the meeting abstracts from the International Conferences on AIDS. The gargantuan body of AIDS (HIV) literature dictated that it be selective. This bibliography is divided into ten sections: adjustment, at risk populations, diagnosis, ethical and policy issues, knowledge and attitudes, legal issues, occupational stress, psychological stress, social support, and treatment and counseling. Citations are arranged in alphabetical order by author, and are listed in only one category. SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM's MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = HIV INFECTIONS/DI OR AIDS SERODIAGNOSIS OR HIV SEROPOSITIVITY OR AIDS/DI SS 2 = EXP ATTITUDE OR EXP ADAPTATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL OR EXP DEFENSE MECHANISMS OR EXP EMOTIONS OR EXP PERSONALITY OR EXP PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL SS 3 = EXP F3.126 OR EXP F3.709.597 OR EXP MENTAL DISORDERS SS 4 = 1 AND 2 OR 1 AND 3 SS 5 = HIV INFECTIONS/PX OR HIV SEROPOSITIVITY/PX OR AIDS SERODIAGNOSIS/PX SS 6 = AIDS/DI AND AIDS/PX SS 7 = 5 OR 6 SS 8 = 4 OR 7 SS 9 = 8 AND 94 (YR) OR 8 AND 93 (YR) OR 8 AND 92 (YR) GRATEFUL MED To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 or a Macintosh, and requires a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicus*. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (:) may appear within an author's name or article title. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Journal Article: Authors Article Title Brown LK, DeMaio DM. The impact of secrets in hemophilia and HIV disorders. J Psychosoc Oncol 1992;10(3):91-101. Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Authors/Editors Title Fee E, Fox DM, editors. AIDS: the making of a chronic disease. Berkley: University of California Press; 1992. 430 p. Place of Publisher Date Total No. Publication of Pages _________________________________ *For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication: Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB91-182030. TABLE OF CONTENTS Adjustment At Risk Populations Diagnosis Ethical and Policy Issues Knowledge and Attitudes Legal Issues Occupational Stress Psychological Stress Social Support Treatment and Counseling ADJUSTMENT Amberg MA, Wiewora RJ, Rosado H. Antidepressant use and CD4 levels. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):898 (abstract no. PO-D22-4085). Andreetto U, de Bertolini C, Lazzaretto M, Baldo M, Pantano M, Pellegrino L, Salmaso L, Rupolo GP. Heterosexual couples with one seropositive partner: relational dynamics. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):154 (abstract no. PuC 8008). Ashok S. Subjective well being of patients with dementia and HIV infection--comparative study. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):879 (abstract no. PO-D20-3967). Atkinson H, Patterson T, Heaton R, Whitehall W, Chandler J, Grant I. Psychologic subgroups in HIV: correlates and interventions. HNRC Group. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):900 (abstract no. PO-D22-4097). Baitwababo CM. Living positively as a PWA educator. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):201 (abstract no. PuD 9013). Barksdale A, Morrow J Jr, Ragsdale D, Kotarba J. Coping styles used by HIV+ persons with Kaposi's sarcoma. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):879 (abstract no. PO-D20-3968). Barroso J. A nursing study of survival with HIV disease. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):156 (abstract no. PuC 8018). Beerlage I, Kleiber D, Beckmann H, Bouchoucha G. HIV-infected intravenous drug users (IVDU): coping processes, coping effects and courses of care. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):821 (abstract no. PO-D08-3618). Beerlage I, Kleiber D, Beckmann H, Bouchoucha G. Patterns of needs and help seeking of HIV-infected i.v. drug users (IVDU) in different living situations. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):B154 (abstract no. PoB 3404). Beevor AS, Catalan J. Women's experience of HIV testing: the views of HIV positive and HIV negative women. AIDS Care 1993;5(2):177-86. Beevor AS, Catalan J, Barton S, Gazzard B. Psychosocial aspects of HIV in women: controlled investigation. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):54 (abstract no. PuB 7031). Belvaeva V, Ruchkina E, Pokrovsky VV. Suicidal behavior and its prevention in HIV/AIDS clinic after receiving the test results. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):54 (abstract no. PuB 7034). Belyaeva VV, Routchkina YV, Pokrovsky VV. Psychosocial care for HIV-infected individuals in Russia. AIDS Care 1993;5(2):243-6. Bodnar S, Sharp V. God, culture and psychoanalysis: a therapeutic strategy with HIV+ substance abusers. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(1):524 (abstract no. PO-B35-2331). Boissonnas A, Madariaga E, Verdier D, Christoforov B, Cremer GA. [Pregnant seropositive drug addicts]. Presse Med 1992 Jun 27;21(24):1123-6. (Fre). Bornstein RA, Pace P, Rosenberger P, Nasrallah HA, Para MF, Whitacre CC, Fass RJ. Depression and neuropsychological performance in asymptomatic HIV infection. Am J Psychiatry 1993 Jun;150(6):922-7. Boucher N, Torossian V, Dumaret AC. Communication within families of HIV-infected women and their environment. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):D387 (abstract no. PoD 5000). Brener N, Douzenis A, Catalan J. The psychopathology of those referred to a HIV liaison psychiatric service. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):59 (abstract no. PuB 7061). Brettle RP, Richardson AM, Burns SM, Fielding K, Leen CL. Survival analysis by gender and risk group for HIV in Edinburgh. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(1):Mo18 (abstract no. MoC 0066). Brown GR, Rundell JR. A prospective study of psychiatric aspects of early HIV disease in women. Gen Hosp Psychiatry 1993 May;15(3):139-47. Brown LK, DeMaio DM. The impact of secrets in hemophilia and HIV disorders. J Psychosoc Oncol 1992;10(3):91-101. Brown LK, Spirito A, Reynolds LA, Hemstreet A. Adolescent coping behavior when confronted with a friend with AIDS. J Adolesc 1992 Dec;15(4):467-77. Bungener C, Kosmadakis CS, Jouvent R, Widlocher D. Emotional and psychopathological disturbances in HIV-infection. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry 1993 Nov;17(6):927-37. Burack JH, Barrett DC, Stall RD, Chesney MA, Ekstrand ML, Coates TJ. Depressive symptoms and CD4 lymphocyte decline among HIV-infected men. JAMA 1993 Dec 1;270(21):2568-73. Comment in: JAMA 1993 Dec 1;270(21):2609-10. Burgess A, Dayer M, Catalan J, Hawkins D, Gazzard B. The reliability and validity of two HIV-specific health-related Quality-of-Life measures: a preliminary analysis. AIDS 1993 Jul;7(7):1001-8. Butz AM, Hutton N, Joyner M, Vogelhut J, Greenberg-Friedman D, Schreibeis D, Anderson JR. HIV-infected women and infants. Social and health factors impeding utilization of health care. J Nurse Midwifery 1993 Mar-Apr;38(2):103-9. Carmack BJ. Balancing engagement/detachment in AIDS-related multiple losses. Image J Nurs Sch 1992 Spring;24(1):9-14. Carson VB, Green H. Spiritual well-being: a predictor of hardiness in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. J Prof Nurs 1992 Jul-Aug;8(4):209-20. Catalan J, Klimes I, Day A, Garrod A, Bond A, Elcombe S. Factors associated with psychiatric morbidity in HIV infection. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):B218 (abstract no. PoB 3767). Catalan J, Klimes I, Day A, Garrod A, Bond A, Gallwey J. The psychosocial impact of HIV infection in gay men. A controlled investigation and factors associated with psychiatric morbidity. Br J Psychiatry 1992 Dec;161:774-8. Comment in: Br J Psychiatry 1993 Apr;162:570-1. Catania JA, Turner HA, Choi KH, Coates TJ. Coping with death anxiety: help-seeking and social support among gay men with various HIV diagnoses. AIDS 1992 Sep;6(9):999-1005. Comment in: AIDS 1992 Sep;6(9):1037-8. Cavalcante DF. The psychosocial relationships between the HIV-infected subjects and their families. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):65 (abstract no. PuB 7098). Chevallier E, Kaddar M, Bechu N. Socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS and family responses in developing countries. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):D387 (abstract no. PoD 5001). Chiswick A, Egan V, Brettle RP, Goodwin GM. The Edinburgh cohort of HIV positive drug users: who are they and who cares for them? AIDS Care 1992;4(4):421-4. Chung JY, Magraw MM. A group approach to psychosocial issues faced by HIV-positive women. Hosp Community Psychiatry 1992 Sep;43(9):891-4. Dal Canto MC. Clinico-pathological and pathogenetic aspects of CNS HIV infection in children. Minerva Pediatr 1992 Oct;44(10 Suppl 1):155-72. Darko DF, McCutchan JA, Kripke DF, Gillin JC, Golshan S. Fatigue, sleep disturbance, disability, and indices of progression of HIV infection. Am J Psychiatry 1992 Apr;149(4):514-20. David L, Wong-Rieger D. A process for individual and group self-empowerment. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):B155 (abstract no. PoB 3409). De Ferrari E, Gegor CL, Summers L, Paine LL, Anderson JR. Nurse-midwifery management of women with human immunodeficiency virus disease. J Nurse Midwifery 1993 Mar-Apr;38(2):86-96. Dean L, Gallaher P. Does premorbid mental health, coping style or perceived social support predict survival in HIV positive gay men? Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):902 (abstract no. PO-D22-4108). Donini S, Mirandola M, Galvan U, Serpelloni G, Kozina G. Relationship between psychological adaptation and social network in HIV+ patients. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):B224 (abstract no. PoB 3801). Doob PR, MacFadden DK. The impact of peptide T on HIV-related fatigue and health-related quality of life. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):73 (abstract no. PuB 7149). Dupeyroux S, Plotkin S. Dessine-moi un mouton: an organization to help HIV-infected children and their families. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):D387 (abstract no. PoD 5005). Dupras A, Morisset R. [The sexual needs of homosexual HIV seropositive men]. Sante Ment Que 1992 Spring;17(1):195-216. (Fre). Edinger M, Junker M, Knoll C, Reisbeck G, Keupp H. Social networks of gay men in the era of AIDS. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):900 (abstract no. PO-D22-4094). Ehrhardt AA, Meyer-Bahlburg HF, Exner TM, Dolezal CL, Gruen RS, Yingling S, el-Sadr W, Sorrell S, Gorman JM. Impact of HIV+ serostatus on sexual risk behaviors in IVDU women. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):D473 (abstract no. PoD 5516). Eich D, Feer T, Opravil M, Luthy R. Well-being correlates with life events in a cohort of HIV-positive individuals. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(1):525 (abstract no. PO-B35-2339). Faed J. HIV and AIDS--a Christian response. Christ Nurse Int 1993;9(1):8-10. Fanning MM, Emmott S, Iron K, Sherrett H. Evaluation of a quality of life instrument for HIV/AIDS. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):B180 (abstract no. PoB 3563). Firn S. Facing the challenge. Responding to HIV. Mental health. Nurs Times 1992 Sep 9-15;88(37):60-2. Flaskerud JH. Psychosocial and neuropsychiatric care. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am 1992 Sep;4(3):411-20. Florijn YC. Physical activity as a therapeutic measure for HIV-infected persons. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):B224 (abstract no. PoB 3800). Freeman E, Flinders R, Ruppenthal B. Symptom reduction in persons with HIV infection after participation in an attention training program. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):80 (abstract no. PuB 7190). Fukanoki T. [Quality of life studies in nursing science (2). The concept and scale of QOL in nursing science]. Kango Kenkyu 1992 May-Jun;25(3):265-70. (Jpn). Gala C, Pergami A, Catalan J, Burgess A, Zanello D, Invernizzi G. Vulnerability to psychiatric distress in individuals with HIV disease. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):897 (abstract no. PO-D22-4077). Gala C, Pergami A, Catalan J, Durbano F, Musicco M, Riccio M, Baldeweg T, Invernizzi G. The psychosocial impact of HIV infection in gay men, drug users and heterosexuals. Controlled investigation. Br J Psychiatry 1993 Nov;163:651-9. Gala C, Pergami A, Catalan J, Riccio M, Durbano F, Zanello D, Musicco M, Invernizzi G. Factors associated with psychological help-seeking in HIV disease. J Psychosom Res 1992 Oct;36(7):667-76. Gallo-Silver L, Raveis VH, Moynihan RT. Psychosocial issues in adults with transfusion-related HIV infection and their families. Soc Work Health Care 1993;18(2):63-74. Gaskins S, Brown K. Psychosocial responses among individuals with human immunodeficiency virus infection. Appl Nurs Res 1992 Aug;5(3):111-21. Gentili P, Benedetto A, Corlito A, Del Maestro A, Martini F, Narciso P, Schito S, Zaniratti S. Multifactorial longitudinal and cross analysis of clinical and psychological parameters in HIV+ subjects submitted to a clinical and psychological treatment. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):82 (abstract no. PuB 7201). George JK. Social and emotional problems of the HIV infected. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):953 (abstract no. PO-D38-4415). Gloersen B, Kendall J, Gray P, McConnell S Turner J, Lewkowicz JW. The phenomena of doing well in people with AIDS. West J Nurs Res 1993 Feb;15(1):44-54. Gochros HL. The sexuality of gay men with HIV infection. Soc Work 1992 Mar;37(2):105-9. Goggin M. Coping styles and psychosocial adjustment of HIV positive young gay men. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):878 (abstract no. 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Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(1):524 (abstract no. PO-B35-2336). Hamel MA, Edgar L, Darsigny R, Lamping DL. [Psychosocial intervention for persons infected with HIV]. Sante Ment Que 1992 Spring;17(1):131-43. (Fre). Hankins C, Gendron S, Lamping D, Lapointe N, Kielo J, Gauthier S. Does an HIV positive test result improve a woman's sex life? Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):880 (abstract no. PO-D20-3974). Hansen S, Norlin M, Bjorvell H. [HIV-patients self-evaluated health and functional status. Basis for individually-adapted nursing care planning]. Vard Nord Utveckl Forsk 1993 Summer;13(2):8-10. (Swe). Hays RD, Shapiro MF. An overview of generic health-related quality of life measures for HIV research. Qual Life Res 1992 Apr;1(2):91-7. Hecht F, Wachter R, Heller K, Chesney M. Predictors of failure to receive early intervention for HIV. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(1):120 (abstract no. WS-D17-1). Hedge B, Slaughter J, Flynn R, Green J. Coping with HIV disease: successful attributes and strategies. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(1):417 (abstract no. PO-B16-1691). Hooper SR, Whitt JK, Tennison M, Burchinal M, Gold S, Hall C. Behavioral adaptation to human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive status in children and adolescents with hemophilia. Am J Dis Child 1993 May;147(5):541-5. Huang A, Djulbegovic B, Vaughn D. A comparison of two different instruments for the measurement of the quality of life in homosexual men with HIV infection. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):B181 (abstract no. PoB 3566). Huesler P. Psychotherapy with HIV infected homosexuals. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(3):91 (abstract no. PuB 7257). Huffman MD. Living positively with HIV. Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 Jan;50(1):60, 62-3. Humpel H. We're still here! Workshop for men living long-term with HIV. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):881 (abstract no. PO-D20-3983). Hunter J. Mental health aspects of HIV infection. Can Fam Physician 1993 Jun;39:1415-8, 1421-4. Jones S, Power R. Coping strategies and risk behaviour amongst drug injectors not in contact with drug treatment agencies. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):821 (abstract no. PO-D08-3622). Joseph JG, Eshleman S, Lackner J, Chmiel J. Psychological functioning across the course of HIV-I illness and AIDS diagnosis: a 6 year longitudinal study. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):886 (abstract no. PO-D20-4009). Katoff L, Rabkin J, Remien R. Coping in long-term survivors. A follow study. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):C379 (abstract no. PoC 4819). Katz MH, Bindman AB, Komaromy MS. Coping with HIV infection: why people delay care. Ann Intern Med 1992 Nov 1;117(9):797. Kelly P, Holman S, Ehrlich I, Driscoll B, Chirgwin K, DeHovitz J. Quality of life measurement in HIV positive women. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(1):513 (abstract no. PO-B32-2266). Kendall J. Promoting wellness in HIV-support groups. J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care 1992 Jan-Mar;3(1):28-38. Khan MA. 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Kruse P, Vogt-Hillmann M, Holzhuter H, Raeithel A, Stadler M. Psychotherapy with HIV- and AIDS-patients: psychic and somatic changes. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(1):524 (abstract no. PO-B35-2334). Krynen P, Bandiho E, Walter E, Rionde J. Testing of 103 social workers in high prevalence area: a strategy for hope. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):C380 (abstract no. PoC 4822). Laifer G, Ruettimann S, Langewitz W, Maurer P, Kiss A. Frequent use of alternative therapies and higher subjective benefit compared to traditional medicine in HIV-infected patients. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):B152 (abstract no. PoB 3395). Lambiase L, Gastaldi S, Portoni M, Pozzi G, Bottura P, Suter F. Psychological impact and adaptive processes of HIV+ patients meeting therapeutic institutions. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):884 (abstract no. PO-D20-3997). Lamping DL. Measuring quality of life in HIV infection: validation of the SF-36 short-form health survey. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):780 (abstract no. PO-C35-3377). Lamping DL, Abrahamowicz M, Gilmore N, Edgar L. A randomized, controlled trial to evaluate a psychosocial intervention to improve quality of life in HIV infection. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):777 (abstract no. PO-C34-3358). Lang C. HIV and quality of life: a rehabilitation perspective. Health Visit 1993 Dec;66(12):445-6. Leiberich P, Schumacher K, Rubbert A, Schwab J, Olbrich E, Kalden JR. Low distress and high life quality in HIV positives correlate with flexible coping. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(1):120 (abstract no. WS-D17-2). Levy A, Abelhauser A, Boue F, Goujard C, Delfraissy JF, Dormont J. Social exclusion and patients' secrecy about HIV seropositivity. Int Conf AIDS 1993 Jun 6-11;9(2):887 (abstract no. PO-D20-4018). Lewis J. Double stigma: the experience of gay men infected with HIV. Int Conf AIDS 1992 Jul 19-24;8(2):D456 (abstract no. PoD 5417). Linn JG, Monnig RL, Cain VA, Usoh D. 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