MKMSGF os2ldr.msg IThe system cannot swap in a segment. EA program in this session encountered a problem and cannot continue. EOS/2 is unable to operate your hard disk or diskette drive. PLoading, please wait. %1. IBM Operating System/2 Corrective Service Facility (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1981, 1992, 1993. All rights reserved. Remove the diskette from drive A. Insert Corrective Service Diskette 2 into drive A. Then, press Enter. IOS/2 could not start because an IFS= statement is not included in the CONFIG.SYS file. Add the IFS= statement (containing the correct file system name) to CONFIG.SYS and restart your system. EThe parameter "%3" on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file is not acceptable for the %2 statement. Line %1 is ignored. IOS/2 cannot be started. The error code is: EThe device driver %3 specified in the %2 statement on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file was not installed. Line %1 is ignored. IDevice driver %1, which is needed to start the system, failed to install. Install the correct device driver in either the root directory or the /OS2 subdirectory of the startup device and restart the system. IThe device driver %3 specified in the %2 statement on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file has modified DOS mode system storage. Correct the problem in the device driver or edit the CONFIG.SYS file to remove that DEVICE= statement. Then restart the system. EThere is not enough memory to load the program or device driver %3 specified in the %2 statement on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file. Line %1 is ignored. *************************************************** * ----- Possible System Failure ------ * * The swap file is full. * *************************************************** IThe system cannot find the file "%1". This device driver, program, or data file is not located in the default path or the path specified for it in the CONFIG.SYS file. Install this file in the correct directory or correct the appropriate CONFIG.SYS file statement. EThere is not enough memory to load the program or device driver %1. IThe system cannot load the startup file system. The information for the startup file system is incorrect. Reinstall your system. IThe system cannot initialize the startup file system. Reinstall your system. EThe system cannot find the file %3 specified in the %2 statement on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file. Line %1 is ignored. EThe file %3 specified in the %2 statement on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file does not contain a valid device driver or file system driver. Line %1 is ignored. IThe information needed to restart the system is not acceptable. Operating System/2 Version 3 (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 1994. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IThe system cannot load the dynamic link library (DLL) %1 that is needed to start the system. Install the DLL in the root directory of the startup drive or in the directory specified in the LIBPATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. IThe system cannot find the entry point %2 in dynamic link library (DLL) %1 that is needed to start the system. Install the correct DLL in the root directory of the startup drive or in the directory specified in the LIBPATH statement in the CONFIG.SYS file. IThe system cannot open the CON: file that is needed to start the system. IThe handle for the CON: file is not zero. PPress Enter to continue... EThe country information file %1 is incorrect. IThe CONFIG.SYS file in the root directory could not be opened. A menu screen with alternative CONFIG.SYS files that can be used to boot will follow this message. EThe system detected a divide-by-zero error. IThe system detected an internal processing error at location %1. The system is stopped. Record all of the above information and contact your service representative. EThe file %3 specified in the %2 statement on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file does not contain a valid program. Line %1 is ignored. EA program in this session encountered a problem and cannot continue. EA program in this session encountered a problem and cannot continue. EThe file %1 does not contain a valid program. IThe system detected a general protection fault (trap D) in a system call. Arguments used in system call (high to low): EThe system does not have enough memory to reload a code or data segment. IThe system detected an interrupt that cannot be masked. EThe system detected a hardware memory error on the system board. The error occurred at physical location %1. Make a note of the location and read the message help. The system stopped. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. IThe system stopped. The system detected a hardware memory error on an option card. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. IThe system stopped. The system detected a timeout on the DMA channel of the hardware. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. IThe system stopped. The system detected a timeout by the watchdog timer on the system board. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. IA disk-read error occurred. PInsert a system diskette and restart the system. IThe system cannot find the OS2KRNL file. IThe file OS2KRNL is not acceptable. IThe system does not have enough memory to start the operating system. IThe system is stopped. Correct the preceding error and restart the system. IThe file %1 does not contain a valid device driver. Install the correct device driver file and restart the system. EA program in this session encountered a problem and cannot continue. EThe system detected a software-generated error. The system stopped. EThe system detected a bus timeout error. The system stopped. EThe system detected a fail-safe timer error. The system stopped. EThe system detected an I/O check error. The system stopped. EThe system detected a hardware memory error on the system board. The system stopped. Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to determine the cause of the problem. EBad or missing command interpreter. Press Enter to close the DOS session. IThe system detected an Intel 8086 or an 80286 CPU that is not supported by this version of the OS/2 operating system. An Intel 80386 or compatible CPU is required. IThe system detected an Intel 80386 CPU stepping (B0) that is not supported by the OS/2 operating system. Contact your hardware service representative or replace your 80386 CPU. IThe system detected an Intel 80386 CPU that does not reliably execute 32-bit multiple operations and cannot be supported by the OS/2 operating system. Contact your hardware service representative or replace your 80386 CPU. EA program in this session encountered a problem and cannot continue.