AIDS WORLD WIDE WEB RESOURCES AIDS and HIV Information and Resources from France AIDS and HIV resources in France and on the Internet gives pointers to resources in France and in the world. Includes information on prevention, testing centers, counseling, organizations working in AIDS and links to other relevant information. Queer Infoserver Essentially a directory to www sites and gophers containing information about HIV/AIDS and safe sex. A wide variety of AIDS-related services are listed, all in alphabetical order. Virology Information (U. of Wisconsin) From the Institute for Molecular Virology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Information about virology, including pointers to a number of other AIDS sites such as a clickable map of the HIV-1 Genome. AIDS Resources Listing (U. of Wisconsin) A compiled list of organizations active in HIV/AIDS. The list is sorted by state and includes some international organizations. Queer Resources Directory, AIDS Section In addition to pointers to other web sites of interest, the QRD includes the text of a number of reports, newsletters, statistics, and obituaries. Global Programme on AIDS, World Health Organization Includes tables with statistics reported to the WHO on the number of AIDS cases, the text of all AIDS-related documents from the WHO, international news reports, and reports and agendas from international conferences. Aids Information around Cyberspace s/AIDS/AIDSpage.html Directory of AIDS-related world wide web sites including NIH, ACT-UP, and other organizations. VA AIDS Information Provides world wide web access to the VA AIDS Information Newsletter. This newsletter is transmitted from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs AIDS Information Center, located at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. This biweekly electronic publication is one of several services provided by the Center to all VA medical facilities and the target audiences are primarily health care professionals, librarians, and trainers/educators. The CHAT Natural Language System (AIDS Searches) CHAT (Conversational Hypertext Access Technology) is a computer program developed by the Communications Research Centre that provides easy access to electronic information. CHAT provides a natural-language interface that allows users to ask English questions and receive answers. A demo and a description of a commercial program "AskAboutAIDS" are included. AIDS Patents Project This page is the starting point for the AIDS Patents Project. The project provides access to United States Patents relating to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Users can search the patents database which includes thumbnail images of each patent. The project is a public service of AT&T, NSF, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, and MCNC's Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval (CNIDR). The SaferSex Page HIV-AIDS Material The Sexuality Information Department of the Guild at University of Western Australia provides information about AIDS and safe sex. Prevention Information from America Responds to AIDS Information extracted from the 1992 AIDS prevention campaign of U.S. Centers for Disease Control (America Responds to AIDS) presented in a friendly way. The AIDS parlor allows readers to add personal comments. World Health Organization, Global Programme on AIDS (GPA) World Wide Web access to the GPA gopher. HIVNET/GENA Information Server At this time the server is mostly just the gopher menus and text. Text of newsletters, mailing lists, and other documents are available. HIV InfoWeb Directory information about community service organizations, case managers, legal agencies, and others in Massachusetts who have anything to do with HIV. Also provide text of treatment directories and newsletters from a number of AIDS organizations such as Project Inform. Links to other AIDS resources are included. Canadian HIV Trials Network Includes information about the Canadian HIV Trials Network including their publications, ongoing trials and other projects. AIDS Now! for Teens Brief quiz about AIDS and its transmission designed for young teens. It allows users to obtain information needed to answer the "five questions" through hypertext links to sources of information. Additional help for teachers is provided along with a hypertext link list of additional Internet resources. HIV Database at LANL The Human Retroviruses and Aids Database collects, curates, analyzes, and publishes genetic sequences of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and related species. Located at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the Theoretical Biology and Biophysics Group and funded through an interagency agreement between the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy. HIV/AIDS in Thailand Includes statistics, access to a publications database and brief summaries of Bangkok Post articles on HIV/AIDS. Detroit AIDS Community Library Virtual HIV/AIDS Info Source A collaborative project of hospital, academic medical, and public libraries cooperating with community-based organizations service HIV/AIDS infected and affected persons. Local resources and connections to other information resources world-wide are provided. May 1995