.FO OFF .RH ON Item FFHXX -PRO .SP 2 .RH OFF TITLE: 941207 USER MAY GET SYS3175 IN INSTALL.EXE WHILE INSTALLING WARP ON ZEOS PANTERA SYSTEM. DESCRIPTION OF SYMPTOMS: User may get the following SYS3175 in Install.exe during OS/2 3.0 Installation on Zeos Pantera P90 System. . *************** SYS3175 32-bit*************** A program generated an acess violation at 0004d8a9 install.exe 0004:0000d8a9 P1=00000008 P2=000000a0 P3=xxxxxxxx P4=xxxxxxxx EAX=00000000 EBX=00000004 ECX=00000005 EDX=bed80127 ESI=00000d22 EDI=00005628 DS=008f DSACC=00f3 DSLIM=0000d12f ES=0127 ESACC=00f3 ESLIM=00000d22 FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030 GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=******** CS:EIP=0027:0000d8a9 CSACC=00fb CSLIM=0000daa9 SS:EIP=008f:0000a7d2 SSACC=00f3 SSLIM=0000d12f EBP=0000a7e8 FLG=00012246 *************** SYS3175 32-bit End *********** SUMMARY OF RESOLUTION: Contact Zeos Technical Support for Bios Upgrade Information. DETAILS OF RESOLUTION: If a system has a Flash Bios Version less than V9.0, user needs to upgrade his Bios to 9.0 which can be downloaded from Zeos Bulleten Bord System at 612-362-1219. Once the bios is upgraded, the hard- ware settings for IDE drive in CMOS should be configured as following. Multi Sector = Disable Pre Set = Disable LBA = Enable For more info, please contact Zeos Technical Support.