.FO OFF .RH ON Item FFDZH -PRO .SP 2 .RH OFF TITLE: 941130 TRAP000E WITH CS:EIP 0160:FFF6EFBE DESCRIPTION OF SYMPTOMS: Customer receives a Trap000e with cs:eip 0160:FFF6EFBE when running laps WR06000 and/or lan server IP07000. The function name which is failing is _VMGetSem. SUMMARY OF RESOLUTION: Customer must upgrade to the latest csd's for Laps and Lan server. (WR07045 and IP07045) DETAILS OF RESOLUTION: If a customer receives a Trap000E with CS:EIP 0160:FFF6EFBE they must upgrade their Laps to WR07045 and Lan Server to IP07045. NOTE: This may not necessarily pertain to Laps and Lan Server. If the customer is running any other Product such as Novell, other Lan software, or specific drivers make sure they are updated to the latest version.