═══ 1. LAN Network Manager Transfer Utility help panels. ═══ This section contains the help panels associated with the LAN Network Manager Transfer Utility. ═══ 1.1. Transferring Definition Data ═══ The Transfer utility of the LAN Network Manager program allows you to export station, bridge, and CAU definitions, and system parameters data. You can then import that information to another LAN Network Manager. This utility copies all of the information that was entered on the associated windows. This utility is also useful in backing up your data definitions. To use the Transfer utility, do the following: 1. Select one or more of the following: o Station definitions o Bridge definitions o System parameters o CAU definitions 2. Specify the drive that you want to write to or read from. You can specify any drive including the drive for your LAN server. You cannot specify a path. The Transfer utility writes to or reads from the current directory of the specified drive. If you are exporting data, specify the drive to which you want exported data written. If you are importing data, specify the drive from which you want the imported data read. 3. Select either Export or Import. The export utility exports the specified data to an ASCII-delimited file using the OS/2 Database Management export utility. You will receive a confirmation message when the data is successfully exported. The import utility appends the exported data to the existing data. You will receive a confirmation message when the data is imported. This message indicates how many definitions were imported. If there were duplicate definitions, the message indicates how many duplicate definitions were found and whether the name or address was duplicated. The transfer utility will not import duplicate definitions.