English setting J"English setting" Show J"Spanish buttonUp buttonUp English setting Spanish setting textHeightProp Spanish setting J"spanish setting" Show J"English Setting" buttonUp buttonUp spanish setting English Setting textHeightProp CDPlay Instructions buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp buttonUp Setting Functional Notes --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Title T+T+T+| Title ng Comprehension 4overFlag "firstScreen" , = 1 "directions" B"hear" n = 1 tbkMCI(" welcome.wav","") play wait","") 3close = 1 latnguit. "title" "setting" "trans" stop delayIt marker <= 1500 + 1 leavePage enterPage delayIt enterPage firstScreen directions firstScreen play welcome.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen play latnguit.wav tbkMCI overFlag leavePage title title directions title title trans title trans title stop latnguit.wav tbkMCI delayIt marker "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.% Instructions --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Listen to the dialogue again. Type the missing words into the blanks. Hit the Tab key to move from blank to blank. Check your work by clicking on the "Check" button. When you leave this page, the blanks will clear automatically. After you get to the last blank, if you want to change anything, simply click the mouse in the blank you want to work in. When you are finished, click on the Test button to go to the Communications Test. Check showNameProp Welcome to the Wonderful World of Multimedia and HyperGlot Foreign Language Software! Welcome to the Wonderful World of Multimedia and HyperGlot Foreign Language Software! Directions After the music is finished, click on the "Languages" button to hear native speakers of French, German, Russian, and Chinese. Click on the Info button to learn more about the HyperGlot Software Co. Click on the right-pointing arrow to go to an extensive sample lesson of HyperGlot's "LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH." lot's "LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH." ogues read by buttonUp buttonUp Languages B"hear" Show Field "aboutHG" buttonUp buttonUp aboutHG :PHYSSIZE Trans stokecolor 0,50,100 buttonUp buttonUp Info Stop Continuee "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? &:PHYSSIZE aboutHG B"hear" buttonUp buttonUp The HyperGlot Software Co. is the leader in the field of foreign-language software in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and English. With a line of over 45 products from complete courses to highly focused drill and practice exercises for Windows, MS-DOS, and the Macintosh, HyperGlot's line takes full advantage of multimedia innovations for foreign-language learning such as the digitized voices of native speakers and interactive CD-ROM. Most of the materials in our programs can be changed by the user so that they can be customized to work the way you want to. HyperGlot products are available where you buy your software. Call or write for our complete catalogue. P.O. Box 10746, 5108-D Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37939-0746. (800) 726-5087. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. +:PHYSSIZE 4overFlag "trans" "French: There just a single /sublime :" & \ "ridiculous." tbkMCI(" 6.wav","") play wait","") 1close "firstScreen" = 1 "German: What country zyou come ? I'm American." \ ichbin. = 1 "Russian: Anna often helps her parents." anna. = 1 "Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see duibu. = 1 stokecolor "Trans" buttonUp buttonUp trans trans 240,50,100 French: There is just a single step from the sublime to the ridiculous. trans play sublime.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 0,50,100 German: What country do you come from? I'm an American. trans play ichbin.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 0,50,100 Russian: Anna often helps her parents. trans play anna.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 240,50,100 Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see it. trans play duibu.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans stokecolor 0,50,100 trans Trans overFlag your answer yourAns countedFlag newString startFlag repeatFlag counter correctAns counterFlag WQues RHldr buFlag cleanUp "your answer" B"test" 4correctedFlag -- Global prevent answers being counted FALSE init. value has NOT been i. e. Scroll translate" Field "instructions" 4newString,startFlag,R,W,repeatFlag,counter,\ correctAns,counterFlag,WQues,WAns,RHldr,buFlag 4countedFlag -- flag controls counting -- only 7 on ENTER K -- initialized var. B"Continue" -- allows user they view tquestion: also, . intializations "result" wrong/partially /skipped -- globals signals wants review missed questions -- corrrect -- holds ans. -- holder " -- placed hidden yourAns terPage leavePage enterPage cleanUp enterPage 06cleanUp your answer buttonUp correctedFlag leavePage to translate to translate 06cleanUp translate this your answer correct answer instructions cleanUp Continue result repeat repeat your answer yourAns countedFlag newString startFlag repeatFlag counter correctAns counterFlag WQues RHldr buFlag Exploring II Field "instructions" leavePage leavePage instructions "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.] English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. bkgnd field id 2 textHeightProp Lesson 1 - Arrival, Changing Money - Exploring II bkgnd field id 14 butonUp butonUp butonUp textHeightProp GENDER OF NOUNS In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine in gender. This is merely a grammatical concept; it does not mean that Spanish speakers perceive things as having male or female attributes. Nouns that refer to male people or animals, and most nouns that end in -o are masculine in gender. (One common exception is la mano, the hand.) Most nouns that refer to female people or animals, and most nouns that end in -a, ci n, -dad or -tad are feminine in gender. (Some exceptions are el d a, el problema, el drama, and el programa.) Nouns that have other endings, or nouns that are exceptions to the rules, must be memorized: el billete, el d lar, el valor, etc. to a group made up of males and females: los amigos. Instructions buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Study the grammar explanation on this page carefully. After you finish, click on the Exploring button below to move to the next Exploring topic. Remember, you don't have to memorize what's on this card. You'll have plenty of chance to practice later to see whether you understand yet or not. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. Exploring "exploring III" buttonUp buttonUp exploring III :PHYSSIZE Exploring showNameProp Info Explore Stop Returnnturn :PHYSSIZE "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting :PHYSSIZE `"B#, Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions X#showNameProp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? Dialogue J"instructions" J"functional notes" J"English Dialogue" Show J"Spanish leavePage leavePage instructions functional notes instructions functional notes English Dialogue Spanish Dialogue buttonUp 0`4:5`5 [Thomas]: Perd n, se ora. ora]: game? [Thomas]: nde puedo cambiar unos d lares? ora]: La oficina de cambio est a la vuelta. [Thomas]: Gracias. EN LA CAJA [Thomas]: Se or, necesito cambiar unos d lares. [empleado]: ntos? [Thomas]: Treinta d lares. [empleado]: El cambio est a tres mil pesos por d lar. Entonces, son noventa mil pesos. mo los quiere? [Thomas]: En billetes grandes, por favor. [empleado]: Aqu tiene. [Thomas]: Muchas gracias. Click in this field to see the English translation. In the full version, you can go back and forth while the speakers are talking. [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. Click in this field to see the Spanish translation. Listen to the dialogue twice. First, see how much you can understand without looking at the dialogue. Next, read through the dialogue. Finally, listen one more time, preferably without looking at the dialogue. In the full version you can hear individual lines of the dialogue, by clicking on the line you want to hear while holding down the Ctrl key. Click on the dialogue without holding down the Ctrl key to toggle back and forth between the Spanish text and the English. In the full version you can do this while the speaker is talking. In this demo however, you can only switch back and forth after the speaker has finished. Be sure to click the Notes button for cultural information. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.5 Lesson 1- Arrival, Changing Money - Dialogue English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. CDPlay_ CDPause CDStop Info Listen Closer Explore Practice Test Notes Stop Returnturnnnnn playsetting Note: This function plays a single track only -- demo tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") %close buttonUp buttonUp open lss1d.wav tbkMCI play lss1d.wav tbkMCI pause "This Ballows you restart the full version" "CANCEL" tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") buttonUp buttonUp pause lss1d.wav tbkMCI cancel Pause "This Ballows you stop the sound full version." "CANCEL" tbkMCI(" alss1d.wav") buttonUp buttonUp stop lss1d.wav tbkMCI cancel "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE UX\Y# Listening Activity "Listening Comprehension" buttonUp buttonUp Listening Comprehension 2$showNameProp $:PHYSSIZE Closer Look "Closer Look" buttonUp buttonUp Closer Look l(showNameProp *):PHYSSIZE Exploring "exploring I" buttonUp buttonUp exploring I ,showNameProp b-:PHYSSIZE Practice "Practice I" buttonUp buttonUp Practice I 0showNameProp 1:PHYSSIZE "Test I" buttonUp buttonUp Test I .5showNameProp ^6:PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions 9showNameProp j::PHYSSIZE <=^>' "functional Notes" = #notes" buttonUp buttonUp functional Notes functional notes functional Notes functional Notes t>showNameProp 2?:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting Note: This function plays a single track only -- demo tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") .close buttonUp leavePage buttonUp play lss1d.wav tbkMCI leavePage close lss1d.wav tbkMCI tbkMCI x - 1 x - 1 7/(un)derline tbkMCI(" " && play" && && "wait","") 7close" && buttonUp pText cleanUp mainLoop findClip buttonUp QlmainLoop 06cleanUp mainLoop spanish words key info spanish words pText english words pText YfindClip spanish words pText english words pText spanish words english words limit sName pText underline cleanUp key info spanish words english words spanish words english words findClip tbkMCI tbkMCI close tbkMCI sName 4overFlag "trans" "French: There just a single /sublime :" & \ "ridiculous." tbkMCI(" 6.wav","") play 'close "firstScreen" = 1 "German: What country zyou come ? I'm American." \ ichbin. = 1 "Russian: Anna often helps her parents." anna. = 1 "Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see duibu. = 1 stokecolor "Trans" buttonUp buttonUp trans trans 240,50,100 French: There is just a single step from the sublime to the ridiculous. trans play sublime.wav tbkMCI firstScreen trans 0,50,100 German: What country do you come from? I'm an American. trans play ichbin.wav tbkMCI firstScreen trans 0,50,100 Russian: Anna often helps her parents. trans play anna.wav tbkMCI firstScreen trans 240,50,100 Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see it. trans play duibu.wav tbkMCI firstScreen trans stokecolor 0,50,100 trans Trans overFlag hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group 4RHldr,counter,CorrectAns,counterFlag,\ R,W,WQues,WAns,numberOfLines,repeatFlag,startFlag,buFlag = 1 = 1 ~ = "" translate") correct question r -- w --wrong = "" "your answer" Muy bien! The questions N answered cleanUp "You had" && R && " " && W && " . Do want review the ones?" f"Yes" "No") clickPlace "No") -- w>0 = 0 + 2 "Translate correctAns P-- place cursor buttonUp buttonUp repeat to translate repeat translate this your answer correct answer Muy bien! The questions you answered were correct. 06cleanUp You had right and wrong. Do you want to review the wrong ones? 06cleanUp repeat repeat your answer to translate Translate this to translate to translate to translate your answer repeat Translate this repeat correctAns repeat repeat your answer KkeyDown clickPlace RHldr counter CorrectAns counterFlag WQues numberOfLines repeatFlag startFlag buFlag firstScreen HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. buttonUp buttonUp Click to Continue buttonUp buttonUp spanish words english words firstScreen Functional Notes --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Exploring III Field "instructions" leavePage leavePage instructions M0NVN&Q "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.] English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. bkgnd field id 2 textHeightProp Lesson 1 - Arrival, Changing Money - Exploring III bkgnd field id 14 buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp DEFINITE AND INDEFINITE ARTICLES In English, the definite article is "the," and the indefinite article is "a," or "an." In Spanish, the articles have four forms, and they must agree with the noun in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine): masculine feminine definite el la (singular) articles los las (plural) indefinite un una (singular) articles unos unas (plural) el aeropuerto, los billetes, la empleada, las oficinas, un hombre, una se ora, unos d lares, unas conversaciones Instructions buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Now read the information on this page carefully. Then click on the Practice button below and try the exercises to see whether you have understood the Exploring material. If anything is not clear, simply review the Exploring material once again. If you click on the Exploring button now, it will take you back to the first Exploring page. Click anywhere in this field to hide it. Exploring "exploring I" buttonUp buttonUp exploring I :PHYSSIZE Exploring showNameProp Practice "Practice I" buttonUp buttonUp Practice I :PHYSSIZE Practice showNameProp Info Explore Practice Stop Returnurnnnnn buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT_ EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOT TTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTT[ EEEEE EEEEEE TTTTY TTTTTTTT EEEEK EEEEEE EEOEE EEEEE TTTTT[ EEEEEO TTTTTT EEEEEO TTTTT[ TTTTT EEEEEO TTTTT[ EEEEE TTTTT EEEEEO TT_TT[ EEEEEO TTTT[ EEEEO TTTT[ EEEEO TTTT[ EEEEO TTTTTTTTTTY TTTT[ EOEEEEEEEEK EEEEO TTTTT[ EEEEEO TTTTTTTTTT TTTTT EEEEEE EEEEE TTTTTT TTTTT EEEEEEEEEEK EEEEE TTTTTTTTTTY TTTT[ EEEEEEEE EEEEO TTTTT[ EEEEE TTTT_TY TTTTT EEEEE TT_T_TY TTTTT[ EEEEEO TT_T_TY TTTTTT OEOEK EEEEEO _T_T_TY TTTTTT OEOEK EEEEEE _T_TY TTTTTT[ OEEEOEK EEEEEE TTTTTTY TTTTTT[ EEEEEEE EEEEEEO TTTTTTTTY EEEEEOEEE TTTTTT_ TT_TT[ EEEEOEO EEEEEO T_TT_T_ TTTTT[ EOEEEO TT_T_ EEOEO EOEEEOE T_TTT_T_ EOEEE EOEEEOE EEEEO EEEOOEO EEEOOE EEEEO TTTT[ EEEOEO TTTTT_ EEEEOEEE TTTTTTTY EEEEEEE TT_TTTY EEOEEEK TTTT[ EEEEE EEEEE TTTTT EEEEO T_TT[ EEEEEO TTTTT[ EEEEE EEEEEEO TTTTTTTT[ EEEEEEEEOEEE TTTTTTTTTTT[ EEEEO TTTTT_TTTT EEEEE EEEEO EEOEE EEOEE TT_TT TTT[TTTT EEOEE EEEEEEJ TT_TT TTT[TZ EEOEEJ TTTT[ EEOEEE TTTTTTT[ EEEEEEO TTTTTTT EEEEJ TTTTZ EEEEEJ TTTTTTTTT TTTT[ TTTTTT[ EEEEO EIEEEEEEEE TTTT[ TTTTYT[ EEEEO TTTT[ EEEEE TTTTTTTY EEEEO EOEEIEE EE@T[ TTTT[ T_TTPEO EEEEEOEEEEO EOEE@T[ TTTTTTTT_T T_TTPEO EEEEEO EEEEE EEE@T[ TTTTT[ TTTTPEO OEEEEE EEEEEE _TTTTT TTTTT[ EEEEO TTTT[ EEEEO EEEEEI TTTTT TTTT[ EEEEE EIEEEEEI TTTTT EEEEE TTTTTT EEEEE TTTTT EOEEEEEE EEIEEO TTTTT TTTTTTT[ EEEEEE TTTTTT[ TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTPEOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE@TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEO TTTTTTTTTT_ "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? I:PHYSSIZE J:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting O:PHYSSIZE ^Q@R, Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions VRshowNameProp M0NVN&Q Dialogue tbkMCI("stop lss1d.wav","") J"instructions" J"functional notes" J"English Dialogue" Show J"Spanish leavePage leavePage stop lss1d.wav tbkMCI instructions functional notes instructions functional notes English Dialogue Spanish Dialogue $r'X( 5@5f5 [Thomas]: Perd n, se ora. ora]: game? [Thomas]: nde puedo cambiar unos d lares? ora]: La oficina de cambio est a la vuelta. [Thomas]: Gracias. EN LA CAJA [Thomas]: Se or, necesito cambiar unos d lares. [empleado]: ntos? [Thomas]: Treinta d lares. [empleado]: El cambio est a tres mil pesos por d lar. Entonces, son noventa mil pesos. mo los quiere? [Thomas]: En billetes grandes, por favor. [empleado]: Aqu tiene. [Thomas]: Muchas gracias. Click in this field to see the English translation.In the full version, you can go back and forth while the speakers are talking. [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. Click in this field to see the Spanish translation. Listen to the dialogue twice. First, see how much you can understand without looking at the dialogue. Next, read through the dialogue. Finally, listen one more time, preferably without looking at the dialogue. In the full version you can hear individual lines of the dialogue, by clicking on the line you want to hear while holding down the Ctrl key. Click on the dialogue without holding down the Ctrl key to toggle back and forth between the Spanish text and the English. In the full version you can do this while the speaker is talking. In this demo however, you can only switch back and forth after the speaker has finished. Be sure to click the Notes button for cultural information. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way._ Lesson 1- Arrival, Changing Money - Dialogue English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. CDPlay CDPause CDStop Info Listen Closer Explore Practice Test Notes Stop Returnturnnnnn playsetting Note: This function plays a single track only -- demo tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") .close buttonUp leavePage buttonUp play lss1d.wav tbkMCI leavePage close lss1d.wav tbkMCI pause "This Ballows you restart the full version" "CANCEL" tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") buttonUp buttonUp pause lss1d.wav tbkMCI Pause "This Ballows you stop the sound full version." "CANCEL" tbkMCI(" alss1d.wav","") buttonUp buttonUp stop lss1d.wav tbkMCI "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? :PHYSSIZE t :PHYSSIZE UX\9# Listening Activity "Listening Comprehension" buttonUp buttonUp Listening Comprehension $showNameProp $:PHYSSIZE Closer Look "Closer Look" buttonUp buttonUp Closer Look L(showNameProp ):PHYSSIZE Exploring "exploring I" buttonUp buttonUp exploring I ,showNameProp B-:PHYSSIZE Practice "Practice I" buttonUp buttonUp Practice I 0showNameProp 1:PHYSSIZE "Test I" buttonUp buttonUp Test I 5showNameProp >6:PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions 9showNameProp J::PHYSSIZE "functional Notes" = #notes" buttonUp buttonUp functional Notes functional notes functional Notes functional Notes T>showNameProp ?:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting "record" buttonUp buttonUp record ytonUp In the full version his button takes you to the Orientation Book. On other pages it brings you back here. Now it takes you to the first page. "'H'n' showNameProp ~?:PHYSSIZE Practice "Practice I" buttonUp buttonUp Practice I CshowNameProp check "answers" = buttonUp buttonUp answers answers answers D:PHYSSIZE tbkMCIchk cmd,notif,req,brk ZretVal sysErrorNumber tbkmci( syserrornumber<>0 tbkmmerrorstring( X"TBKFILE.DLL" INT removeFile(STRING) createDirectory( getCurrentDrive() / getCurrentDirectory( .dll" -- private (exported, but undocumented) tbkmmloadextensions( ) -- The rest these are standard M entry points tbkmmversion() -- MCI central interface -- parallel MMSYSTEM tbkTimerStart( tbkTimerStop( tbkTimerCapability() -- Utility functions \ MilliSecFromMSF( \ MilliSecFromHMS( \ MilliSecFromSMPTE( MSFFromMilliSec( HMSFromMilliSec( SMPTEFromMilliSec( " && waveAudio,"") <> 0 s_mminit "TBKMM.DLL link failed" "c:\vivian\bake. removeDirectory("c:\ ("close" && ","") X"tbkfile. "directions" "title" B"hear" "welcome" "setting" "trans" hc_SetButtonHilite objectSpecifier, theHilite myStyle hc_Show " && " && && " myObject") " && fieldID showNameProp hc_Scroll theScroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible theVis leaveBook enterBook hc_SetButtonHilite hc_Show kMCIchk hc_Scroll tbkMCIchk hc_Visible hc_Scroll hc_Visible tbkMCIchk tbkmci tbkmmerrorstring retVal notif enterBook sizeToPage TBKFILE.DLL removeFile createDirectory getCurrentDrive getCurrentDirectory removeDirectory tbkmm.dll tbkmmloadextensions tbkmmversion tbkmmerrorstring tbkMCI tbkTimerStart tbkTimerStop tbkTimerCapability MilliSecFromMSF MilliSecFromHMS MilliSecFromSMPTE MSFFromMilliSec HMSFromMilliSec SMPTEFromMilliSec tbkMCI TBKMM.DLL link failed s_mminit waveAudio leaveBook c:\vivian\bake.wav removeFile c:\vivian removeDirectory close tbkMCI close all tbkMCI tbkmm.dll tbkfile.dll directions title title welcome setting trans title trans title waveAudio hc_SetButtonHilite checkbox,radiobutton myStyle theHilite objectSpecifier hc_Show menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group showNameProp fieldID myObject objectSpecifier hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight theScroll hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? 4F:PHYSSIZE buttonUp changed Practice i 4enterFlag,showFlag "instructions" "answers" userHint "blank" & x fldName Field leavePage leavePage instructions answers blank fldName userHint enterFlag showFlag "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way. buttonUp buttonUp 1. el hombre 2. la cajera 3. el d 4. el d 5. la se ora 6. la cantidad 7. la conversaci Click on a field, type in answer, and press the TAB key. Or press TAB to move from blank to blank......ank to blank.. English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. bkgnd field id 2 textHeightProp Practice I - Fill in the blanks with the plural forms of the nouns and articles. blank1 4fName "blank1" - <> checkAnswer BAcheck keyDown keyDown blank1 checkAnswer Acheck fName textHeightProp enterFlag false fEnterFlag false blank2 4fName "blank2" - <> checkAnswer BAcheck keyDown keyDown blank2 checkAnswer Acheck fName textHeightProp enterFlag false fEnterFlag false blank3 4fName "blank3" - <> checkAnswer BAcheck keyDown keyDown blank3 checkAnswer Acheck fName textHeightProp enterFlag false fEnterFlag false blank4 4fName "blank4" - <> checkAnswer BAcheck keyDown keyDown blank4 checkAnswer Acheck fName textHeightProp enterFlag false fEnterFlag false blank5 4fName "blank5" - <> checkAnswer BAcheck keyDown keyDown blank5 checkAnswer Acheck fName textHeightProp enterFlag false fEnterFlag false blank6 4fName "blank6" - <> checkAnswer BAcheck keyDown keyDown blank6 checkAnswer Acheck fName textHeightProp enterFlag false fEnterFlag false blank7 4fName "blank7" - <> checkAnswer BAcheck keyDown keyDown blank7 checkAnswer Acheck fName textHeightProp enterFlag false fEnterFlag false Info Check Practice Test Stop Returnturnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn theAnswers los hombres las cajeras los d los d lares las se las cantidades las conversacionessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnessnes buttonUp buttonUp :PHYSSIZE 770770 77777 7777770 sssssp sssssp sssssp 777770 7077770 77777 sssssp ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` 777777 ffffff` sssssp spssss ffffff` fffffff fffff fffff fffffff` fffffff` ffffff fffff fffff ffff` fffff ffff` fffff fffff fffff 7777777 ssssp sssssss sssss 777777 777770 ffff` ffff` ffff` fffff` fffffff` fffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` sssssss 77777 7777777 ssssss fffff` fffff ffff` 77777 sssss 77777 sssss 77777 sssss 777777 77777700 sssss sssssssp ssssss 77770 777770 ssssp fffff fffff ffff` fffff ffff` fffff fffff fffff fffff fffff fffff fffff ffff` fffff fffff ffff` fffff` ffff` ffff` fffff ffff` ffff` ffff`f ffffff` ffff` ffff` fffff fffff fffff ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` fffff fffff ffffff` fffff ffff` ffff` ffffff f`fff` fffff fffff ffff` ffff` ffffff ffff` ffff` fffff ffffff` ffffff` ffff` ffffff ffff` ffff` Practice "In the full version " & \ "Learn Speak Spanish, Bwill take you " & \ another practice exercise." r= "CANCEL" buttonUp buttonUp In the full version of Learn to Speak Spanish, this button will take you to another practice exercise. CANCEL cancel :PHYSSIZE Practice showNameProp acheck "blank"&x aField "Answers"\ checkAnswer 4correctAns,yourAns,fName,lineNo = 0 A <> moveField "userHint" answer bHolder height xField tonUp checkAnswer buttonUp moveField buttonUp blank Answers aField checkAnswer moveField Answers userHint correctAns yourAns fName lineNo moveField userHint xField height bHolder fName lineNo HORIZONTAL userHint buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp 1. los hombresaciones check "answers" = buttonUp buttonUp answers answers answers :PHYSSIZE Instructions "blank1" buttonUp buttonUp blank1 textHeightProp Now you can practice some of the things you have learned in this lesson. Type in your answer and press the TAB key. The correct answer will pop-up beside your answer after you hit the TAB key. You can also click on the blank you wish to go to, type in your answer, then press TAB to see the correct answer. Click on the "Practice" button to go to the second part of the practice. Remember, you can't type Spanish accents unless you've installed the Spanish keyboard driver in the Contol Panel. Click in this field to hide it. ntol Panel. Click in this field to hide it. unless you've installed the Spanish keyboard driver in the Contol Panel. Click in this field to hide it. ck your answer. Click on the "Practice" button to go to the second part of the practice. Remember, you can't type Spanish accents unless you've installed the Spanish keyboard driver in the Contol Panel. Click in this field to hide it. Answers buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp 1. los hombres 2. las cajeras 3. los d 4. los d lares 5. las se 6. las cantidades 7. las conversaciones :PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting :PHYSSIZE Instructions showNameProp :PHYSSIZE "Test I" buttonUp buttonUp Test I showNameProp "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? :PHYSSIZE "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions 4overFlag tbkmci(" mariachi.wav","") tbkMCI("play close T = 1 "Would you like see a -running demo" && \ +want work interactively?" \ f"Interactive" "Self" "Quit" "CANCEL" "To halt the , hold down F2 key stops." selfRunning = 1 marker = 1 B"hear" "title" = 1 "setting" = 1 wel2talk. = 1 "welcome" = 1 settalk. "english = 1 "spanish = 1 B"playSetting" = 1 "dialogue" = 1 dialtalk. = 1 = 1 B"note" <= 1500 + 1 J"functional notes" <= 1500 + 1 "listening comprehension" = 1 listtalk. = 1 "closer look" = 1 clostalk. = 1 <= 1500 + 1 Field " "exploring i" = 1 = 1 = 1 expltalk. = 1 "practice i" = 1 pra1talk. = 1 "test i" = 1 tes1talk. = 1 = 1 commtalk. = 1 "record" = 1 recotalk. = 1 ending" terPage selfRunning enterPage enterPage play mariachi.wav tbkMCI selfRunning buttonUp title setting play wel2talk.wav tbkMCI buttonup welcome setting play settalk.wav tbkMCI buttonUp english setting setting buttonUp spanish setting setting buttonUp english setting setting buttonUp playSetting setting dialogue play dialtalk.wav tbkMCI buttonUp spanish dialogue dialogue buttonUp english dialogue dialogue buttonUp playSetting dialogue buttonUp buttonUp functional notes listening comprehension play listtalk.wav tbkMCI closer look play clostalk.wav tbkMCI buttonUp buttonUp functional notes exploring i exploring ii exploring iii play expltalk.wav tbkMCI practice i play pra1talk.wav tbkMCI test i play tes1talk.wav tbkMCI test ii play commtalk.wav tbkMCI record play recotalk.wav tbkMCI marker overFlag Self-running demo is ending cancel overFlag tbkMCI record play recotalk.wav tbkMCI marker overFlag Self-running demo is ending cancel overFlag mainLoop "In the full version you will be able click " & \ hear iwithout Here, however, " & \ Pcan control- pronounced." cleanUp 4sName "spanish limit "key info" ) <> down "ls1_" & x & ".wav" pText J"english findClip x - 1 x - 1 7/(un)derline tbkMCI(" " && play" && && "wait","") 7close" && buttonUp pText cleanUp mainLoop findClip buttonUp In the full version you will be able to click this button and hear all the words without pause. Here, however, you can control-click any word to hear it pronounced. 06cleanUp mainLoop spanish words key info spanish words pText english words pText YfindClip spanish words pText english words pText spanish words english words limit sName pText underline cleanUp key info spanish words english words spanish words english words findClip tbkMCI tbkMCI close tbkMCI sName "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions showNameProp instructions instructions "showNameProp buttonUp buttonUp Exploring I Creamer Functional Notes --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Record "Instructions" "instructions" --close old wave file B"Unload" leavePage leavePage Instructions instructions buttonDown Unload '^(v*|+ 082$3J3 6J7p7@:|; :PHYSSIZE EEEEE TTTTTTY EEEEI TTTTY EEEEEEI TTTTTTTY EEEEEEEI TTTTTTTT EEEEEEEE TTTTTTTTTTY EEEEEEEI EEE@E TTTTY TTTTTTT EEEEEEE EEEE@E TTTTTTTTTT^ EEEEEEEEN TTTTTT^ TTTTY TTTTT EEEEEEE TTTTTTTTY EEEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTY EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTTTTTTTTT EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TTTTTTTTTTTTT EEEEEEEEEN TTTTT :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE EEEEEEEEEEG dTTTTTTTTTm :PHYSSIZE dddddddddddddddddddddddddddeFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF dddddddddddddddddd ddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFF{dddddddddddddd ddddddeFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFF dddddddddd dddddd?FFFFFFFF FFFFFF|dddddd dddddd FFFFFF dddddd dddddeFFI FFFFFFFF FFFFF ddddddd ddddd;FFI FFFFF ddddd FFFFF;ddd dddd;FFFI FFFFedddi FFFF]dddd dddmFFFF FFFwdddd dddd?FFFFI FFFF|ddddi ddddd FFFFI FFFFFFF ddddd dddddddddlFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFF ddddd dddddddddddddd FFFFFI FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF}dddddi ddddddddddddddddddd FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF dddddddddddddddddddddddddddtFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd;A t L q Recording Studio Instructions buttonUp buttonUp n!textHeightProp In order to record in this demo version, click on the "Open New File" button. Then, click on the red "Record" button and begin speaking. When you are done, click on the "Stop" button. To hear what you've recorded, click on the "Play" button. If you want to add to what you recorded, click on the "Record" button again. Whatever you say will be added to what you've already recorded. To begin a new recording, click on the "Open New File" button again and start over. In the fes the recording automatically when you quit.them from the hard drive. This demo erases the recording automatically when you quit.. Instructions --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: error occured cprocessing the following -- HyperTalk: click ht_at buttonUp buttonUp j%textHeightProp sbplay ("c:\vivian\bake.wav") buttonup buttonup c:\vivian\bake.wav sbplay In the full version, you will be able to name your recorded voice and create different files, all of which can be played. In this you cannot save your recordings.are overwriting your last recording...n this Demo, each time you record, you are overwriting your last recording. Your Voice Your Teacher's Voice Teacher buttonUp buttonUp In the full version of Learn to Speak Spanish, you will see sentences here from the dialogue which you can click and hear in order to compare your own voice with them. Even in this demo version, however, if you have a microphone, you can still record your own voice and play it back. Just click the info button below to find out how. Info Open Save Unload Record Stop Play Stop Return New File File Fileile Record tbkMCIchk("seek waveFile ","",1) "record ","",1) yieldApp() buttonDown buttonDown seek waveFile to end tbkMCIchk record waveFile tbkMCIchk yieldApp tbkMCIchk("stop waveFile","",1) 0","",1) buttonDown buttonDown stop waveFile tbkMCIchk seek waveFile to 0 tbkMCIchk tbkMCIchk("seek waveFile 0","",1) "play wait","",1) 0","",1) yieldApp() buttonDown buttonDown seek waveFile to 0 tbkMCIchk play waveFile wait tbkMCIchk seek waveFile to 0 tbkMCIchk yieldApp --close old wave file B"Unload" tbkMCIchk(" qtype waveaudio alias waveFile","",1,1) buttonDown buttonDown buttonDown Unload open new type waveaudio alias waveFile tbkMCIchk "In the full version you will be able "sounds " & \ " have recorded." buttonUp buttonUp In the full version you will be able to save the sounds you have recorded. Unload --close the wave file tbkMCI(" !waveFile","") buttonDown buttonDown close waveFile tbkMCI 3:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting "8:PHYSSIZE x:Z;, Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions p;showNameProp "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? =:PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions v=showNameProp Closer Look Field "instructions" the Scroll functional notes" spanish" english" J"Spanish Words" J"English Show "Hide leavePage leavePage instructions functional notes functional notes hide spanish hide english Spanish Words English Words Spanish Words English Words hide spanish Hide Spanish hide english Hide English 92;X; el hombre un hombre de negocios de Chicago llega ( l, llegar) el aeropuerto primero necesita ( l, necesitar) cambiar el peso va ( l, ir) la oficina de informaci pregunta ( l, preguntar ) la empleada la oficina de cambio a continuaci el se tiene ( l, tener) una conversaci peque la cajera sobre el valor el valor del d la cantidad quiere ( l, querer) puedo? ( yo, poder) a la vuelta la caja necesito (yo, necesitar) ntos? treinta el cambio l, estar) tres mil entonces son (ellos, ser) noventa mil mo los quiere( usted)? billetes grandes por favor muchas gracias the man a businessman from Chicago he arrives (he, to arrive) the airport first he needs (he, to need) to change the dollar the peso (currency of Mexico) he goes (he, to go) the information office, desk he asks (he, to ask) the employee (female) the exchange office further on the man he has (he, to have) a conversation little the cashier (female) about the value the value of the dollar the amount he wants (he, to want) excuse me where Can I? (I, to be able) around the corner the counter, window (of bank) I need (I, to need) how many? thirty the exchange (rate) (it) is (it, to be) three thousand then, so are (they, to be) ninety thousand how do (you) want them? large bills please thanks a lot the man a businessman from Chicago he arrives (he, to arrive) the airport first he needs (he, to need) to change the dollar the peso (currency of Mexico) he goes (he, to go) the information office, desk he asks (he, to ask) the employee (female) the exchange office further on the man he has (he, to have) a conversation little the cashier (female) about the value the value of the dollar the amount he wants (he, to want) excuse me where Can I? (I, to be able) around the corner the counter, window (of bank) I need (I, to need) how many? thirty the exchange (rate) (it) is (it, to be) three thousand then, so are (they, to be) ninety thousand how do (you) want them? large bills please thanks a lot spanish" english" Field "functional Notes" buttonUp buttonUp hide spanish hide english functional Notes :PHYSSIZE Functional Notes showNameProp English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. bkgnd field id 2 textHeightProp Lesson 1 - Arrival, Changing Money - Closer Look Notes --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: the hc_Scroll buttonUp buttonUp hc_Scroll textHeightProp "Llega" (he arrives) and "necesita" (he needs) are conjugated forms of the verbs "llegar" (to arrive) and "necesitar" (to need). You will learn how to conjugate these and other similar verbs in lesson 3. "Va" (he goes) is a conjugated form of the verb "ir" (to go). You will learn how to conjugate this verb in lesson 7. "Tiene" (he has) and "quiere" (he wants) are conjugated forms of "tener" (to have) and "querer" (to want) You will learn how to conjugate these verbs in lesson 6. "Puedo" (I can) and "necesito" (I need) are conjugated forms of the verbs "poder" (to be able to) and "necesitar" (to need to). They are normally followed by an infinitive (in this case, "cambiar"). "Est ," from the verb "estar," is used to talk about the location of something. "Son," from the verb "ser," is used to talk about how much something is worth or how much it costs. You will learn more about these verbs in lesson 6. Nouns in Spanish are masculine or feminine. The definite article ("el"-masculine- or "la" -feminine-) tells you the gender of the noun. See the exploring section of this lesson for more information about nouns. Adjectives that end in -o, such as "peque o" have four forms in Spanish, depending on whether you are describing a masculine or feminine noun, singular of plural: un peque o favor, una peque a conversaci n, etc. You'll learn more about this in lesson 11. "Cu nto" (how much, how many) has four forms, depending on whether it refers to a masculine or feminine noun, singular or plural: cu nto dinero, cu nta informaci n, cu ntos d lares, and cu ntas cajeras. If you want to ask about the rate of exchange you will have to use the expression: " mo est el cambio ?. The construction is literally "At how much is the rate of exchange?" While "uno" means "one," "unos" implies the idea of "some." It means the same as "algunos." "Los" means "them." It refers in this conversation to "pesos." Notice "los" is placed in front of the conjugated verb,"quiere" (you want), NOT after it. When saying "thanks" you can use "gracias" or or "muchas gracias " ( thank you very much). FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND Here are some signs that will be useful to you : INMIGRACION - Immigration EQUIPAJE- Baggage FACTURACION - Baggage Claim ADUANA - Customs OFICINA- Office CAMBIO- Money exchange BANCO - Bank CAJA - Cashier AUTOBUSES, CAMIONES - buses OS, SANITARIOS, SERVICIOS- restrooms SALIDA - Exit ENTRADA- Entrance HOMBRES/CABALLEROS -Men's Bathrooms MUJERES/SE ORAS/ DAMAS- Women's Bathroomsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Instructions buttonUp buttonUp 2#textHeightProp Here is where you can study the new vocabulary. Click the Notes button for additional information about the vocabulary words and their meanings. To hear an individual word pronounced, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the word. To hear all words pronounced, click on the "Hear All Words" button. To stop the pronunciation of all words, press and hold your left mouse button down in either the "Spanish Words" or "English Words" field. Clicking on a spanish word will correctly align it with its english translation. Hide the translations to test your knowledge by clicking either of the Hide Spanish and Hide English buttons. Functional Notes spanish" english" buttonUp buttonUp hide spanish hide english 'textHeightProp 820'52 "Llega" (he arrives) and "necesita" (he needs) are conjugated forms of the verbs "llegar" (to arrive) and "necesitar" (to need). You will learn how to conjugate these and other similar verbs in lesson 3. "Va" (he goes) is a conjugated form of the verb "ir" (to go). You will learn how to conjugate this verb in lesson 7. "Tiene" (he has) and "quiere" (he wants) are conjugated forms of "tener" (to have) and "querer" (to want) You will learn how to conjugate these verbs in lesson 6. "Puedo" (I can) and "necesito" (I need) are conjugated forms of the verbs "poder" (to be able to) and "necesitar" (to need to). They are normally followed by an infinitive (in this case, "cambiar"). "Est ," from the verb "estar," is used to talk about the location of something. "Son," from the verb "ser," is used to talk about how much something is worth or how much it costs. You will learn more about these verbs in lesson 6. Nouns in Spanish are masculine or femenine. The definite article ("el"-masculine- or "la" -femenine-) tells you the gender of the noun. See the exploring section of this lesson for more information about nouns. Adjectives that end in -o, such as "peque o" have four forms in Spanish, depending on whether you are describing a masculine or feminine noun, singular of plural: un peque o favor, una peque a conversaci n, etc. You'll learn more about this in lesson 11. "Cu nto" (how much, how many) has four forms, depending on whether it refers to a masculine or feminine noun, singular or plural: cu nto dinero, cu nta informaci n, cu ntos d lares, and cu ntas cajeras. If you want to ask about the rate of exchange you will have to use the expression: " mo est el cambio ?. The construction is literally "At how much is the rate of exchange ?" While "uno" means "one," "unos" implies the idea of "some." It means the same as "algunos." "Los" means "them." It refers in this conversation to "pesos." Notice "los" is placed in front of the conjugated verb,"quiere" (you want), NOT after it. When saying "thanks" you can use "gracias" or or "muchas gracias " ( thank you very much). FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND Here are some signs that will be useful to you : INMIGRACION - Immigration EQUIPAJE- Baggage FACTURACION - Baggage Claim ADUANA - Customs OFICINA- Office CAMBIO- Money exchange BANCO - Bank CAJA - Cashier AUTOBUSES, CAMIONES - buses OS, SANITARIOS, SERVICIOS- restrooms SALIDA - Exit ENTRADA- Entrance HOMBRES/CABALLEROS -Men's Bathrooms MUJERES/SE ORAS/ DAMAS- Women's Bathroomssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Hide Spanish the Visible J"Spanish Words" "Show "Hide buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Words Spanish Words Show Spanish Spanish Words Hide Spanish Hide Spanish Hide English the Visible J"English Words" "Show "Hide buttonUp buttonUp English Words English Words Show English English Words Hide English Hide English Hear All Words Hear All Words bottom info Info Notes Crtl-Click the Spanish Words To Hear Them Individually Stop Returnurnn6 key info Hold left mouse button down to stop word pronunciation 7 DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting <:PHYSSIZE P=2>, Instructions instructions showNameProp ?H<^6true "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? ^A:PHYSSIZE Setting "instructions" J"Spanish Setting" Show J"English "welcome" leavePage leavePage instructions instructions Spanish Setting English Setting 1h4H5 SETTING Thomas Smith, a businessman from Chicago, arrives at the airport in Mexico City. First he needs to change some dollars into pesos. He goes to the information booth and asks the employee where the exchange office is. Then, Thomas has a short conversation with the clerk about the exchange rate of the dollar and about how much money he wants to change. Click in this field to see the Spanish translation. In the full CD version you are able to switch between English and Spanish while the speaker is talking. SITUACION Thomas Smith, un hombre de negocios de Chicago, llega al aeropuerto de M xico. Primero necesita cambiar d lares por pesos. Va a la oficina de informaci n y pregunta a la empleada d nde est la oficina de cambio. A continuaci n, Thomas tiene una peque a conversaci n con la cajera sobre el valor del d lar y sobre la cantidad que quiere cambiar. Click in this field to see the English translation. In the full CD version you are able to switch between English and Spanish while the speaker is talking. Listen to the "Situacion" by clicking the "Play" button to the left (you can also Pause and Stop). After you've become familiar with the Setting, click on the dialogue button below and listen to the Dialogue until you are completely familiar with it. The "Listening Activity" button takes you to a comprehension activity. "Closer Look" introduces new vocabulary. "Exploring" introduces basic aspects of grammar. The "Practice" and "Test" buttons will check what you have learned. The "Speaker" button will take you to the Recording Studio where you can record your own voice speaking Spanish and hear how you sound compared to the native speakers. Click in this field to make it go away. CDPause CDStop Welcome buttonUp buttonUp Welcome to a sample lesson of HyperGlot's interactive multimedia Spanish course, "Learn to Speak Spanish." The course is made up of 30 interactive lessons and is meant for people who are just beginning their study of Spanish or who need supplemental materials or a review. The knowledge gained from the course equals that of a full first-year college-level course or about two years of high-school Spanish. The course deals with many real-life situations and is very practically oriented. Now, click in this field to make it go away and then click on the red information button for instructions. Enjoy your HyperGlot demonstration program, have fun, and learn! Info Dialog Listen Closer Explore Practice Test Stop Record Returnnrnn playsetting tbkMCI(" lss1s.wav","") play 'close buttonUp buttonUp play lss1s.wav tbkMCI leavePage stop lss1s.wav tbkMCI leavePage stop lss1s.wav tbkMCI textFont Pause "This Ballows you restart the full version" r= CANCEL tbkMCI(" lss1s.wav","") buttonUp buttonUp pause lss1s.wav tbkMCI Pause "This Ballows you stop the sound full version." r= CANCEL tbkMCI(" blss1s.wav","") buttonUp buttonUp stop lss1s.wav tbkMCI "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions instructions showNameProp :PHYSSIZE Dialogue "dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp dialogue &$showNameProp $:PHYSSIZE Listening Activity "Listening Comprehension" buttonUp buttonUp Listening Comprehension (showNameProp @):PHYSSIZE Closer Look "Closer Look" buttonUp buttonUp Closer Look ,showNameProp z-:PHYSSIZE "f?0 Exploring "exploring I" buttonUp buttonUp exploring I 0showNameProp 1:PHYSSIZE Practice "Practice I" buttonUp buttonUp Practice I <5showNameProp 5:PHYSSIZE "Test I" buttonUp buttonUp Test I ~9showNameProp <::PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "In the full version his Btakes you Orientation Book." & \ " On other brings .here. Now airst buttonUp buttonUp In the full version his button takes you to the Orientation Book. On other pages it brings you back here. Now it takes you to the first page. 4?:PHYSSIZE Record "record" buttonUp buttonUp record tbkMCI("stop lss1s.wav","") "instructions" J"Spanish Setting" Show J"English "welcome" leavePage leavePage stop lss1s.wav tbkMCI instructions instructions Spanish Setting English Setting buttonUp play lss1s.wav tbkMCI leavePage stop lss1s.wav tbkMCI tbkMCI FD1s.wav tbkMCI "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting Exploring III Functional Notes --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Practice i 4counter,correctAns,counterFlag,R,W,yourAns,numberOfLines,\ skipFlag,countedFlag T = 13 F -- ENTER hit on keyBoard "Translate " <> noBlanks -- strips out front,rear spaces & extra "Your Answer" = yesSkip -- handles skipCount & flag readem "result" B"Continue" -- blank user answer "sTest" -- restart test enter hit Jtranslation -- 4key Fdon't zanything!! ,W, WQues, WAns, RHldr = FALSE TRUE asure each only once N -- question wrong list w -- (W+1) 0,0,0 -- "*Skipping q. (Will Be Counted WRONG!)*" killBlanks opus ++1) interior found 4newString, p,failChar,nsLen totalCount <> "*" 0+1) checkChar( allWrong ,yaLen longestLen chartoAnsi( ) <> \ greatest amount Vmatch ,correctedFlag 300, 50, 100 -- purple partially -1) = 1 (W+1) W -- allYourAns 0, 50, 100 -- "Sorry. incorrect." (W+1) W -- 4R,W, has been a mistake F -- b. condition Muy bien! changed 120, 25.125, 100 -- -- (r+1) R -- yesSkip readem wrong keyChar allWrong noBlanks correct checkChar keyChar Translate this fnoBlanks Your Answer &QyesSkip Your Answer readem result Continue buttonUp sTest counter correctAns counterFlag yourAns numberOfLines skipFlag countedFlag yesSkip result *Skipping this question. (Will Be Counted WRONG!)* result result Continue countedFlag WQues RHldr noBlanks your answer your answer your answer your answer your answer your answer your answer your answer your answer your answer opus:to killBlanks readem checkChar >correct wrong rallWrong totalCount newString correctAns yourAns failChar nsLen checkChar longestLen failChar nsLen yaLen yourAns newString wrong result correct answer Answer partially correct. result rallWrong Your Answer underline correctAns WQues RHldr yourAns failChar yaLen countedFlag correctedFlag allWrong result correct answer Sorry. Your answer is incorrect. result allYourAns correctAns WQues RHldr countedFlag correctedFlag correct Muy bien! Your changed answer is correct. result Muy bien! Your answer is correct. result result yourAns countedFlag correctedFlag Test I ng Comprehension "instructions" "answers" "blank" & x fldName Field leavePage leavePage instructions instructions answers blank fldName 646Z6 C:C8 x "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way. Lesson 1 - Arrival, Changing Money - Listening Testrehension English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. (Thomas): Perd n, se ora): game ? (Thomas): nde puedo cambiar unos d lares ? ora): La oficina de cambio est a la vuelta... (Thomas): Gracias. EN LA CAJA (Thomas): Se or, necesito cambiar unos d lares. (empleado): Quantos ? (Thomas): Treinta d lares. (empleado): El cambio est a tres mil pesos por d lar. Entonces, son noventa mil pesos. Como los quiere? (Thomas): En billetes grandes,, por favor. (empleado): Aqu tiene. . (Thomas): Muchas gracias. Blank1 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank3 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank2 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank4 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank5 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank6 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank7 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank8 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank9 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank10 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank11 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Instructions buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp This is another drill for your comprehension. Listen to the dialogue again. Click in a blank to set the cursor and then type the missing words into the blanks. Hit the Tab key to move from blank to blank. Check your work by clicking on the "Check" button. When you leave this page, the blanks will clear automatically. After you get to the last blank, if you want to change anything, simply click the mouse in the blank you want to work in. When you are finished, click on the Test button to go to the Communications Test. Remember, in the full version you can stop the speaker whenever you want in order to type in your answers. Click anywhere in this field to hide it. Check Show Field "answers" buttonUp buttonUp answers showNameProp "Test II" buttonUp buttonUp Test II :PHYSSIZE (#showNameProp Info Closer Explore Practice Test Check Returnnnnnnnnnnnnn playsetting Note: This function plays a single track only -- demo tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") wait","") ,close buttonUp buttonUp open lss1d.wav tbkMCI play lss1d.wav wait tbkMCI close lss1d.wav tbkMCI pause "This Ballows you restart the full version" "CANCEL" buttonUp buttonUp This button allows you to pause and restart in the full version CANCEL cancel Pause "This Ballows you stop the sound full version." "CANCEL" buttonUp buttonUp This button allows you to stop the sound in the full version. CANCEL cancel r):PHYSSIZE Answers buttonUp buttonUp H*textHeightProp oficina a la vuelta cambiar lares cambio Entonces grandes tiene "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? -:PHYSSIZE h.:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting 2:PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions 5showNameProp 7:PHYSSIZE Closer Look "Closer Look" buttonUp buttonUp Closer Look :showNameProp F;:PHYSSIZE Exploring "exploring I" buttonUp buttonUp exploring I >showNameProp ~?:PHYSSIZE Practice "Practice I" buttonUp buttonUp Practice I CshowNameProp check "answers" = buttonUp buttonUp answers answers answers D:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting K:PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions OshowNameProp "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? Q:PHYSSIZE Exploring II Field "instructions" leavePage leavePage instructions "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.? English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. bkgnd field id 2 textHeightProp Lesson 1 - Arrival, Changing Money - Exploring II bkgnd field id 14 butonUp butonUp butonUp textHeightProp GENDER OF NOUNS In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine in gender. This is merely a grammatical concept; it does not mean that Spanish speakers perceive things as having male or female attributes. Nouns that refer to male people or animals, and most nouns that end in -o are masculine in gender. (One common exception is la mano, the hand.) Most nouns that refer to female people or animals, and most nouns that end in -a, ci n, -dad or -tad are feminine in gender. (Some exceptions are el d a, el problema, el drama, and el programa.) Nouns that have other endings, or nouns that are exceptions to the rules, must be memorized: el billete, el d lar, el valor, etc. to a group made up of males and females: los amigos. Instructions buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Study the grammar explanation on this page carefully. After you finish, click on the Exploring button below to move to the next Exploring topic. Remember, you don't have to memorize what's on this card. You'll have plenty of chance to practice later to see whether you understand yet or not. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. Exploring "exploring III" buttonUp buttonUp exploring III :PHYSSIZE Exploring showNameProp Info Explore Return :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting :PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions showNameProp "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? ":PHYSSIZE buttonUp buttonUp 0@:PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions ~CshowNameProp >~?NB rHshowNameProp Practice II Test I Exploring I Field "instructions" leavePage leavePage instructions "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.? English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. bkgnd field id 2 textHeightProp Lesson 1 - Plural of Nouns - Exploring Iing IIIII bkgnd field id 14 buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp PLURAL OF NOUNS Spanish nouns that end in a vowel form plurals by adding the letter -s. Nouns that end in a consonant add -es. Nouns that end in the consonant -z change the -z to -c before adding -es: el l piz (pencil), los l pices. Nouns that have the last syllable accented in the singular form will lose the accent mark when the noun becomes plural: la conversaci n, las conversaciones; la raz n (reason), las razones, etc. The definite and indefinite articles must be used in the plural form when the noun in plural: un hombre, unos hombres; la conversaci n, las conversaciones. Unos and unas mean "some," "several" or "a few." In Spanish, the masculine plural form of a noun is used to refer to a group made up of males and females: los amigos. Instructions buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp In this part of the lesson you will learn more about how the Spanish language works, i.e., its grammar or syntax. Rather than memorizing rules, it is best to practice them after reading the explanation. Click "Exploring" button below again when you are ready to move on the next page. There are 3 pages of explanations in this lesson. Most lessons have from 2 to 4 pages. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. Exploring "exploring II" buttonUp buttonUp exploring II :PHYSSIZE Exploring showNameProp Info Explore Stop Returnnturnn :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting :PHYSSIZE Instructions , showNameProp ttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions showNameProp true "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? #:PHYSSIZE "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions instructions 'showNameProp Practice III Test II cvtitInfo Created by: ConvertIt! v1.0.2 Creation date: 11/9/90 anish01 --On OpenStack InitCD the version < 1.2 answer "Sorry! You must have HyperCard 1.2 later!" domenu "Quit --End --On CDOpen available CD ROM drive ClearCDStops -- Set stop markers CDSearch 00,02,00 --on S " & CDDiscTime() -- Sets fflag System 15,15 symbolTable bgIDList Toolbook's editor would xaccept translated because error(s) translation. InitCD --ConvertIt!: no conversion , try a user property: -- HyperTalk: 3< 1.2) "Sorry! You must have HyperCard 1.2 later!" --End CDOpen the available CD ROM drive ClearCDStops -- Set stop markers Ddisc CDSearch 00,02,00 S " & CDDiscTime() -- Sets eflag -- The following handlers were added are necessary -- support scripts -- Needed U, but had a possible conflict ( uncommenting): hc_Hide objectSpecifier " && " && E && " myObject") " && hc_SetButtonHilite , theHilite myStyle hc_Show " && " && && " " && fieldID showNameProp hc_Scroll theScroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible theVis ButtonHilite hc_SetButtonHilite hc_Show hc_Scroll hc_Visible hc_Scroll hc_Visible hc_SetButtonHilite checkbox,radiobutton myStyle theHilite objectSpecifier hc_Show menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group showNameProp fieldID myObject objectSpecifier hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight theScroll hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group Created by: ConvertIt! v1.0.2 DLL Version: 1.0.2 Creation date: 11/9/90 System `D|D| System `D|D|5 s`D|D| System :PRINTLAYOUT French Words :REPORTDATA `D|D| `D|D| s`D|D| s`D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| CDPlay ( CD (P1=CD- CDPlayFrom ( specified logical sectors on CD (P1=CD- z, P3=# CDPlayAudio (INT, issue device driver stop -- Calling function once pauses ongoing operation, ccalling twice stops (P1=CD- CDStopAudio ( resume that had been paused (P1=CD- CDResumeAudio (INT) Initialize important Allocate memory ^(Maximum 32 "About myAllocMem(32) "FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 "Determining Number Validate loaded we have )least 1 CD =0 OR Not Loaded - Continue?" fYes ="No" we are 2.10 later versionNumber MscdexGetVersion() < 522 "We require a more recent J (2.10 )"& \ ". You may experience problems. ="No" "FINISHED -- unlinkDLL " memSizeParm 8192, globalFree( myFreeMem handleParm <> 0) globalUnlock( PlayTrack trackNumber playStatus !>0) AND ( ,<100) PlayTrackFrom <100) StopPlay stopStatus -- Note results -- Two consecutive calls required actually RedToMinute lRedBookAddr numMinutes, numSeconds myString 6/65536) I - 65536* C)/256) %"#0" %"00" j&":"& RIGHTBUTTONUP -- The following handlers were added HConvertIt!, necessary -- support translated scripts -- Needed d, but a possible conflict (try uncommenting): hc_Hide objectSpecifier " && " && E && " myObject") " && hc_SetButtonHilite , theHilite myStyle hc_Show " && " && && " " && fieldID showNameProp hc_Scroll theScroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible theVis RIGHTBUTTONUP enterBook hc_SetButtonHilite hc_Show PlayTrack PlayTrackFrom myFreeMem StopPlay RedToMinute myAllocMem hc_Scroll hc_Visible hc_Scroll hc_Visible enterBook sizeToPage globalAlloc globalFree globalLock globalUnlock artshow.dll MscdexGetNumDrives MscdexGetDriveUnits MscdexGetVersion CDPlay CDPlayFrom CDPlayAudio CDStopAudio CDResumeAudio myAllocMem FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 myStatus= myHandle= MscdexGetNumDrives Mscdex Not Loaded - Continue? MscdexGetVersion We require a more recent version of Mscdex (2.10 or later) . You may experience audio problems. Continue? versionNumber kernel driveIndex pointerDriveIndex myStatus myPointerParm myHandleParm myPointer myHandle cdPlaying cdNumOfDrives cdDriveIndex myAllocMem globalAlloc globalLock globalFree myStatus myHandleParm myPointerParm memSizeParm myFreeMem globalUnlock globalFree myStatus handleParm PlayTrack CDPlay playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber PlayTrackFrom CDPlayFrom playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber StopPlay CDStopAudio CDStopAudio stopStatus cdDriveIndex RedToMinute myString numMinutes numSeconds lRedBookAddr RIGHTBUTTONUP hc_SetButtonHilite checkbox,radiobutton myStyle theHilite objectSpecifier hc_Show menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group showNameProp fieldID myObject objectSpecifier hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight theScroll hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group HyperGlot: Learn Spanish Demo 4 cdDriveIndex -- drive letter index 1st CD (0=A) 4 cdNumOfDrives -- # CD-ROM 0 audio CD being played 4 myPointer, myHandle -- 32 bytes globally alloc'd 4 myPointerParm, myHandleParm 4pauseResume Bflag myStatus ZdriveIndex, pointerDriveIndex "Entering "Corel CDAudio Demonstration" linkDLL kernel WORD globalAlloc( ,DWORD) Free( POINTER globalLock( 8Unlock( X"mcitalk.dll" F sbplay (STRING) Y sbrecord ( i sbrecstop () "artshow. -- Function gets the use, -- returns (P1=a destination) MscdexGetNumDrives ( fa list indices (A=0,B=1,...) (P1=a INT MscdexGetDriveUnits ( current version MSCDEX =Version () a single track (P1=CD- P2=Track #) CDPlay ( CD (P1=CD- CDPlayFrom ( specified logical sectors on CD (P1=CD- z, P3=# CDPlayAudio (INT, issue device driver -- Calling function once pauses ongoing operation, ccalling twice stops (P1=CD- CDStopAudio ( resume that had been paused (P1=CD- CDResumeAudio (INT) Initialize important Allocate memory ^(Maximum 32 "About myAllocMem(32) "FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 "Determining Number Validate loaded we have )least 1 CD =0 OR Not Loaded - Continue?" fYes ="No" we are 2.10 later versionNumber MscdexGetVersion() < 522 "We require a more recent J (2.10 )"& \ ". You may experience problems. ="No" unlinkDLL " "title" memSizeParm 8192, globalFree( myFreeMem handleParm <> 0) globalUnlock( PlayTrack trackNumber playStatus !>0) AND ( ,<100) PlayTrackFrom <100) StopPlay stopStatus -- Note results -- Two consecutive calls required actually RedToMinute lRedBookAddr numMinutes, numSeconds myString 6/65536) I - 65536* C)/256) %"#0" %"00" j&":"& RIGHTBUTTONUP -- The following handlers were added HConvertIt!, necessary -- support translated scripts -- Needed d, but a possible conflict (try uncommenting): hc_Hide objectSpecifier " && " && E && " myObject") " && hc_SetButtonHilite , theHilite myStyle hc_Show " && " && && " " && fieldID showNameProp hc_Scroll theScroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible theVis Issuing -- 32 -- parameters GetQInfo() Subroutine 4cdBQInfo, cdAbsTrack 4cdRelMin, cdRelSec, cdRelFrame 4cdAbsMin, cdAbsSec, cdAbsFrame Memory Allocation passing mem allocs 1st CD (0=A) -- we know "Error: -- 32 1st CD (0=A) RIGHTBUTTONUP hc_SetButtonHilite leaveBook hc_Show pause enterBook PlayTrack PlayTrackFrom myFreeMem StopPlay RedToMinute myAllocMem hc_Scroll hc_Visible hc_Scroll hc_Visible enterBook sizeToPage globalAlloc globalFree globalLock globalUnlock mcitalk.dll sbplay sbrecord sbrecstop artshow.dll MscdexGetNumDrives MscdexGetDriveUnits MscdexGetVersion CDPlay CDPlayFrom CDPlayAudio CDStopAudio CDResumeAudio myAllocMem FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 myStatus= myHandle= MscdexGetNumDrives Mscdex Not Loaded - Continue? MscdexGetVersion We require a more recent version of Mscdex (2.10 or later) . You may experience audio problems. Continue? versionNumber kernel driveIndex pointerDriveIndex myStatus pauseResume myPointerParm myHandleParm myPointer myHandle cdPlaying cdNumOfDrives cdDriveIndex leaveBook artshow.dll mcitalk.dll leavePage title kernel myAllocMem globalAlloc globalLock globalFree myStatus myHandleParm myPointerParm memSizeParm myFreeMem globalUnlock globalFree myStatus handleParm PlayTrack CDPlay playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber PlayTrackFrom CDPlayFrom playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber StopPlay CDStopAudio CDStopAudio stopStatus cdDriveIndex RedToMinute myString numMinutes numSeconds lRedBookAddr RIGHTBUTTONUP hc_SetButtonHilite checkbox,radiobutton myStyle theHilite objectSpecifier hc_Show menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group showNameProp fieldID myObject objectSpecifier hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight theScroll hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group pause CDStopAudio Error: CDStopAudio = CDResumeAudio Error: CDResumeAudio = pauseResume cdDriveIndex myHandleParm myPointerParm cdAbsMin cdAbsSec cdAbsFrame cdRelMin cdRelSec cdRelFrame cdBQInfo cdAbsTrack myPointer myHandle CDStopAudio CDStopAudio Error: CDStopAudio = cdDriveIndex myHandleParm myPointerParm cdAbsMin cdAbsSec cdAbsFrame cdRelMin cdRelSec cdRelFrame cdBQInfo cdAbsTrack myPointer myHandle System `D|D| Modern `D|D| 4 cdDriveIndex -- drive letter index 1st CD (0=A) 4 cdNumOfDrives -- # CD-ROM 0 audio CD being played 4 myPointer, myHandle -- 32 bytes globally alloc'd 4 myPointerParm, myHandleParm 4pauseResume Bflag 4endTime myStatus ZdriveIndex, pointerDriveIndex linkDLL kernel WORD globalAlloc( ,DWORD) Free( POINTER globalLock( 8Unlock( X"mcitalk.dll" F sbplay (STRING) sbrecord ( sbrecstop () X"TBKFILE. v removeFile( createDirectory( \ getCurrentDrive() removeDirectory( "artshow. -- Function gets the use, -- returns (P1=a destination) INT MscdexGetNumDrives ( ga list indices (A=0,B=1,...) (P1=a iDriveUnits ( current version MSCDEX Version () a single track (P1=CD- P2=Track #) CDPlay ( CD (P1=CD- CDPlayFrom (INT, specified logical sectors on CD (P1=CD- z, P3=# CDPlayAudio ( issue device driver -- Calling function once pauses ongoing operation, ccalling twice stops (P1=CD- CDStopAudio (INT) resume that had been paused (P1=CD- CDResumeAudio ( Initialize important Allocate memory ^(Maximum 32 "About myAllocMem(32) "FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 "Determining Number Validate loaded we have )least 1 CD =0 OR Not Loaded - Continue?" fYes ="No" we are 2.10 later versionNumber MscdexGetVersion() < 522 "We require a more recent J (2.10 )"& \ ". You may experience problems. ="No" unlinkDLL " tbkfile. "title" "directions" B"hear" "welcome" "setting" "trans" ) + 1 newTime >= 90 - memSizeParm 8192, > =0) globalFree( myFreeMem handleParm <> 0) globalUnlock( PlayTrack trackNumber playStatus !>0) AND ( ,<100) PlayTrackFrom <100) StopPlay stopStatus -- Note results -- Two consecutive calls required actually RedToMinute lRedBookAddr numMinutes, numSeconds myString 6/65536) I - 65536* C)/256) %"#0" %"00" j&":"& hc_SetButtonHilite objectSpecifier, theHilite myStyle hc_Show " && " && && " myObject") " && fieldID showNameProp hc_Scroll theScroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible theVis Issuing -- 32 -- parameters GetQInfo() Subroutine 4cdBQInfo, cdAbsTrack 4cdRelMin, cdRelSec, cdRelFrame 4cdAbsMin, cdAbsSec, cdAbsFrame Memory Allocation passing mem allocs 1st CD (0=A) -- we know "Error: -- 32 1st CD (0=A) 2 %9E enterBook hc_SetButtonHilite hc_Show leaveBook pause PlayTrack PlayTrackFrom myFreeMem StopPlay RedToMinute myAllocMem hc_Scroll hc_Visible hc_Scroll hc_Visible enterBook sizeToPage globalAlloc globalFree globalLock globalUnlock mcitalk.dll sbplay sbrecord sbrecstop TBKFILE.DLL removeFile createDirectory getCurrentDrive removeDirectory artshow.dll MscdexGetNumDrives MscdexGetDriveUnits MscdexGetVersion CDPlay CDPlayFrom CDPlayAudio CDStopAudio CDResumeAudio myAllocMem FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 myStatus= myHandle= MscdexGetNumDrives Mscdex Not Loaded - Continue? MscdexGetVersion We require a more recent version of Mscdex (2.10 or later) . You may experience audio problems. Continue? versionNumber kernel driveIndex pointerDriveIndex myStatus endTime pauseResume myPointerParm myHandleParm myPointer myHandle cdPlaying cdNumOfDrives cdDriveIndex leaveBook artshow.dll mcitalk.dll tbkfile.dll title title title directions title title welcome setting trans title trans title kernel myAllocMem globalAlloc globalLock globalFree myStatus myHandleParm myPointerParm memSizeParm myFreeMem globalUnlock globalFree myStatus handleParm PlayTrack CDPlay playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber PlayTrackFrom CDPlayFrom playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber StopPlay CDStopAudio CDStopAudio stopStatus cdDriveIndex RedToMinute myString numMinutes numSeconds lRedBookAddr hc_SetButtonHilite checkbox,radiobutton myStyle theHilite objectSpecifier hc_Show menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group showNameProp fieldID myObject objectSpecifier hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight theScroll hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group pause CDStopAudio Error: CDStopAudio = CDResumeAudio Error: CDResumeAudio = pauseResume cdDriveIndex myHandleParm myPointerParm cdAbsMin cdAbsSec cdAbsFrame cdRelMin cdRelSec cdRelFrame cdBQInfo cdAbsTrack myPointer myHandle CDStopAudio CDStopAudio Error: CDStopAudio = cdDriveIndex myHandleParm myPointerParm cdAbsMin cdAbsSec cdAbsFrame cdRelMin cdRelSec cdRelFrame cdBQInfo cdAbsTrack myPointer myHandle `D|D| 4 cdDriveIndex -- drive letter index 1st CD (0=A) 4 cdNumOfDrives -- # CD-ROM 0 audio CD being played 4 myPointer, myHandle -- 32 bytes globally alloc'd 4 myPointerParm, myHandleParm 4pauseResume Bflag 4endTime myStatus ZdriveIndex, pointerDriveIndex linkDLL kernel WORD globalAlloc( ,DWORD) Free( POINTER globalLock( 8Unlock( X"mcitalk.dll" F sbplay (STRING) sbrecord ( sbrecstop () "artshow. -- Function gets the use, -- returns (P1=a destination) INT MscdexGetNumDrives ( ga list indices (A=0,B=1,...) (P1=a iDriveUnits ( current version MSCDEX Version () a single track (P1=CD- P2=Track #) CDPlay ( CD (P1=CD- CDPlayFrom (INT, specified logical sectors on CD (P1=CD- z, P3=# CDPlayAudio ( issue device driver -- Calling function once pauses ongoing operation, ccalling twice stops (P1=CD- CDStopAudio (INT) resume that had been paused (P1=CD- CDResumeAudio ( Initialize important Allocate memory ^(Maximum 32 "About myAllocMem(32) "FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 "Determining Number Validate loaded we have )least 1 CD =0 OR Not Loaded - Continue?" fYes ="No" we are 2.10 later versionNumber MscdexGetVersion() < 522 "We require a more recent J (2.10 )"& \ ". You may experience problems. ="No" unlinkDLL " "title" "directions" B"hear" "welcome" "setting" "trans" ) + 1 newTime >= 90 - memSizeParm 8192, globalFree( myFreeMem handleParm <> 0) globalUnlock( PlayTrack trackNumber playStatus !>0) AND ( ,<100) PlayTrackFrom <100) StopPlay stopStatus -- Note results -- Two consecutive calls required actually RedToMinute lRedBookAddr numMinutes, numSeconds myString 6/65536) I - 65536* C)/256) %"#0" %"00" j&":"& hc_SetButtonHilite objectSpecifier, theHilite myStyle hc_Show " && " && && " myObject") " && fieldID showNameProp hc_Scroll theScroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible theVis Issuing -- 32 -- parameters GetQInfo() Subroutine 4cdBQInfo, cdAbsTrack 4cdRelMin, cdRelSec, cdRelFrame 4cdAbsMin, cdAbsSec, cdAbsFrame Memory Allocation passing mem allocs 1st CD (0=A) -- we know "Error: -- 32 1st CD (0=A) enterBook hc_SetButtonHilite hc_Show leaveBook pause PlayTrack PlayTrackFrom myFreeMem StopPlay RedToMinute myAllocMem hc_Scroll hc_Visible hc_Scroll hc_Visible enterBook sizeToPage globalAlloc globalFree globalLock globalUnlock mcitalk.dll sbplay sbrecord sbrecstop artshow.dll MscdexGetNumDrives MscdexGetDriveUnits MscdexGetVersion CDPlay CDPlayFrom CDPlayAudio CDStopAudio CDResumeAudio myAllocMem FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 myStatus= myHandle= MscdexGetNumDrives Mscdex Not Loaded - Continue? MscdexGetVersion We require a more recent version of Mscdex (2.10 or later) . You may experience audio problems. Continue? versionNumber kernel driveIndex pointerDriveIndex myStatus endTime pauseResume myPointerParm myHandleParm myPointer myHandle cdPlaying cdNumOfDrives cdDriveIndex leaveBook artshow.dll mcitalk.dll title title title directions title title welcome setting trans title trans title kernel myAllocMem globalAlloc globalLock globalFree myStatus myHandleParm myPointerParm memSizeParm myFreeMem globalUnlock globalFree myStatus handleParm PlayTrack CDPlay playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber PlayTrackFrom CDPlayFrom playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber StopPlay CDStopAudio CDStopAudio stopStatus cdDriveIndex RedToMinute myString numMinutes numSeconds lRedBookAddr hc_SetButtonHilite checkbox,radiobutton myStyle theHilite objectSpecifier hc_Show menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group showNameProp fieldID myObject objectSpecifier hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight theScroll hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group pause CDStopAudio Error: CDStopAudio = CDResumeAudio Error: CDResumeAudio = pauseResume cdDriveIndex myHandleParm myPointerParm cdAbsMin cdAbsSec cdAbsFrame cdRelMin cdRelSec cdRelFrame cdBQInfo cdAbsTrack myPointer myHandle CDStopAudio CDStopAudio Error: CDStopAudio = cdDriveIndex myHandleParm myPointerParm cdAbsMin cdAbsSec cdAbsFrame cdRelMin cdRelSec cdRelFrame cdBQInfo cdAbsTrack myPointer myHandle `D|D| s`D|D| \D|D| System `D|D| fD|D| TBKWidgets TBKWidgets \D|D| TBKWidgets gD|D| gD|D| System gD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| fD|D| System gD|D| ckNumber playStatus !>0) AND ( ,<100) PlayTrackFrom <100) StopPlay stopStatus -- Note results -- Two consecutive calls required actually RedToMinute lRedBookAddr numMinutes, numSeconds myString 6/65536) I - 65536* C)/256) %"#0" %"00" j&":"& hc_SetButtonHilite objectSpecifier, theHilite myStyle hc_Show " && " && && " myObject") " && fieldID showNameProp hc_Scroll theScroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible theVis Issuing -- 32 -- parameters GetQInfo() Subroutine 4cdBQInfo, cdAbsTrack 4cdRelMin, cdRelSec, cdRelFrame 4cdAbsMin, cdAbsSec, cdAbsFrame Memory Allocation passing mem allocs 1st CD (0=A) -- we know "Error: -- 32 1st CD (0=A) hc_SetButtonHilite leaveBook hc_Show pause enterBook buttonUp PlayTrack PlayTrackFrom myFreeMem StopPlay RedToMinute myAllocMem hc_Scroll hc_Visible hc_Scroll hc_Visible enterBook sizeToPage seconds globalAlloc globalFree globalLock globalUnlock mcitalk.dll sbplay sbrecord sbrecstop TBKFILE.DLL removeFile createDirectory getCurrentDrive removeDirectory artshow.dll MscdexGetNumDrives MscdexGetDriveUnits MscdexGetVersion CDPlay CDPlayFrom CDPlayAudio CDStopAudio CDResumeAudio myAllocMem FATAL ERROR: MEM0032 myStatus= myHandle= MscdexGetNumDrives Mscdex Not Loaded - Continue? MscdexGetVersion We require a more recent version of Mscdex (2.10 or later) . You may experience audio problems. Continue? versionNumber kernel driveIndex pointerDriveIndex myStatus changed iTime endTime pauseResume myPointerParm myHandleParm myPointer myHandle cdPlaying cdNumOfDrives cdDriveIndex leaveBook artshow.dll mcitalk.dll tbkfile.dll title title title directions title title welcome setting trans title trans title c:\vivian\bake.wav removeFile c:\vivian removeDirectory kernel changed iTime myAllocMem globalAlloc globalLock globalFree myStatus myHandleParm myPointerParm memSizeParm myFreeMem globalUnlock globalFree myStatus handleParm PlayTrack CDPlay playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber PlayTrackFrom CDPlayFrom playStatus cdDriveIndex trackNumber StopPlay CDStopAudio CDStopAudio stopStatus cdDriveIndex RedToMinute myString numMinutes numSeconds lRedBookAddr hc_SetButtonHilite checkbox,radiobutton myStyle theHilite objectSpecifier hc_Show menuBar put the object of into myObject window button group showNameProp fieldID myObject objectSpecifier hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight theScroll hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group pause CDStopAudio Error: CDStopAudio = CDResumeAudio Error: CDResumeAudio = pauseResume cdDriveIndex myHandleParm myPointerParm cdAbsMin cdAbsSec cdAbsFrame cdRelMin cdRelSec cdRelFrame cdBQInfo cdAbsTrack myPointer myHandle CDStopAudio CDStopAudio Error: CDStopAudio = cdDriveIndex myHandleParm myPointerParm cdAbsMin cdAbsSec cdAbsFrame cdRelMin cdRelSec cdRelFrame cdBQInfo cdAbsTrack myPointer myHandle buttonUp changed changed Title ng Comprehension 4overFlag "firstScreen" , = 1 "directions" B"hear" n = 1 tbkMCI(" welcome.wav","") play ,close = 1 latnguit. "title" "setting" "trans" delayIt marker <= 1500 + 1 leavePage enterPage delayIt enterPage firstScreen directions firstScreen firstScreen overFlag leavePage title title directions title title welcome setting trans title trans title delayIt marker marker Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see it.s. I'm an American. the ridiculous. 0,50,100 marker "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.q Instructions --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Listen to the dialogue again. Type the missing words into the blanks. Hit the Tab key to move from blank to blank. Check your work by clicking on the "Check" button. When you leave this page, the blanks will clear automatically. After you get to the last blank, if you want to change anything, simply click the mouse in the blank you want to work in. When you are finished, click on the Test button to go to the Communications Test. Check showNameProp Welcome to the Wonderful World of Multimedia and HyperGlot Foreign Language Software! _ Welcome to the Wonderful World of Multimedia and HyperGlot Foreign Language Software! Directions If you are in interactive mode, after the music is finished, click on the "Languages" button to hear native speakers of French, German, Russian, and Chinese. Click on the Info button to learn more about the HyperGlot Software Co. Click on the right-pointing arrow to go to an extensive sample lesson of HyperGlot's "LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH." ogues read by buttonUp buttonUp Languages B"hear" Show Field "aboutHG" buttonUp buttonUp aboutHG :PHYSSIZE Trans stokecolor 0,50,100 "welcome" "setting" buttonUp buttonUp welcome setting setting "welcome" "setting" buttonUp buttonUp welcome setting setting aboutHG B"hear" buttonUp buttonUp The HyperGlot Software Co. is the leader in the field of foreign-language software in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and English. With a line of over 45 products from complete courses to highly focused drill and practice exercises for Windows, MS-DOS, and the Macintosh, HyperGlot's line takes full advantage of multimedia innovations for foreign-language learning such as the digitized voices of native speakers and interactive CD-ROM. Most of the materials in our programs can be changed by the user so that they can be customized to work the way you want to. HyperGlot products are available where you buy your software. Call or write for our complete catalogue. P.O. Box 10746, 5108-D Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37939-0746. (800) 726-5087. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. +showNameProp firstScreen HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. Instructions TRUE signals already 4correctedFlag -- chas NOT been i. e. "result" "your "Your Answer" B"Test" buttonUp buttonUp result result correct answer your answer Your Answer buttonUp buttonup correctedFlag countedFlag Next question? result sTest V :PHYSSIZE #showNameProp reTest B"test" buttonUp buttonUp leavePage buttonUp ,%:PHYSSIZE Restart Z(showNameProp viewTest "In the full version, clicking B" & "will allow you 9questions answers test." buttonUp buttonUp In the full version, clicking this button will allow you to edit the questions and answers for this test. *:PHYSSIZE Restart -showNameProp bTest2 Info Closer Explore Practice Restart Test View Test Stop Returnturnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Correct Answer /textHeightProp Instructions "your answer" buttonUp buttonUp your answer 0textHeightProp You will see various situations asking you for a response. Type your answer as a complete Spanish sentence, including correct capitalization, accents, and punctuation. Then press the Enter key. You will be told if your answer was right or wrong. You can skip a question by pressing the Enter key without typing an answer. You can review missed questions and skipped questions as many times as you want. Restart the test at any time by clicking on the "Restart Test" button. You can see all the test questions and answers by clicking the "View Test" button. Often, there are multiple correct answers. You can change the test questions and answers if you so desire. Read the instructions in your manual for exact details. Remember, you can't type the Spanish accent marks unless you've installed the Spanish keyboard from the International program available from the Control Panel in the Accessories Program Group window. Click anyplace in this field to make it go away.Click anyplace in this field to make it go away. To Translate the Scroll "your answer" buttonUp buttonUp your answer ^5textHeightProp Someone has approached you on the street to ask for information. To find out what the person wants, you ask: game? You approach a woman to ask her for directions. To get her attention you say: n, se ora.*Perd n, se orita. You need to find out where you can exchange dollars for pesos. You ask: nde puedo cambiar unos d lares?* nde puedo cambiar unos d lares por pesos? Someone has given you the information you want. Thank him by saying: Gracias.*Muchas gracias. To find out where the currency exchange office is located, you ask: nde est la oficina de cambio? Tell someone that the currency exchange office is located right around the corner: La oficina de cambio est a la vuelta.*Est a la vuelta. Someone tells you that they want to exchange dollars for pesos. Find out how many by asking: ntos?* ntos d lares?* ntos d lares quiere cambiar? Tell someone that you need to exchange thirty dollars. You say: Treinta d lares.*Necesito cambiar treinta d lares. The cashier asks you in what denominations you want the money. You answer: En billetes grandes, por favor.*Quiero billetes grandes, por favor.* When you hand something to someone, you say: tiene. "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? <:PHYSSIZE =:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting $B:PHYSSIZE zD\E, Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions rEshowNameProp Someone has approached you on the street to ask for information. To find out what the person wants, you ask: /D4X:&=L= @LArABD ructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions instructions HshowNameProp Note: This function plays a single track only -- demo tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") wait","") ,close buttonUp buttonUp open lss1d.wav tbkMCI play lss1d.wav waith SSIZE Functional Notes --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Listening Comprehension Title ng Comprehension 4overFlag "firstScreen" , = 1 "directions" B"hear" n = 1 tbkMCI(" welcome.wav","") play wait","") 3close = 1 latnguit. "title" "setting" "trans" stop delayIt marker <= 1500 + 1 leavePage enterPage delayIt enterPage firstScreen directions firstScreen play welcome.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen play latnguit.wav tbkMCI overFlag leavePage title title directions title title welcome setting trans title trans title delayIt marker j#p$x)6% "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.% Instructions --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Listen to the dialogue again. Type the missing words into the blanks. Hit the Tab key to move from blank to blank. Check your work by clicking on the "Check" button. When you leave this page, the blanks will clear automatically. After you get to the last blank, if you want to change anything, simply click the mouse in the blank you want to work in. When you are finished, click on the Test button to go to the Communications Test. Check showNameProp Welcome to the Wonderful World of Multimedia and HyperGlot Foreign Language Software! Welcome to the Wonderful World of Multimedia and HyperGlot Foreign Language Software! Directions After the music is finished, click on the "Languages" button to hear native speakers of French, German, Russian, and Chinese. Click on the Info button to learn more about the HyperGlot Software Co. Click on the right-pointing arrow to go to an extensive sample lesson of HyperGlot's "LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH." lot's "LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH." ogues read by buttonUp buttonUp Languages B"hear" Show Field "aboutHG" buttonUp buttonUp aboutHG :PHYSSIZE Trans 0#stokecolor F,0,50,100 -#F,R". buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp setting 0,50,100 buttonUp buttonUp Info Stop Continuee aboutHG B"hear" buttonUp buttonUp The HyperGlot Software Co. is the leader in the field of foreign-language software in Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and English. With a line of over 45 products from complete courses to highly focused drill and practice exercises for Windows, MS-DOS, and the Macintosh, HyperGlot's line takes full advantage of multimedia innovations for foreign-language learning such as the digitized voices of native speakers and interactive CD-ROM. Most of the materials in our programs can be changed by the user so that they can be customized to work the way you want to. HyperGlot products are available where you buy your software. Call or write for our complete catalogue. P.O. Box 10746, 5108-D Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37939-0746. (800) 726-5087. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? +:PHYSSIZE Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see it.s. I'm an American. the ridiculous. DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting \0:PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions instructions 3showNameProp Record tbkMCIchk("seek waveFile ","",1) "record ","",1) yieldApp() buttonDown buttonDown seek waveFile to end tbkMCIchk record waveFile tbkMCIchk yieldApp tbkMCIchk("stop waveFile","",1) 0","",1) buttonDown buttonDown stop waveFile tbkMCIchk seek waveFile to 0 tbkMCIchk tbkMCIchk("seek waveFile 0","",1) "play wait","",1) 0","",1) yieldApp() buttonDown buttonDown seek waveFile to 0 tbkMCIchk play waveFile wait tbkMCIchk seek waveFile to 0 tbkMCIchk yieldApp --close old wave file B"Unload" tbkMCIchk(" qtype waveaudio alias waveFile","",1,1) buttonDown buttonDown buttonDown Unload open new type waveaudio alias waveFile tbkMCIchk "In the full version you will be able "sounds " & \ " have recorded." buttonUp buttonUp In the full version you will be able to save the sounds you have recorded. Unload --close the wave file tbkMCI(" !waveFile","") buttonDown buttonDown close waveFile tbkMCI "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? =:PHYSSIZE Sctversion you will be able to save the sounds you have recorded. Unload --close the wave file tbkMCI(" !waveFile","") buttonDown buttonDown close waveFile tbkMCI Info Open Save Unload Record Stop Play Quit Return New File File Filee buttonUp instructions instructions instructions instructions Spanish Words 4lnNo down Tselected ("english t < 1 J"spanish pText -- play findClip -- "ls1_" & & ".wav" sName sbplay( -- & ". fileName tbkMCI(" " && " && .,"") ,close" && G,"") tonUp pText buttonUp findClip buttonUp textfrompoint english words spanish words pText english words pText YfindClip spanish words pText english words pText english words pText underline findClip tbkMCI fileName close tbkMCI fileName CIchk fileName English Words the Scroll J"Spanish Words" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Words Crtl-Click the Spanish Words To Hear Them Individually Returnw? key info Hold left mouse button down to stop word pronunciation Dialogue Exploring II Closer Look 4overFlag tbkmci(" mariachi.wav","") tbkMCI("play close T = 1 "Would you like see a -running demo" && \ +want work interactively?" \ f"Interactive" "Self" "Quit" "CANCEL" "To halt the , hold down F2 key stops." selfRunning = 1 marker = 1 B"hear" "title" = 1 "setting" = 1 wel2talk. = 1 "welcome" = 1 settalk. "english = 1 "spanish = 1 B"playSetting" = 1 "dialogue" = 1 dialtalk. = 1 = 1 B"note" <= 1500 + 1 J"functional notes" <= 1500 + 1 "listening comprehension" = 1 listtalk. = 1 "closer look" = 1 clostalk. = 1 <= 1500 + 1 Field " "exploring i" = 1 = 1 = 1 expltalk. = 1 "practice i" = 1 pra1talk. = 1 "test i" = 1 tes1talk. = 1 = 1 commtalk. = 1 "record" = 1 recotalk. = 1 ending" leavePage enterPage selfRunning enterPage play mariachi.wav tbkMCI leavePage stop mariachi.wav tbkMCI selfRunning buttonUp title setting play wel2talk.wav tbkMCI buttonup welcome setting play settalk.wav tbkMCI buttonUp english setting setting buttonUp spanish setting setting buttonUp english setting setting buttonUp playSetting setting dialogue play dialtalk.wav tbkMCI buttonUp spanish dialogue dialogue buttonUp english dialogue dialogue buttonUp playSetting dialogue buttonUp buttonUp functional notes listening comprehension play listtalk.wav tbkMCI closer look play clostalk.wav tbkMCI buttonUp buttonUp functional notes exploring i exploring ii exploring iii play expltalk.wav tbkMCI practice i play pra1talk.wav tbkMCI test i play tes1talk.wav tbkMCI test ii play commtalk.wav tbkMCI record play recotalk.wav tbkMCI marker overFlag Self-running demo is ending cancel overFlag HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH!DEMO HYPERGLOT SOFTWARE CO. buttonUp buttonUp buttonUp welcome setting setting "welcome" "setting" buttonUp buttonUp welcome setting setting Click to Continue play lss1s.wav wait tbkMCI close lss1s.wav tbkMCI cancel textFont Pause "This Ballows you restart the full version" r= CANCEL buttonUp buttonUp This button allows you to pause and restart in the full version cancel Pause "This Ballows you stop the sound full version." r= CANCEL buttonUp buttonUp This button allows you to stop the sound in the full version. cancel "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? :PHYSSIZE Record 4overFlag tbkMCI("play mariachi.wav wait","") 1 = 1 "Would you like see a -running demo" && \ (want work interactively?" \ f"Interactive" "Self" "Quit" "CANCEL" "To halt the , hold down F2 key stops." selfRunning = 1 marker = 1 B"hear" "title" = 1 "setting" = 1 wel2talk. = 1 "welcome" = 1 settalk. "english = 1 "spanish = 1 B"playSetting" = 1 "dialogue" = 1 dialtalk. = 1 = 1 B"note" <= 1500 + 1 J"functional notes" <= 1500 + 1 "listening comprehension" = 1 listtalk. = 1 "closer look" = 1 clostalk. = 1 <= 1500 + 1 Field " "exploring i" = 1 = 1 = 1 expltalk. = 1 "practice i" = 1 pra1talk. = 1 "test i" = 1 tes1talk. = 1 = 1 commtalk. = 1 "record" = 1 recotalk. = 1 ending" terPage selfRunning enterPage enterPage play mariachi.wav wait tbkMCI Would you like to see a self-running demo or do you want to work interactively? Interactive CANCEL cancel Interactive To halt the demo, hold down the F2 key until it stops. CANCEL cancel selfRunning overFlag selfRunning buttonUp title setting play wel2talk.wav wait tbkMCI buttonup welcome setting play settalk.wav wait tbkMCI buttonUp english setting setting buttonUp spanish setting setting buttonUp english setting setting buttonUp playSetting setting dialogue play dialtalk.wav wait tbkMCI buttonUp spanish dialogue dialogue buttonUp english dialogue dialogue buttonUp playSetting dialogue buttonUp buttonUp functional notes listening comprehension play listtalk.wav wait tbkMCI closer look play clostalk.wav wait tbkMCI buttonUp buttonUp functional notes exploring i exploring ii exploring iii play expltalk.wav wait tbkMCI practice i play pra1talk.wav wait tbkMCI test i play tes1talk.wav wait tbkMCI test ii play commtalk.wav wait tbkMCI record play recotalk.wav wait tbkMCI marker overFlag Self-running demo is ending cancel overFlag into myObject window button group showNameProp fieldID myObject objectSpecifier hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight theScroll hc_Scroll textHeightProp myTextHeight myScroll hc_Visible button group theVis hc_Visible button group 4RHldr,counter,CorrectAns,counterFlag,\ R,W,WQues,WAns,numberOfLines,repeatFlag,startFlag,buFlag = 1 = 1 ~ = "" translate") correct question r -- w --wrong = "" "your answer" Muy bien! The questions N answered cleanUp "You had" && R && " " && W && " . Do want review the ones?" f"Yes" "No") clickPlace "No") -- w>0 = 0 + 2 "Translate correctAns P-- place cursor buttonUp buttonUp repeat to translate repeat translate this your answer correct answer Muy bien! The questions you answered were correct. 06cleanUp You had right and wrong. Do you want to review the wrong ones? 06cleanUp repeat repeat your answer to translate Translate this to translate to translate to translate your answer repeat Translate this repeat correctAns repeat repeat your answer KkeyDown clickPlace RHldr counter CorrectAns counterFlag WQues numberOfLines repeatFlag startFlag buFlag buttonUp This button allows you to pause and restart in the full version Pause stop -- demo "This Ballows you (the sound full version." buttonUp buttonUp This button allows you to stop the sound in the full version. & ] a 4overFlag tbkmci(" mariachi.wav","") tbkMCI("play wait","") close R = 1 "Would you like see a -running demo" && \ (want work interactively?" \ f"Interactive" "Self" "Quit" "CANCEL" "To halt the , hold down F2 key stops." selfRunning = 1 marker = 1 B"hear" "title" = 1 "setting" = 1 wel2talk. = 1 "welcome" = 1 settalk. "english = 1 "spanish = 1 B"playSetting" = 1 "dialogue" = 1 dialtalk. = 1 = 1 B"note" <= 1500 + 1 J"functional notes" <= 1500 + 1 "listening comprehension" = 1 listtalk. = 1 "closer look" = 1 clostalk. = 1 <= 1500 + 1 Field " "exploring i" = 1 = 1 = 1 expltalk. = 1 "practice i" = 1 pra1talk. = 1 "test i" = 1 tes1talk. = 1 = 1 commtalk. = 1 "record" = 1 recotalk. = 1 ending" terPage selfRunning enterPage enterPage open mariachi.wav tbkmci play mariachi.wav wait tbkMCI close mariachi.wav tbkMCI Would you like to see a self-running demo or do you want to work interactively? Interactive CANCEL cancel Interactive To halt the demo, hold down the F2 key until it stops. CANCEL cancel selfRunning overFlag selfRunning buttonUp title setting open wel2talk.wav tbkmci play wel2talk.wav wait tbkMCI close wel2talk.wav tbkmci buttonup welcome setting open settalk.wav tbkmci play settalk.wav wait tbkMCI close settalk.wav tbkmci buttonUp english setting setting buttonUp spanish setting setting buttonUp english setting setting buttonUp playSetting setting dialogue open dialtalk.wav tbkmci play dialtalk.wav wait tbkMCI close dialtalk.wav tbkmci buttonUp spanish dialogue dialogue buttonUp english dialogue dialogue buttonUp playSetting dialogue buttonUp buttonUp functional notes listening comprehension open listtalk.wav tbkMCI play listtalk.wav wait tbkMCI close listtalk.wav tbkmci closer look open clostalk.wav tbkMCI play clostalk.wav wait tbkMCI close clostalk.wav tbkMCI buttonUp buttonUp functional notes exploring i exploring ii exploring iii open expltalk.wav tbkmci play expltalk.wav wait tbkMCI close expltalk.wav tbkmci practice i open pra1talk.wav tbkMCI play pra1talk.wav wait tbkMCI close pra1talk.wav tbkMCI test i open tes1talk.wav tbkMCI play tes1talk.wav wait tbkMCI close tes1talk.wav tbkMCI test ii open commtalk.wav tbkMCI play commtalk.wav wait tbkMCI close commtalk.wav tbkMCI record open recotalk.wav tbkMCI play recotalk.wav wait tbkMCI close recotalk.wav tbkMCI marker overFlag Self-running demo is ending cancel overFlag zyou come ? I'm American." \ ichbin. = 1 "Russian: Anna often helps her parents." anna. = 1 "Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see duibu. = 1 stokecolor "Trans" buttonUp buttonUp trans trans 240,50,100 French: There is just a single step from the sublime to the ridiculous. trans play sublime.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 0,50,100 German: What country do you come from? I'm an American. trans play ichbin.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 0,50,100 Russian: Anna often helps her parents. trans play anna.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 240,50,100 Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see it. trans play duibu.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans stokecolor 0,50,100 trans Trans overFlag 774TT 3?330 T[TTP ."." ""*" " Listening Comprehension tbkMCI("stop lss1d.wav","") "instructions" "answers" "blank" & x fldName Field leavePage leavePage stop lss1d.wav tbkMCI instructions instructions answers blank fldName &!^" (D(j( 0D4$5 "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.- Lesson 1 - Arrival, Changing Money - Listening Comprehension English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. (Thomas): Perd n , se ora): game? (Thomas): nde puedo cambiar unos d lares ? ora): La oficina de cambio est a la vuelta. (Thomas): Gracias . EN LA CAJA (Thomas): Se or, necesito cambiar unos d lares. (empleado): Cuantos? (Thomas): Treinta d lares. (empleado): El cambio est a tres mil pesos por d lar. Entonces, son noventa mil pesos. Como los quiere? (Thomas): En billetes grandes, por favor. (empleado): Aqu tiene. (Thomas): Muchas gracias. Blank1 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank3 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank2 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank4 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank5 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank6 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank7 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank8 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank9 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank10 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Blank11 4changed keyChar keyChar buttonUp changed Instructions buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Listen to the dialogue again. Type the missing words into the blanks. Hit the Tab key to move from blank to blank. Check your work by clicking on the "Check" button. When you leave this page, the blanks will clear automatically. After you get to the last blank, if you want to change anything, simply click the mouse in the blank you want to work in. In the full version, you would listen to a couple of sentences, pause the speaker, type in a few words, start the sound again, pause again, etc. Please note that you cannot type Spanish accent marks without installing the Spanish keyboard files. You may do this by running the International program from the Control Panel which is found in the Accessories Group Window. Click anywhere in this field to make it disappear. Check Show Field "answers" buttonUp buttonUp answers showNameProp Answers buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp cambiar lares Gracias necesito Treinta noventa billetes Info Dialog Closer Explore Practice Test Check Stop Returnturnnnnnnnnnnnnnn playsetting Note: This function plays a single track only -- demo tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") %close buttonUp buttonUp play lss1d.wav tbkMCI pause "This Ballows you restart the full version" "CANCEL" tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") buttonUp buttonUp pause lss1d.wav tbkMCI Pause "This Ballows you stop the sound full version." "Cancel" tbkMCI(" ]lss1d.wav","") buttonUp buttonUp stop lss1d.wav tbkMCI "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? J':PHYSSIZE ):PHYSSIZE Closer Look "Closer Look" buttonUp buttonUp Closer Look ,showNameProp V-:PHYSSIZE Exploring "exploring I" buttonUp buttonUp exploring I 0showNameProp 1:PHYSSIZE Practice "Practice I" buttonUp buttonUp Practice I 5showNameProp 5:PHYSSIZE "Test I" buttonUp buttonUp Test I Z9showNameProp d::PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions =showNameProp p>:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting check "answers" = buttonUp buttonUp answers answers answers C:PHYSSIZE G:PHYSSIZE Dialogue "dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp dialogue JshowNameProp buttonUp dialogue BKshowNameProp mainLoop "In the full version you will be able click " & \ hear iwithout Here, however, " & \ Pcan control- pronounced." cleanUp 4sName "spanish limit "key info" ) <> down "ls1_" & x & ".wav" pText J"english findClip x - 1 x - 1 7/(un)derline tbkMCI(" " && play" && && "wait","") 7close" && buttonUp pText cleanUp mainLoop findClip buttonUp In the full version you will be able to click this button and hear all the words without pause. Here, however, you can control-click any word to hear it pronounced. mainLoop spanish words key info spanish words pText english words pText YfindClip spanish words pText english words pText spanish words english words limit sName pText underline cleanUp key info spanish words english words spanish words english words findClip tbkMCI tbkMCI close tbkMCI sName 4overFlag "trans" "French: There just a single /sublime :" & \ "ridiculous." tbkMCI(" 6.wav","") play wait","") 1close "firstScreen" = 1 "German: What country zyou come ? I'm American." \ ichbin. = 1 "Russian: Anna often helps her parents." anna. = 1 "Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see duibu. = 1 stokecolor "Trans" buttonUp buttonUp trans trans 240,50,100 French: There is just a single step from the sublime to the ridiculous. trans play sublime.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 0,50,100 German: What country do you come from? I'm an American. trans play ichbin.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 0,50,100 Russian: Anna often helps her parents. trans play anna.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans 240,50,100 Chinese: I'm sorry, I didn't see it. trans play duibu.wav wait tbkMCI firstScreen trans stokecolor 0,50,100 trans Trans overFlag tbkMCI play duibu.wav wait tbkMCI close duibu.wav tbkMCI firstScreen trans stokecolor 0,50,100 trans Trans overFlag Spanish Dialogue Show J"English Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp English Dialogue textHeightProp English Dialogue Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp Instructions buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp Functional Notes buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp bkgnd field id 2 textHeightProp startFlag repeatFlag counter correctAns counterFlag WQues RHldr buFlag Creamer :PHYSSIZE DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD@ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDK DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD pppppppppppppp ppppppppppppp DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD pppppppppp{ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD xxxxy DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDD@ pDDDDDDD@w DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD @@@@@@@ w@@@@@@@@@ xwwwy DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD {{{{{{{{{{ DDDDDDD @DDDDDDKp {{{{{{{{{{ 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@DDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDO :IMAGELIST MMV7VGA Dialogue J"instructions" J"functional notes" J"English Dialogue" Show J"Spanish leavePage leavePage instructions functional notes instructions functional notes English Dialogue Spanish Dialogue buttonUp 0`4:5`5 [Thomas]: Perd n, se ora. ora]: game? [Thomas]: nde puedo cambiar unos d lares? ora]: La oficina de cambio est a la vuelta. [Thomas]: Gracias. EN LA CAJA [Thomas]: Se or, necesito cambiar unos d lares. [empleado]: ntos? [Thomas]: Treinta d lares. [empleado]: El cambio est a tres mil pesos por d lar. Entonces, son noventa mil pesos. mo los quiere? [Thomas]: En billetes grandes, por favor. [empleado]: Aqu tiene. [Thomas]: Muchas gracias. Click in this field to see the English translation. In the full version, you can go back and forth while the speakers are talking. [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. Click in this field to see the Spanish translation. Listen to the dialogue twice. First, see how much you can understand without looking at the dialogue. Next, read through the dialogue. Finally, listen one more time, preferably without looking at the dialogue. In the full version you can hear individual lines of the dialogue, by clicking on the line you want to hear while holding down the Ctrl key. Click on the dialogue without holding down the Ctrl key to toggle back and forth between the Spanish text and the English. In the full version you can do this while the speaker is talking. In this demo however, you can only switch back and forth after the speaker has finished. Be sure to click the Notes button for cultural information. Click anywhere in this field to make it go away. "Perd n" or "perdone" is used to get someone's attention. In other contexts, it can also mean "I'm sorry." "Se ora" is used to address a woman when you don't know her name; for a young woman, one normally uses "se orita;" for a man, use "se It would strike a Hispanic as impolite if you were to approach him/her with a direct question. You should always begin with "perd n, se or," "perd n, se ora, etc. before asking your question. Phrase your question as courteously as possible. A good way to begin is with " Puede usted decirme...?" (Can you tell me...?) The peso is the national currency of many Latin American countries, including Mexico. In Ecuador, it is the sucre; in Venezuela, the bol var; in Costa Rica, the col n; and in Spain, the peseta. The exchange rate can vary from day to day, so it is always a good idea to ask what the rate is before you change money. You do not need to change all of your money at once. At the airport, just change enough to get you to your hotel and perhaps pay for a meal or two. Later, you can change money at any bank. Many hotels will also change money for you. In Mexico and some other Latin American countries, taxi drivers, shop keepers, and restaurants will sometimes accept American dollars, but you can't be sure of getting the best exchange rate this way.5 Lesson 1- Arrival, Changing Money - Dialogue English Dialogue --ConvertIt!: May need preceed SELF TARGET fTEXT OF: Show J"Spanish Dialogue" buttonUp buttonUp Spanish Dialogue textHeightProp [Thomas]: Excuse me, m'am. [woman]: Yes, what is it? [Thomas]: Where can I change some money? [woman]: The exchange office is right around the corner. [Thomas]: Thanks. AT THE WINDOW [Thomas]: Excuse me, I need to change some money. [cashier]: How much? [Thomas]: Thirty dollars. [cashier]: The exchange rate is three thousand pesos to the dollar. So, that makes ninety thousand pesos. How do you want them? [Thomas]: In large bills, please. [cashier]: Here you are. [Thomas]: Thanks very much. CDPlay_ CDPause CDStop Info Listen Closer Explore Practice Test Notes Stop Returnturnnnnn playsetting Note: This function plays a single track only -- demo tbkMCI(" lss1d.wav","") %close buttonUp buttonUp open lss1d.wav tbkMCI play lss1d.wav tbkMCI tbkMCI pause "This Ballows you restart the full version" "CANCEL" buttonUp buttonUp This button allows you to pause and restart in the full version CANCEL cancel Pause "This Ballows you stop the sound full version." "CANCEL" buttonUp buttonUp This button allows you to stop the sound in the full version. CANCEL cancel "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? :PHYSSIZE :PHYSSIZE UX\Y# Listening Activity "Listening Comprehension" buttonUp buttonUp Listening Comprehension 2$showNameProp $:PHYSSIZE Closer Look "Closer Look" buttonUp buttonUp Closer Look l(showNameProp *):PHYSSIZE Exploring "exploring I" buttonUp buttonUp exploring I ,showNameProp b-:PHYSSIZE Practice "Practice I" buttonUp buttonUp Practice I 0showNameProp 1:PHYSSIZE "Test I" buttonUp buttonUp Test I .5showNameProp ^6:PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions 9showNameProp j::PHYSSIZE <=^>' "functional Notes" = #notes" buttonUp buttonUp functional Notes functional notes functional Notes functional Notes t>showNameProp 2?:PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting 77777 sssss 77777 sssss 777777 77777700 sssss sssssssp ssssss 77770 777770 ssssp fffff fffff ffff` fffff ffff` fffff fffff fffff fffff fffff fffff fffff ffff` fffff fffff ffff` fffff` ffff` ffff` fffff ffff` ffff` ffff`f ffffff` ffff` ffff` fffff fffff fffff ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` ffff` fffff fffff ffffff` fffff ffff` ffff` ffffff f`fff` fffff fffff ffff` ffff` ffffff ffff` ffff` fffff ffffff` ffffff` ffff` ffffff ffff` ffff` Practice "In the full version " & \ "Learn Speak Spanish, Bwill take you " & \ another practice exercise." r= "CANCEL" buttonUp buttonUp In the full version of Learn to Speak Spanish, this button will take you to another practice exercise. CANCEL cancel :PHYSSIZE Practice showNameProp acheck "blank"&x aField "Answers"\ checkAnswer 4correctAns,yourAns,fName,lineNo = 0 A <> moveField "userHint" answer bHolder height xField tonUp checkAnswer buttonUp moveField buttonUp blank Answers aField checkAnswer moveField Answers userHint correctAns yourAns fName lineNo moveField userHint xField height bHolder fName lineNo HORIZONTAL userHint buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp 2. las cajerasaciones check "answers" = buttonUp buttonUp answers answers answers :PHYSSIZE Instructions "blank1" buttonUp buttonUp blank1 textHeightProp Now you can practice some of the things you have learned in this lesson. Type in your answer and press the TAB key. The correct answer will pop-up beside your answer after you hit the TAB key. You can also click on the blank you wish to go to, type in your answer, then press TAB to see the correct answer. Click on the "Practice" button to go to the second part of the practice. Remember, you can't type Spanish accents unless you've installed the Spanish keyboard driver in the Contol Panel. Click in this field to hide it. ntol Panel. Click in this field to hide it. unless you've installed the Spanish keyboard driver in the Contol Panel. Click in this field to hide it. ck your answer. Click on the "Practice" button to go to the second part of the practice. Remember, you can't type Spanish accents unless you've installed the Spanish keyboard driver in the Contol Panel. Click in this field to hide it. Answers buttonUp buttonUp textHeightProp 1. los hombres 2. las cajeras 3. los d 4. los d lares 5. las se 6. las cantidades 7. las conversaciones :PHYSSIZE DDDDDDO DDDDDDDK DDDDDDDO NDDDK LDDDO NDDDK LDDDO DDDDDDDDK "setting" buttonUp buttonUp setting :PHYSSIZE Instructions "instructions" = buttonUp buttonUp instructions instructions instructions showNameProp :PHYSSIZE "Test I" buttonUp buttonUp Test I showNameProp "Quit lesson now?" f"Yes" buttonUp buttonUp Quit this lesson now? :PHYSSIZE