NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Updated Client TLI Files DOCUMENT ID: TID021454 DOCUMENT REVISION: B DATE: 12JUL94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: TLIWS1.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare 3.11 NetWare 3.12 NetWare 4.0 NetWare 4.01 ABSTRACT: TLIWS1.EXE contains TLI 4.x files. This version of TLI addresses the issues with: disconnect, NULL pointer check, watchdogs, buffer size, and size negotiations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM In OS/2, the user would see a bogus T_DISCONNECT on t_look; and when the user would t_rcvdis, the system would GP fault. CAUSE An endpoint that did a t_snddis did a t_close before the disconnect ack came in. The disconnect ack processing freed the session table associated with the old connection; when the t_close closed the endpoint, the ack did not come in and the session table was never freed. The watchdogging routing assumed the session was active and tried to send bogus watchdogs. SOLUTION The watchdogging routine was cleaned to free orphaned session tables. SYMPTOM Users reported multiple Trap d problems. SOLUTION In this patch, Multiple NULL pointer checks were included when referencing the queue posted in the session table entries. These changes were made to enhance the error handling code. SYMPTOM Watchdog was possibly causing a Trap. SOLUTION This patch adds a call to cancel the watchdog if it was scheduled. This was possibly causing a Trap later in the code. It was possible that if a SPX session was destroyed, the Event might still trigger and access freed memory, causing a Trap D in OS/2. SYMPTOM The driver truncates or returns a receive error. SOLUTION The patch allocates listening buffers to be driver size instead of 576 bytes. This should only have an effect if the listening Event Control Block (ECB) receives a stray data or size negotiate packet while listening. This fix will keep the driver from truncating or giving a receive error. SYMPTOM Previously, if an OLD SPX connection had been an established endpoint, then the spxIIOptionNegotiat flag was set to SPX_OPTION_NEGOTIAT_ON. When a SPXII machine then tried to connect, it expected size negotiation to occur; however, this flag was never being reset, which caused the endpoint to hang. SOLUTION The patch changes the connect handler() check to see if the remote partner wants the size negotiation on. SOLUTION Update your current TLI files with the updated 4.x TLI files contained in this file. Self-Extracting File Name: TLIWS1.EXE Revision: B Files Included Size Date Time \ TLIWS1.TXT (This File) \DOS\BTC\ CTLI.LIB 96963 06-08-94 2:27p LTLI.LIB 98499 06-08-94 2:16p MTLI.LIB 85187 06-08-94 2:23p STLI.LIB 83651 06-08-94 2:20p \DOS\MSC\ CTLI.LIB 95355 06-08-94 2:12p LTLI.LIB 96891 06-08-94 1:55p MTLI.LIB 81531 06-08-94 2:07p STLI.LIB 79995 06-08-94 2:01p \H\ POLL.H 2323 10-13-92 5:27p TIUSER.H 11638 01-20-94 10:37a TISPXIPX.H 6292 12-16-92 9:35a \OS2\ TLI.DLL 20929 06-08-94 2:22p TLI.LIB 4833 06-08-94 2:22p TLI_SPX.DLL 54833 06-08-94 2:53p TLI_TCP.DLL 10833 06-08-94 2:20p \WIN\ TLI_SPX.DLL 52179 06-08-94 5:38p TLI_WIN.DLL 15713 06-08-94 5:28p TLI_WIN.LIB 4839 06-08-94 5:28p Installation Instructions: 1. Make a backup copy of your existing TLI files. 2. Copy the updated TLI files to your workstation's DOS/WIN/OS2 H and DLL directories. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ