Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas
Species analysis - Classification tree variable definitions
The following is a list of abbreviations and brief descriptions
of the variables found in the Classification Tree diagrams.
Note: Unless denoted as "AVHRR" the smallest unit counted for a
variable was 247 acres. For AVHRR variables the smallest unit counted
was 272 acres.
- AGRI, Cropland/Pasture/Orchard
- ALDER, Red Alder
- ALPINE, Alpine rock & snowfield with widely scattered shrubs
- ANNPPT, Annual precipitation (total)
- APRMNAVG, April mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- APRMNMAX, April mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- APRMNMED, April mean daily temperature (spatial median)
- APRMNMIN, April mean daily temperature (spatial minimum)
- APRMNRNG, April mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- APRMNSD, April mean daily temperature (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- APRMXAVG, April mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- APRMXMAX, April mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- APRMXMED, April mean daily temperature (spatial median)
- APRMXMIN, April mean daily temperature (spatial minimum)
- APRMXRNG, April mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- APRMXSD, April mean daily temperature (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- APRPPT, April precipitation (spatial average within the squares)
- APRPPTAVG, April precipitation (spatial average within hexagons)
- APRPPTMAX, April precipitation (spatial maximum within hexagons)
- APRPPTMED, April precipitation (spatial median within hexagons)
- APRPPTMIN, April precipitation (spatial minimum within hexagons)
- APRPPTRNG, April precipitation (spatial range within hexagons)
- APRPPTSD, April precipitation (spatial standard deviation within hexagons); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- APRTMAX, April temperature (spatial maximum within squares)
- APRTMIN, April temperature (spatial minimum within the squares)
- ASPEN, Aspen Groves
- BARREN, Unvegetated land
- BIGPATCH, Number of different land cover patches larger than 4 sq.km; from AVHRR imagery
- BIGSAGE, Big Sagebrush Shrubland
- BITBIGSAGE, Bitterbrush - Big Sage Shrubland
- CDUNEPOND, Coastal Dunes and Pond Complex
- CGRASSHRUB, Coastal Grassland-Shrubland
- COASTLPPIN, Coastal Lodgepole Forest
- CONIFFOR, % conifer forest (from AVHRR imagery)
- CONTAGION, Degree of clustering of mapped land covers (from AVHRR imagery)
- CROPGRASS, % cropland - grassland (from AVHRR imagery)
- CROPPASTU, % cropland - pastureland (from AVHRR imagery)
- CROPWOOD, % cropland - woodland (from AVHRR imagery)
- CSTRAND, Coastal Headland Grass & Shrubland
- CUTOVER, Clearcut or Burned
- DECIDFOR, % deciduous forest (from AVHRR imagery)
- DFMXCONIF; DFMIXCON, Douglas Fir dominant - Mixed Conifer Forest
- DFMXDECID; DFMIXDECID, Douglas Fir - Mixed Deciduous Forest
- DFPOCEDAR, Douglas Fir - Port Orford Cedar Forest
- DFRCEDAR; DFWHRCEDAR, Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest
- DFWFMADRO, Douglas Fir-White Fir/Tanoak-Madrone Mixed Forest
- DFWOAK, Douglas Fir/White Oak Forest
- DOMINANCE; DOMINONHP; SQDOMINANC, Acreage of most extensive land cover type in the hexagon or square
- DRYANN, Palmer hydrologic drought index; average annual 1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DRYMNANN, Palmer hydrologic drought index; minimum annual 1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DRYMNSPR, Palmer hydrologic drought index; minimum springtime 1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DRYMNSUMMR, Palmer hydrologic drought index; minimum summertime 1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DRYMXANN, Palmer hydrologic drought index; maximum annual 1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DRYMXSPR, Palmer hydrologic drought index; maximum springtime1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DRYMXSUMM, Palmer hydrologic drought index; maximum summertime 1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DRYSPRING, Palmer hydrologic drought index; average springtime 1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DRYSUMMR, Palmer hydrologic drought index; average summertime 1994-1999 for the ecoregion
- DUNEPOND, Coastal Dunes & Ponds with Widely Scattered Shrubs/Trees
- ELEVAVG; ELAVG, Average elevation
- ELEVSD; ELSD, Topographic variation (standard deviation of elevation)
- FORGRASSMX, % forest-grassland interspersed (from AVHRR imagery)
- FRACTAL, Fractal index of land cover pattern (from AVHRR imagery)
- GRASS, % grassland (from AVHRR imagery)
- GRASSCON, Grassland-Conifer complex
- INWATER, Lake/Reservoir Shoreline & Islands
- JEFFPINE, Jeffery Pine Forest/Woodland
- JUNIP, W. Juniper Woodland
- JUNMNAVG, June mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- JUNMNMAX, June mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- JUNMNMED, June mean daily temperature (spatial median)
- JUNMNMIN, June mean daily temperature (spatial minimum)
- JUNMNRNG, June mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- JUNMNSD, June mean daily temperature (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- JUNMXAVG, June mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- JUNMXMAX, June mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- JUNMXMED, June mean daily temperature (spatial median)
- JUNMXMIN, June mean daily temperature (spatial minimum)
- JUNMXRNG, June mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- JUNMXSD, June mean daily temperature (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- JUNPPT, June precipitation (spatial average within the squares)
- JUNPPTAVG, June precipitation (spatial average within hexagons)
- JUNPPTMAX, June precipitation (spatial maximum within hexagons)
- JUNPPTMED, June precipitation (spatial median within hexagons)
- JUNPPTMIN, June precipitation (spatial minimum within hexagons)
- JUNPPTRNG, June precipitation (spatial range within hexagons)
- JUNPPTSD, June precipitation (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- JUNTMAX, June temperature (spatial maximum within squares)
- JUNTMIN, June temperature (spatial minimum within the squares)
- JYMNAVG, June mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- JYMNMAX, June mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- JYMNMED, June mean daily temperature (spatial median)
- JYMNMIN, June mean daily temperature (spatial minimum)
- JYMNRNG, June mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- JYMNSD, June mean daily temperature (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- JYMXAVG, June mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- JYMXMAX, June mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- JYMXMED, June mean daily temperature (spatial median)
- JYMXMIN, June mean daily temperature (spatial minimum)
- JYMXRNG, June mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- JYMXSD, June mean daily temperature (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- JYPPT, June precipitation (spatial average within the squares)
- JYPPTAVG, June precipitation (spatial average within hexagons)
- JYPPTMAX, June precipitation (spatial maximum within hexagons)
- JYPPTMED, June precipitation (spatial median within hexagons)
- JYPPTMIN, June precipitation (spatial minimum within hexagons)
- JYPPTRNG, June precipitation (spatial range within hexagons)
- JYPPTSD, June temperature (spatial maximum within squares)
- JYTEMPRNG, July mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- JYTMAX, July mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- JYTMIN, June temperature (spatial minimum within the squares)
- LAKES, Lake/Reservoir Shoreline & Islands
- LATL, Latitude of hexagon center point (in degrees: Lambert conformal conic projection)
- LATSQ, Latitude of square southeast corner (in decimal degrees)
- LAVA, Lava/Pumice with Widely Scattered Trees/Shrubs
- LDSAGE, Low-Dwarf Sagebrush Shrubland
- LONGL, Longitude of hexagon center point (in degrees: Lambert conformal conic projection)
- LONGSQ, Longitude of square southeast corner (in decimal degrees)
- LPPINE, Lodgepole Pine Forest/Woodland
- MANZANITA, Manzanita dominant shrubland
- MARSH, Freshwater Marsh
- MAYMNAVG, June mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- MAYMNMAX, June mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- MAYMNMED, June mean daily temperature (spatial median)
- MAYMNMIN, June mean daily temperature (spatial minimum)
- MAYMNRNG, June mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- MAYMNSD, June mean daily temperature (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- MAYMXAVG, June mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- MAYMXMAX, June mean daily temperature (spatial maximum)
- MAYMXMED, June mean daily temperature (spatial median)
- MAYMXMIN, June mean daily temperature (spatial minimum)
- MAYMXRNG, June mean daily temperature (spatial range)
- MAYMXSD, June mean daily temperature (spatial standard deviation); interpreted as topographic variation (relief)
- MAYPPT, June precipitation (spatial average within the squares)
- MAYPPTAVG, June precipitation (spatial average within hexagons)
- MAYPPTMAX, June precipitation (spatial maximum within hexagons)
- MAYPPTMED, June precipitation (spatial median within hexagons)
- MAYPPTMIN, June precipitation (spatial minimum within hexagons)
- MAYPPTRNG, June precipitation (spatial range within hexagons)
- MAYPPTSD, June temperature (spatial maximum within squares)
- MAYTMAX, June temperature (spatial minimum within the squares)
- MAYTMIN, June mean daily temperature (spatial average)
- MHEML, Mountain Hemlock Montane Forest
- MIXED, % mixed conifer-deciduous forest (from AVHRR imagery)
- MIXFOR; MXCONDECID, Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest
- MMAHOGANY, Mountain Mahogany shrubland
- MODGRASS, Northeast Oregon Modified Grassland
- NECANGRASS, Grassland & Fir-Ponderosa Interspersed
- NEMIXCON, Northeast Oregon Mixed Conifer Forest
- NEMODGRASS, Northeast Oregon Modified Grassland
- NUMAVHRR, Number of land cover types (from AVHRR satellite imagery)
- NUMOBS, Number of observers
- NUMOBSSQ, Number of observers who covered the square
- NUMONHP, Number of land cover types (from ONHP-interpreted satellite imagery)
- OBSHR, Number of hours observers spent atlasing
- OBSHRSQ, Observer hours spent covering the square
- OBSYR, Number of years hexagon/square was visited
- OBSYRSQ, Number of years the square was atlased
- OREGONAC, Land area of the hexagon within Oregon
- PCTINOR, % of hexagon on land within Oregon
- PCTPUB2, % of lands very strongly protected/managed for conservation
- PCTPUB3, % of lands strongly protected/managed for conservation
- PCTPUB4, % of lands at least slightly protected/managed for conservation
- PINELAVA, Ponderosa-Lodgepole Pine on Pumice
- PLAYA, Seasonally Wet Playa
- PPINE, Ponderosa Pine Forest/Woodland
- PPINEJUNIP, Ponderosa Pine-W. Juniper Woodland
- PPINELPPUM, Ponderosa & Lodgepole Pine on Pumice
- PPINEMXCON, Ponderosa Pine-dominant Mixed Conifer Forest
- PPINEWOAK, Ponderosa Pine/White Oak Forest & Woodland
- PUBLAND1, Square miles of lands most strongly protected/managed for conservation
- PUBLAND2, Square miles of lands very strongly protected/managed for conservation
- PUBLAND3, Square miles of lands strongly protected/managed for conservation
- PUBLAND4, Square miles of at least slightly protected/managed for conservation
- REGEN, Recently Cutover/Burnt Forest
- RIPFOR, Streamside/Wetland Forest
- RIPSHRUB, Streamside/Wetland Shrubland
- RIPWOODS, Western Oregon Riverine Woodland
- ROADS, Road miles per square mile
- SAGESTEPPE, Sagebrush Steppe
- SALTMARSH, Tidal Salt Marsh
- SALTSCRUB, Salt Desert Scrub Shrubland
- SCOASTMX, South Coast Mixed Deciduous Forest
- SERPCONIF, Conifer Woodland on Serpentine Bedrock
- SHRUB, % shrubland (from AVHRR satellite imagery)
- SHRUBGRASS, % shrubland-grassland (from AVHRR satellite imagery)
- SHRUBHWILO, Streamside/Wetland Shrubland
- SISKSSERP, Siskiyou Mountain Shrubland on Serpentine Bedrock
- SISMXDECID, Siskiyou Mtns Mixed Deciduous Forest
- SNOW, Montane Rock & Persistent Snowfield
- SPRUWHEML; SSPRUWHEML, Sitka Spruce-W. Hemlock Maritime Forest
- SQNUMONHP, Number of ONHP vegetation classes in the square
- SRFIRMHEML; SRFMHEML, Shasta Red Fir-Mountain Hemlock Forest
- STREAMS, Stream miles per square mile
- SUBALGRASS, Subalpine Grassland
- SUBALPARK, Subalpine Scattered Trees & Shrubs
- SUBFIRLPINE, Subalpine Fir-Lodgepole Pine Montane Conifer
- TFIRMHEML, True Fir-Hemlock Montane Forest
- TIDALFLAT, Tidal Flat (unvegetated)
- URBAN; URBANL, Urban/Residential (from ONHP image interpretation)
- URBANAVHR, % urban/Residential (from AVHRR satellite imagery)
- WATERAVHR, % open water (from AVHRR satellite imagery)
- WATERONHP, Lake/Reservoir Shoreline & Islands (from ONHP image interpretation)
- WBLPPINE, Whitebark-Lodgepole Pine Montane Forest
- WETMEADOW, Wet Montane Meadow
- WOAK, White Oak Forest
- YRSOBS, Number of years the hexagon was atlased