CBM 92-13 Meta-Analysis January 1980 through December 1992 337 Citations Prepared by Catherine Roos Selden, M.L.S. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Library of Medicine Reference Section 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20894 1992 SERIES NOTE Current Bibliographies in Medicine (CBM) is a continuation in part of the National Library of Medicine's Literature Search Series, which ceased in 1987 with No. 87-15. In 1989 it also subsumed the Specialized Bibliography Series. Each bibliography in the new series covers a distinct subject area of biomedicine and is intended to fulfill a current awareness function. Citations are usually derived from searching a variety of online databases. NLM databases utilized include MEDLINEþ, AVLINEþ, BIOETHICSLINEþ, CANCERLITþ, CATLINEþ, HEALTH, POPLINEþ and TOXLINEþ. The only criterion for the inclusion of a particular published work is its relevance to the topic being presented; the format, ownership, or location of the material is not considered. Comments and suggestions on this series may be addressed to: Karen Patrias, Editor Current Bibliographies in Medicine Reference Section National Library of Medicine Bethesda, MD 20894 Phone: 301-496-6097 Fax: 301-402-1384 Internet: patrias@nlm.nih.gov Ordering Information: Current Bibliographies in Medicine is sold by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. To order the entire CBM series for the calendar year 1992 (approx. 14 bibliographies), send $41.00 ($51.25 foreign) to the Superintendent of Documents citing GPO List ID: CBM92. For your convenience an order blank is given inside the back cover. Orders for individual bibliographies in the series ($3.25, $4.06 foreign) should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents citing the title, CBM number, and the GPO List ID given above. META-ANALYSIS The 1989 amendments to the Public Health Service Act called for the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) to work together to develop and enhance information services in health services research. In response to this mandate, NLM established its Health Services Research Information Program. NLM's highest priorities for this program are to 1) enhance NLM's basic collection development, organization, and dissemination services to provide better coverage of the results of health services research, and 2) promote the use of these services by the health services research community. One area specifically targeted in this program is the development and dissemination of information on techniques and methodologies useful for health services research, such as meta-analysis. The National Library of Medicine defines meta-analysis as "a quantitative method of combining the results of independent studies (usually drawn from the published literature) and synthesizing summaries and conclusions which may be used to evaluate therapeutic effectiveness, plan new studies, etc. It is often an overview of clinical trials." Interest in medical applications of meta-analysis has increased significantly in recent years, although meta-analytic procedures have been widely employed in the social sciences since the early 1970s. Meta-analysis is being used to draw conclusions from results collected from literature or narrative reviews and data pooled from independent studies, often clinical trials. It is a systematic method that uses statistical analysis for extracting, comparing, and combining results from independent studies to get quantifiable outcomes. Meta-analysis also can help to identify gaps in knowledge found in the published literature and thus can help provide guidance for future research. This bibliography includes selected references from many disciplines. References are to works describing the methodology of meta-analysis including coding studies, data analytic methods, differences between results of competing models for meta-analysis, searching the literature, and publication bias. The selected references generally reflect the literature published since 1980 in journals, reports, books, book chapters, academic theses and dissertations, proceedings of meetings, guides, bibliographies and conference papers. A few selected references published before 1980 have been included because of their significance in the evolution of meta-analysis. Meta-analyses which are substantive and do not provide information about the methodology are excluded. Foreign-language works are included although most publications are in English. The bibliography is arranged in eight sections. The first section includes books and reports while the second has general references on meta-analysis and related methodologies. The remaining sections are arranged in specific subject categories; references appear in only one section. We would like to thank Dr. Lawrence Hedges, University of Chicago, for his critical review and editorial suggestions; Dr. David Schriger of the UCLA Medical Center and Ione Auston and Kristine Scannell of the National Library of Medicine for their efforts in conceptualizing the project; and Marlyn Schepartz of the National Library of Medicine for editorial and project assistance. SEARCH STRATEGY A variety of online databases are usually searched in preparing bibliographies in the CBM series. To assist you in updating or otherwise manipulating the material in this search, the strategy used for the NLM's MEDLINE database is given below. Please note that the search strategies presented here differ from individual demand searches in that they are generally broadly formulated and irrelevant citations edited out prior to printing. SS 1 = META-ANALYSIS (MH) OR META-ANALYSIS (PT) SS 2 = ALL METAANALY: SS 3 = (TW) ALL META# AND ALL ANALY: SS 4 = TS :META#ANALY: (TI) OR :META#ANALY: (AB) SS 5 = ODDS RATIO OR SELECTION BIAS SS 6 = (TW) ALL PUBLICATION# AND BIAS SS 7 = 1 OR 2 OR 4 OR 5 OR 6 GRATEFUL MEDþ To make online searching easier and more efficient, the Library offers GRATEFUL MED, microcomputer-based software that provides a user-friendly interface to most NLM databases. This software was specifically developed for health professionals and features multiple choice menus and "fill in the blank" screens for easy search preparation. GRATEFUL MED runs on an IBM PC (or IBM-compatible) with DOS 2.0 or a Macintosh, and requires a Hayes (or Hayes-compatible) modem. It may be purchased from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, for $29.95 (plus $3.00 per order for shipping). For your convenience, an order blank has been enclosed at the back of this bibliography. SAMPLE CITATIONS Citations in this bibliographic series are formatted according to the rules established for Index Medicusþ*. Sample journal and monograph citations appear below. For journal articles written in a foreign language, the English translation of the title is placed in brackets; for monographs, the title is given in the original language. In both cases the language of publication is shown by a three letter abbreviation appearing at the end of the citation. Note also that a colon (:) may appear within an author's name or article title. The NLM computer system automatically inserts this symbol in the place of a diacritical mark. Journal Article: Authors Article Title Gerbarg ZB, Horwitz RI. Resolving conflicting clinicaltrials:guidelines for meta-analysis. J Clin Epidemiol 1988;41(5):503-9. Abbreviated Journal Date Volume Issue Pages Title Monograph: Authors/Editors Title Hedges LV, Olkin I. Statistical methods for meta-analysis. New York: Academic Press; 1985. 360p. Place of Publisher Date Total No. Publication of Pages _________________________________ *For details of the formats used for references, see the following publication: Patrias, Karen. National Library of Medicine recommended formats for bibliographic citation. Bethesda (MD): The Library; 1991 Apr. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; PB91-182030. TABLE OF CONTENTS Books and Other Monographs General Coding Searching the Literature Publication Bias Statistics General Combining Studies with Discrete Endpoints Combining Studies with Continuous Endpoints BOOKS AND OTHER MONOGRAPHS Berry DA. A Bayesian approach to multicenter trials and meta-analysis. Washington: National Science Foundation; 1989. 12 p. Cook TD. Meta-analysis for explanation - a casebook. New York: Russell Sage Foundation; 1992. 378 p. Cooper HM. Integrating research: a guide for literature reviews. 2nd ed. Newbury Park (CA): Sage Publications; 1989. 157 p. Cooper HM, Hedges LV. The handbook of research synthesis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Forthcoming. To be published in Fall 1993. Eddy DM. A manual for assessing health practices and designing practice policies: the explicit approach. Philadelphia (PA): American College of Physicians; 1992. 126 p. Eddy DM, Hasselblad V, Shachter RD. Meta-analysis by the confidence profile method: the statistical synthesis of evidence. Boston: Academic Press; 1991. 428 p. Eddy DM. Statistical issues in combining environmental studies. 2nd ASA/EPA Conferences on Interpretation of Environmental Data; 1986 Oct 1-2. Washington: Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation; [1986]. 102 p. Food and Drug Administration (US). Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. Guideline for the format and content of the clinical and statistical sections of new drug applications. Rockville (MD): The Administration; 1988 Jul. 125 p. Gelijns AC, editor. Modern methods of clinical investigation. Washington: National Academy Press; 1990. 222 p. (Medical innovation at the crossroads; vol. 1). General Accounting Office (US). Cross design synthesis: a new strategy for medical effectiveness research. Washington: The Office; 1992 Mar. Report No.: GAO/PEMD-92-18. 121 p. Glass GV, et al. Integration of research studies: meta-analysis of research. Methods of integrative analysis; Final report. Boulder: University of Colorado; 1980 Aug 15. 340 p. Glass GV, McGaw B, Smith ML. Meta-analysis in social research. Beverly Hills (CA): Sage Publications; 1981. 279 p. Hedges LV, et al. A practical guide to modern methods of meta-analysis. Washington: National Science Teachers Association; 1989. 80 p. Hedges LV, Olkin I. Statistical methods for meta-analysis. New York: Academic Press; 1985. 360 p. Hunter JE, Schmidt FL. Methods of meta-analysis correcting error and bias in research findings. Newbury Park (CA): Sage Publications; 1990. 592 p. Hunter JE, Schmidt FL, Jackson GB. Meta-analysis cumulating research findings across studies. Beverly Hills (CA): Sage Publications; 1982. 176 p. Jackson GB. Methods for reviewing and integrating research in the social sciences. Final report. Washington: George Washington University, Social Research Group; 1978 May. 136 p. Light RJ, Pillemer D. Summing up. Cambridge (MA): Harvard Univ. Press; 1984. 191 p. Mullen B. Advanced BASIC meta-analysis. Hillsdale (NJ): L. Erlbaum Associates; 1990. 169 p. Mullen B, Rosenthal R. BASIC meta-analysis: procedures and programs. Hillsdale (NJ): L. Earlbaum Associates; 1985. 144 p. Preiss RW. Meta-analysis: A bibliography of conceptual issues and statistical methods. In: ERIC [database online]. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Education, Educational Resource Information Center; 1966-1992. Accession No.: ED300411; [2 screens]. 28 page bibliography, 1988. Rosenthal R. Judgment studies design, analysis, and meta-analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press; 1987. 255 p. Rosenthal R. Meta-analytic procedures for social research. Rev. ed. Newbury Park (CA): Sage Publications; 1991. 155 p. Wachter KW, Straf ML, editors. The future of meta-analysis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation; 1990. 210 p. Wolf FM. Meta-analysis quantitative methods for research synthesis. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications; 1986. 65 p. Wortman PM, Yeaton WH (Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor). Role of research synthesis in medical technology assessment. Executive summary report for 1 May 81-30 Apr 84. Rockville (MD): National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology Assessment; 1984 Jul. Report No.: NCHSR-88-10. Contract No.: PHS-HS-04849. 6 p. GENERAL Abramson JH. Meta-analysis: a review of pros and cons. Public Health Rev 1990-91;18(1):1-47. Adami HO. What can epidemiological methods mean to surgical research? Ups J Med Sci 1988;93(2):155-60. Altman DG, Dor:e CJ. Randomisation and baseline comparisons in clinical trials. Lancet 1990 Jan 20;335(8682):149-53. Altman DG, Elbourne D. Combining results from several clinical trials. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1988 Jan;95(1):1-2. Andersen JW, Harrington D. Meta-analyses need new publication standards [editorial]. J Clin Oncol 1992 Jun;10(6):878-80. Anderson C. Congress looks for methods to assess clinical research [news]. Nature 1992 May 7;357(6373):5. Angell M. Negative studies [editorial]. N Engl J Med 1989 Aug 17;321(7):464-6. Antczak-Bouckoms A, Tulloch JF. Update on technology assessment in dentistry. Curr Opin Dent 1992 Jun;2:10-4. Antman EM, Lau J, Kupelnick B, Mosteller F, Chalmers TC. A comparison of results of meta-analyses of randomized control trials and recommendations of clinical experts. Treatments for myocardial infarction. JAMA 1992 Jul 8;268(2):240-8. Bangert-Drowns RL. Review of developments in meta-analytic method. Psychol Bull 1986;99(3):388-99. Beardsley RS, Larson DB, Lyons JS, Gottlieb GL, Rabins P, Rovner B. Health services research in nursing homes: a systematic review of three clinical geriatric journals. J Gerontol 1989 Jan;44(1):M30-5. Berlin J, Chalmers TC. Commentary on meta-analysis in clinical trials. Hepatology 1988 May-Jun;8(3):690-1. Boden WE. Meta-analysis in clinical trials reporting: has a tool become a weapon? [editorial]. Am J Cardiol 1992 Mar 1;69(6):681-6. Boissel JP, Blanchard J, Panak E, Peyrieux JC, Sacks H. Considerations for the meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Summary of a panel discussion. Control Clin Trials 1989 Sep;10(3):254-81. Boissel JP, Sacks HS, Leizorovicz A, Blanchard J, Panak E, Peyrieux JC. Meta-analysis of clinical trials: summary of an international conference. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1988;34(6):535-8. Brook RH. Health services research: is it good for you and me? Acad Med 1989 Mar;64(3):124-30. Brown SA. Effects of educational interventions in diabetes care: a meta-analysis of findings. Nurs Res 1988 Jul-Aug;37(4):223-30. Bulpitt CJ. Meta-analysis. Lancet 1988 Jul 9;2(8602):93-4. Burnand B, Gutzwiller F, Paccaud F. [Clinical epidemiology: definitions, uses and reasons for development in Switzerland]. Schweiz Med Wochenschr 1988 Jun 4;118(22):849-55. (Fre). Chalmers TC. Meta-analysis [letter]. Lancet 1987 Jun 27; 1(8548):1492. Chalmers TC. Meta-analysis in clinical medicine. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc 1987;99:144-50. Chalmers TC. Problems induced by meta-analyses. Stat Med 1991 Jun;10(6):971-9;discussion 979-80. Chalmers TC, Berrier J, Sacks HS, Levin H, Reitman D, Nagalingam R. Meta-analysis of clinical trials as a scientific discipline. II: replicate variability and comparison of studies that agree and disagree. Stat Med 1987 Oct-Nov;6(7):733-44. Chalmers TC, Levin H, Sacks HS, Reitman D, Berrier J, Nagalingam R. Meta-analysis of clinical trials as a scientific discipline. I: control of bias and comparison with large co-operative trials. Stat Med 1987 Apr-May;6(3):315-28. Chang LB, Becker BJ. A comparison of three integrative review methods: different methods, different findings? Paper presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association; 1987 Apr 20-24; Washington, DC. [24p.]. Chlebowski RT, Blackburn GL, Nixon DW, Jochimsen P, Scanlon EF, Insull W Jr, Buzzard IM, Wynder EL, Elashoff R. Unpublished data summaries and the design and conduct of clinical trials. The nutrition adjuvant study experience and commentary. Control Clin Trials 1989 Dec;10(4):368-77. Cook TD, Leviton LC. Reviewing the literature: a comparison of traditional methods with meta-analysis. J Pers 1980 Dec;48(4):449-72. Cooper HM. Scientific guidelines for conducting integrative research reviews. Rev Educ Res 1982 Summer;52(2):291-302. Cordray DS, Sonnefeld LJ. Quantitative Synthesis: an actuarial base for planning impact evaluations. New Dir Test Meas 1985 Sep;27:29-48. Cornwell JM. Content analysis of meta-analytic studies from I/O psychology. Paper presented at: 96th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association; 1988 Aug 12-16; Atlanta, GA. [15p.]. Cross design synthesis: a new strategy for studying medical outcomes? [editorial]. Lancet 1992 Oct 17;340(8825):944-6. Cunningham AS. Meta-analysis and methodology review: what's in a name? [editorial]. J Pediatr 1988 Aug;113(2):328-9. Curlette WL, Cannella KS. Going beyond the narrative summarization of research findings: the meta-analysis approach. Res Nurs Health 1985 Sep;8(3):293-301. Davila-Vel:azquez J, Mart:inez-Cairo S, Mart:inez-Garc:ia MC, Gardu:no-Espinosa J. [Meta-analysis: an alternative method in clinical research]. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex 1991 Aug; 48(8):576-82. (Spa). Delgado Rodr:iguez M, Sillero Arenas M, G:alvez Vargas R. [Meta-analysis in epidemiology (1): the general characteristics]. Gac Sanit 1991 Nov-Dec;5(27):265-72. (Spa). Demets DL. Methods for combining randomized clinical trials: strengths and limitations. Stat Med 1987 Apr-May;6(3):341-50. DerSimonian R. Combining evidence from clinical trials [editorial]. Anesth Analg 1990 May;70(5):475-6. Duffy ME. Meta-analysis: a quantitative approach to synthesizing research findings across studies. Nurs Health Care 1988 Jun;9(6):287-89. Durlak JA, Lipsey MW. A practitioner's guide to meta-analysis. Am J Community Psychol 1991 Jun;19(3):291-332. Eddy DM. The challenge. JAMA 1990 Jan 12;263(2):287-90. Eddy DM. Clinical decision making: from theory to practice. Designing a practice policy. Standards, guidelines, and options. JAMA 1990 Jun 13;263(22):3077, 3081, 3084. Eddy DM. Clinical decision making: from theory to practice. Guidelines for policy statements: the explicit approach. JAMA 1990 Apr 25;263(16):2239-40, 2243. Eddy DM. Clinical decision making: from theory to practice. Resolving conflicts in practice policies. JAMA 1990 Jul 18;264(3):389-91. Eddy DM. Comparing benefits and harms: the balance sheet. JAMA 1990 May 9;263(18):2493, 2498, 2501 passim. Eddy DM. Practice policies: where do they come from? JAMA 1990 Mar 2;263(9):1265, 1269, 1272 passim. Eddy DM. Selecting technologies for assessment. Int J Technol Assess Health Care 1989;5(4):485-501. Eddy DM. Successes and challenges of medical decision making. Health Aff (Millwood) 1986 Summer;5(2):108-15. Eddy DM, Billings J. The quality of medical evidence: implications for quality of care. Health Aff (Millwood) 1988 Spring;7(1):19-32. Einarson TR, Leeder JS, Koren G. A method for meta-analysis of epidemiological studies. Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1988 Oct;22(10):813-24. Elashoff JD. Combining results of clinical trials [editorial]. Gastroenterology 1978 Dec;75(6):1170-2. Ellenberg JH. Biostatistical collaboration in medical research. Biometrics 1990 Mar;46(1):1-18;discussion 19-32. Ellenberg SS. Meta-analysis: the quantitative approach to research review. Semin Oncol 1988 Oct;15(5):472-81. Engle VF, Graney MJ. Meta-analysis for the refinement of gerontological nursing research and theory. J Gerontol Nurs 1990 Sep;16(9):12-5. Farr BR, Shachter RD. Representation of preferences in decision-support systems. Comput Biomed Res 1992 Aug;25(4):324-35. Feller ER. The language of epidemiology (XII.): Meta-analysis, studying studies. R I Med 1992 Jun;75(6):291-2. Fernandez-Ballart JD, Vobecky J, Marti-Henneberg C. [Meta-analysis: the synthesis and integration of the results of independent studies in medicine]. Med Clin (Barc) 1991 Mar 16;96(10):382-7. (Spa). Fetter MS, Feetham SL, D'Apolito K, Chaze BA, Fink A, Frink BB, Hougart MK, Rushton CH. Randomized clinical trials: issues for researchers. Nurs Res 1989 Mar-Apr;38(2):117-20. Fiske DW. The meta-analytic revolution in outcome research. J Consult Clin Psychol 1983 Feb;51(1):65-70. Fleiss JL, Gross AJ. Meta-analysis in epidemiology, with special reference to studies of the association between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer; a critique. J Clin Epidemiol 1991;44(2);127-39. Friedman MA. Potential pooling opportunities: cancer. Stat Med 1987 Apr-May;6(3):307-14. Ganiats TG, Schneiderman LJ. Principles of cost- effectiveness research. J Fam Pract 1988 Jul;27(1):77-84. Gelber RD, Goldhirsch A. The concept of an overview of cancer clinical trials with special emphasis on early breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 1986 Nov;4(11):1696-703. Gelber RD, Goldhirsch A. Meta-analysis in clinical research [letter]. Ann Intern Med 1988 Jan;108(1):158-9. Gerbarg ZB, Horwitz RI. Resolving conflicting clinical trials: guidelines for meta-analysis. J Clin Epidemiol 1988;41(5):503-9. Gilbert JP, McPeek B, Mosteller F. Progress in surgery and anesthesia: benefits and risks of innovative therapy. In: Bunker JP, Barnes BA, Mosteller F, editors. Costs, risks, and benefits of surgery. New York: Oxford Univ.; 1977. p. 125-69. Glass GV. Meta-analysis: an approach to the synthesis of research results. J Res Sci Teach 1982 Feb;19(2):93-112. Glass GV. Primary, secondary, and meta-analysis research. Educ Res 1976;5:3-8. Goodman SN. Have you ever meta-analysis you didn't like? [editorial]. Ann Intern Med 1991 Feb 1;114(3):244-6. Goodman SN. Meta-analysis and evidence [published erratum appears in Control Clin Trials 1989 Dec; 10(4):435]. Control Clin Trials 1989 Jun;10(2):188-204. Graney MJ, Engle VF. Meta-analysis techniques. J Gerontol Nurs 1990 Sep;16(9):16-9. Greenland S. Quantitative methods in the review of epidemiologic literature. Epidemiol Rev 1987;9:1-30. Hasselblad V, Eddy DM, Kotchmar DJ. Synthesis of environmental evidence: nitrogen dioxide epidemiology studies. J Air Waste Manage Assoc 1992 May;42(5):662-71. Hennekens CH, Buring JE, Hebert PR. Implications of overviews of randomized trials. Stat Med 1987 Apr-May;6(3):397-409. Henry DA, Wilson A. Meta-analysis. Part 1: an assessment of its aims, validity and reliability. Med J Aust 1992 Jan 6;156(1):31-8. Hlatky MA. Combining data from different studies. In: Grady ML, Schwartz HA. Medical effectiveness research data methods. Summary report. Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; 1992 Jul. p. 33-6. (AHCPR Pub. No. 92-0056). Hlatky MA, Califf RM, Harrell FE Jr, Lee KL, Mark DB, Muhlbaier LH, Pryor DB. Clinical judgment and therapeutic decision making. J Am Coll Cardiol 1990 Jan;15(1):1-14. Hogue CJ. Ethical issues in sharing epidemiologic data. J Clin Epidemiol 1991;44 Suppl 1:103S-107S. Hoskins HD Jr. Proof: an elusive ideal [editorial]. Ophthalmic Surg 1988 May;19(5):313-4. Jackson GB. Methods for integrative reviews. Rev Educ Res 1980 Fall;50(3):438-60. Jenicek M. Meta-analysis in medicine. Where we are and where we want to go. J Clin Epidemiol 1989;42(1):35-44. Jones DR. Meta-analysis of observational epidemiological studies: a review. J R Soc Med 1992 Mar;85(3):165-8. Kassirer JP. Clinical trials and meta-analysis. What do they do for us? [editorial]. N Engl J Med 1992 Jul 23;327(4):273-4. Katerndahl D. When plagiarism becomes research. Fam Pract 1991 Dec;8(4):382-3. Kavale KA, Glass GV. Meta-analysis and the integration of research in special education. J Learn Disabil 1981 Nov;14(9):531-38. Kulik JA. Uses and misuses of meta-analysis. Paper presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association; 1984 Apr 23-27; New Orleans, LA. [10 p.]. Kulik JA, Kulik C-LC. Meta-analysis in education. Int J Educ Res 1989;13(3):221-340. L'Abbe KA, Detsky AS, O'Rourke K. Meta-analysis in clinical research. Ann Intern Med 1987 Aug;107(2):224-33. Lau J, Antman EM, Jimenez-Silva J, Kupelnick B, Mosteller F, Chalmers TC. Cumulative meta-analysis of therapeutic trials for myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 1992 Jul 23;327(4):248-54. Lederman RP. Biases in meta-analysis and how to compensate. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs 1992 Jul-Aug;17(4):215. Lederman RP. Guidelines for using meta-analysis. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs 1992 Sep-Oct;17(5):265. Lederman RP. Reviews of research literature: meta-analysis for synthesizing. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs 1992 May-Jun;17(3):157. Leizorovicz A, Haugh M, Boissel JP. Meta-analysis and multiple publication of clinical trial reports [letter]. Lancet 1992 Oct 31;340(8827):1102-3. L'Hommedieu R, et al. Putting the "But" back in meta-analysis: issues affecting the validity of quantitative reviews. Paper presented at: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association; 1987 Apr 20-24; Washington, D.C. [12 p.]. Light RJ. Accumulating evidence from independent studies: what we can win and what we can lose. Stat Med 1987 Apr-May;6(3):221-31. Light RJ. Accumulating evidence: using meta-analysis to carry out research reviews in pediatrics. Pediatrics 1986 Dec;78(6):1145-7. Light RJ. Six evaluation issues that synthesis can resolve better than single studies. New Dir Program Eval 1984 Dec;24:57-73. Light RJ, Pillemer DB. Numbers and narrative: combining their strengths in research reviews. Harvard Educ Rev 1982 Feb;52(1):1-26. Llaurado JG. Metanalysis: a new scientific endeavor [editorial]. Int J Biomed Comput 1988 Mar;22(2):77-9. Louis TA, Fineberg HV, Mosteller F. Findings for public health from meta-analyses. Annu Rev Public Health 1985;6:1-20. Lycka BA. Meta-analysis for dermatologists. Int J Dermatol 1990 Apr;29(3):229-31. Lynn MR. Meta-analysis: appropriate tool for the integration of nursing research? Nurs Res 1989 Sep-Oct;38(5):302-5. Makuch R, Johnson M. Issues in planning and interpreting active control equivalence studies. J Clin Epidemiol 1989;42(6):503-11. Malone MD, Strube MJ, Scogin FR. Meta-analysis of non-medical treatments for chronic pain [published erratum appears in Pain 1989 Apr;37(1):128]. Pain 1988 Sep;34(3):231-44. Mann C. Meta-analysis in the breech [news]. Science 1990 Aug 3;249(4968):476-80. Martin PH. Meta-analysis, meta-evaluation and secondary analysis. In: ERIC [database online]. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Education, Educational Resources Information Center; 1966-1992. Accession No.: ED228280; [2 screens]. 37 page unpublished research report, October 1982. Massey J, Loomis M. When should nurses use research findings? Appl Nurs Res 1988 May;1(1):32-40. McConaghy N. Can reliance be placed on a single meta-analysis? Aust N Z J Psychiatry 1990 Sep;24(3):405-15. McCain NL, Lynn MR. Meta-analysis of a narrative review. Studies evaluating patient teaching. West J Nurs Res 1990 Jun;12(3):347-58. McGeer AJ, Detsky AS, O'Rourke K. Parenteral nutrition in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy: a meta-analysis. Nutrition 1990 May-Jun;6(3):233-40. McKinlay SM, Stone EJ, Zucker DM. Research design and analysis issues. Health Educ Q 1989 Summer;16(2):307-13. Meinert CL. Meta-analysis: science or religion? Control Clin Trials 1989 Dec;10(4 Suppl):257S-263S. Michels KB. Quo vadis meta-analysis? A potentially dangerous tool if used without adequate rules. Important Adv Oncol 1992:243-8. Mintz J. Integrating research evidence: a commentary on meta-analysis. J Consult Clin Psychol 1983 Feb;51(1):71-5. Moldanado SA. Secondary analysis: expanding survey research by faculty members. Nurse Educ 1991 Jul-Aug;16(4):4-5, 15. Morley DD. Meta-analytic techniques: when generalizing to message populations is not possible. Hum Commun Res 1988 Fall;15(1):112-26. Mosteller F, Chalmers T. Some progress and problems in meta-analysis of clinical trials. Stat Sci 1992 May;7(2):227-36. Mottola CA. Synthesis of research findings through meta-analysis. Decubitus 1992 Sep;5(5):48-50. Motulsky AG. Sounding board. Biased ascertainment and the natural history of diseases. N Engl J Med 1978 May 25;298(21):1196-7. Muller C. Objective health care technology evaluation-it isn't easy. Soc Work Health Care 1991;16(1):119-32. Mulrow CD. The medical review article: state of the science. Ann Intern Med 1987 Mar;106(3):485-8. Mulrow CD, Thacker SB, Pugh JA. A proposal for more informative abstracts of review articles. Ann Intern Med 1988 Apr;108(4):613-5. Murray GD. Meta-analysis. Br J Surg 1990 Mar;77(3):243-4. Naylor CD. 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