NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NetWare Client for OS/2 version 2.11 DOCUMENT ID: TID020746 DOCUMENT REVISION: C DATE: 16DEC94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Issue README FOR: WSOS22.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Client for OS/2 2.11 ABSTRACT: The complete product consists of the following seven files: (WSOS21.EXE) contains the installation program, (WSOS22.EXE) contains the requester files, (WSOS23.EXE) contains the Windows libraries and RPL files, (WSDRV1.EXE) contains the LAN drivers, (OS2UT1.EXE) contains LOGIN, NLIST, MAP, CX, SYSCON utilities, (OS2DC1.EXE) contains the electronic documentation in OS/2 IPF format, and (OS2VMB.EXE) contains the VLM Boot diskette image. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ISSUE This product contains the following enhancements: * OS/2 Warp support * More robust Windows application support * Ability to run NetWare Administrator GUI utility in private Windows session This product also includes the following: * Support for Remote Boot (RPL) * Private and global DOS/MS Windows support * IPX/SPX support for enhanced mode MS Windows applications * Automated ODINSUP setup * Documentation in native OS/2 format (costs less to download and runs with the OS/2 book display program already on your system The NetWare Client version 2.1 for OS/2 electronic documentation is now available in native OS/2 format. Because the native OS/2 formatting does not require much disk space, the documentation is now available as a standard part of the client kit download rather than as a separate download from NetWire. Self-Extracting File Name: WSOS22.EXE Revision: C Files Included Size Date Time \ WSOS22.TXT (This File) WSOS2_2 9491 11-09-94 6:20p \REQUESTR\ IPX.SY_ 7096 10-28-94 10:34a LSL.SY_ 6637 10-28-94 2:09p SPX.SY_ 10210 10-27-94 2:37p TLI.DL_ 10009 08-16-94 8:41a NETX.EX_ 47042 10-25-94 11:20a VIPX.SY_ 15075 11-01-94 6:00p NWAFP.DL_ 3353 08-30-91 11:07a NWIFS.IF_ 26988 10-28-94 3:04p NWNET.DL_ 98976 10-18-94 4:51p NWREQ.SY_ 18594 10-28-94 2:52p ROUTE.SY_ 3018 10-20-94 5:52p LANSUP.SY_ 12686 05-14-93 4:20p NETAPI.DL_ 1041 10-08-92 12:26p NETSUB.DL_ 1039 10-08-92 12:26p NMPIPE.SY_ 9100 03-08-94 1:26p NWPSRV.DL_ 99222 10-06-94 1:38p TSAOS2.EX_ 47450 10-06-94 8:10p VSHELL.SY_ 8690 10-19-94 9:53a DDAEMON.EX_ 6827 03-01-94 11:43a DOSVIPX.SY_ 4754 11-01-94 6:00p NETBIOS.EX_ 13555 08-15-94 5:06p NETBIOS.SY_ 14654 04-01-94 9:26a NPCALLS.DL_ 1406 10-08-93 11:45a NWTOOLS.EX_ 81453 10-13-94 12:40p ODINSUP.SY_ 6338 11-11-92 11:45a TLI_SPX.DL_ 31986 09-15-94 2:30p TLI_TCP.DL_ 6395 06-08-94 2:20p VLMBOOT.EXE 28718 09-21-94 12:12p IPXCALLS.DL_ 1201 07-19-93 3:04p NBDAEMON.EX_ 2443 11-05-93 11:36a NPDAEMON.EX_ 10201 10-07-94 2:15p NPSERVER.SY_ 7015 03-22-94 3:00p NWCONFIG.DL_ 2684 09-20-94 3:51p NWDAEMON.EX_ 21470 10-28-94 2:58p NWOS2DOC.IC_ 367 02-08-94 2:16p NWWORKER.DL_ 32573 03-09-94 4:37p SPDAEMON.EX_ 4642 12-14-93 12:48p SPXCALLS.DL_ 1187 12-14-93 12:47p \WINDOWS\ TBMI2.CO_ 9052 08-04-94 8:02a NETAPI.DL_ 3146 06-24-91 11:05a NETWARE.DR_ 50291 10-27-92 7:38a NETWARE.HL_ 16115 02-12-92 3:12p NWPOPUP.EX_ 2333 09-30-94 10:58a NWIPXSPX.DL_ 16430 10-18-94 2:55p NWNETAPI.DL_ 51682 01-07-93 1:31p Installation Instructions: INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS for the NetWare Client for OS/2 version 2.11 This client product supports all OS/2 2.x releases made before December 19, 1994, and replaces all previous 2.x versions of the NetWare Client for OS/2. NOTE: If you have OS/2 1.3, you need to obtain the NetWare Requester 1.3 for OS/2 instead of this product. The NetWare Client for OS/2 version 2.11 consists of seven self-extracting files: WSOS21.EXE contains the installation program WSOS22.EXE contains the requester files WSOS23.EXE contains the Windows libraries and RPL files WSDRV1.EXE contains the LAN drivers OS2UT1.EXE contains LOGIN, NLIST, MAP, CX, SYSCON utilities OS2DC1.EXE contains the electronic documentation in OS/2 IPF format OS2VMB.EXE contains the VLM Boot diskette image Once these files are downloaded, there are 3 methods that can be used to complete the installation of the NetWare Client for OS/2 version 2.11: Method 1: Extract to Network Drive/Install From Network Drive Method 2: Extract to Hard Drive/Make Diskettes/Install From Diskettes Method 3: Extract to Diskettes/Install From Diskettes Instructions for each method follow. ********* Method 1: Extract to Network Drive/Install From Network Drive NOTE: You must have a version of the NetWare Client software already installed on your workstation and be connected to the network in order to use this install method. You cannot install to and from the same drive. Example: You cannot install from C: to C: 1. To install the NetWare Client software to your hard disk, you must have adequate disk space to allow for the client to install. (about 4 MB) 2. At the network drive, create a directory called TEMP. This directory can be deleted later. Example: At the J:\ prompt, type MD TEMP 3. Extract WSOS21.EXE, WSOS22.EXE, WSOS23.EXE, WSDRV1.EXE, OS2UT1.EXE, and OS2DC1.EXE into the TEMP directory. The self extracting file will automatically create the required subdirectories. Change to the directory where WSOS21.EXE, WSOS22.EXE, WSOS23.EXE, WSDRV1.EXE, OS2UT1.EXE, and OS2DC1.EXE reside. DO NOT change to the TEMP directory. Example: At the command line, type WSOS21 J:\TEMP\ Do this for each self extracting file in turn. This will extract all the files into the TEMP subdirectory. 4. In an OS/2 Command Line Session, CD into the TEMP directory and type INSTALL. The NetWare Client for OS/2 Installation screen will appear. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to install the NetWare Requester on the workstation. NOTE: Make sure and place the local disk drive letter as the target directory. 5. Delete your TEMP directory if desired. ******************** Method 2: Extract to Diskettes/Install From Diskettes 1. Format six 3.5" high density double-sided diskettes. 2. Label each diskette with the following names: Disk 1 WSOS2_1 Disk 2 WSOS2_2 Disk 3 WSOS2_3 Disk 4 WSDRV_1 Disk 5 OS2UTIL1 Disk 6 OS2DOC_1 Example: At the command line, type Label A: WSOS2_1 2. Extract the .EXE files to their corresponding diskettes. The correct directory structure will be created automatically on the diskettes. Self-extract WSOS21.EXE onto WSOS2_1, WSOS22.EXE onto WSOS2_2, etc. Example: At the command line, type WSOS21 A: 3. After creating the six diskettes, insert the disk labeled WSOS2_1 diskette in drive A. 4. Open the drive A: icon on your desktop and open the INSTALL.EXE program. The NetWare Client for OS/2 install screen appears. 5. Follow the instructions on the screen or in the manual to complete the install. ****************** Method 3: Extract to Hard Drive/Make Diskettes/Install From Diskettes 1. Create the following subdirectories on your hard disk: WSOS2_1, WSOS2_2, WSOS2_3, WSDRV_1, OS2UTIL_1, and OS2DOC_1. Example: At the C:\ prompt, type MD WSOS2_1 2. Extract the .EXE files into their corresponding subdirectories, the correct directory structure will be created in each subdirectory. WSOS21.EXE into WSOS2_1, WSOS22.EXE into WSOS2_2, etc. Example: At the command line, type WSOS21 C:\WSOS2_1\ 3. Format six 3.5" high density double-sided diskettes. 4. Label each diskette with the following names: Disk 1 WSOS2_1 Disk 2 WSOS2_2 Disk 3 WSOS2_3 Disk 4 WSDRV_1 Disk 5 OS2UTIL1 Disk 6 OS2DOC_1 Example: At the command line, type Label A: WSOS2_1 5. Insert diskette labelled WSOS2_1 into drive A:. 6. Change directory to WSOS2_1 on your hard disk. 7. Type the following at the command line: XCOPY *.* /S /E /V A: 8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for the remaining five diskettes. Ensure that the files are copied from the correct directory to the corresponding labelled diskettes. 9. After creating the six diskettes, insert WSOS2_1 diskette in drive A. 10. Open the drive A: icon on your desktop and open the INSTALL.EXE program. The NetWare Client for OS/2 install screen appears. 11. Follow the instructions on the screen or in the manual to complete the install. ********** SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR VLM BOOT OS2VMB.EXE contains a DOS boot image file and a Novell DOS 7 image utility (DISKCOPY.COM). IMPORTANT: DISKCOPY.COM can only be run from an actual DOS workstation, not from an OS/2 DOS session. Instructions for Creating the VLM Boot Diskette: 1. On the actual DOS workstation, create a subdirectory named VLMBOOT. 2. Copy OS2VMB.EXE to the newly created VLMBOOT directory. 3. Extract OS2VMB.EXE by running it. 4. Insert a 1.44 MB formatted diskette into drive A:. 5. Change to the VLMBOOT subdirectory. 6. Create the image disk by typing DISKCOPY VLMBOOT.350 A: 7. For more information about VLM Boot, refer to the NetWare Client for OS/2 version 2.11 User Guide in both printed and online formats. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ