.FO OFF .RH ON Item FFHKW -PRO .SP 2 .RH OFF TITLE: 941205 GENERAL PROBLEMS ON INSTALLATION OF WARP, MAINTENANCE DESKTOP OR BEFORE THE FINAL REBOOT DESCRIPTION OF SYMPTOMS: 1. Customer receives sys3175 in os2mm.dll (PJ16290) on first reboot or Maintenance Desktop. 2. Customer receives sys3175 in unpack2.exe, when continuing installation through the maintenance desktop on any diskette. 3. OS2 is unable to operate your hard disk or your diskette drive. 4. System hangs on maintenance desktop. 5. System beeps on diskette #7 when asking for the diskette. RESOLUTION: Remark out the basedev=xxxxxxx.add from config.sys on the harddrive except ibmint13.i13 and ibm%flpy.add and the cdrom controller device driver (Where xxxxxx can be any character and % is replaced by 2 for microchannel system and a 1 if any other system). Also refer customer for possible 174 in Users Guide to OS/2 book additional explanation and actions. If customer has Ethernet Card (NE2000 Compatible), ask to customer to remove it (PJ15955).