NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: SAA013.EXE; NetWare 1.3B Maintenance DOCUMENT ID: TID251028 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 16NOV94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: SAA013.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare for SAA 1.3B ABSTRACT: SAA013.EXE & SAA008.EXE, together, are the current maintenance patch for SAA 1.3B and must be used together. The patch is recommended for all SAA 1.3B installations and for all SAA 1.3 installations that have installed the PTF 410 series. Do Not Apply to COMMEXEC and NWSAA versions below 1.3.42! Check Product Options Under "Load Install" First! NOTE: SAA008 HAS NOT changed. Please apply SAA013 and SAA008 before calling Tech Support. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM General Symptoms 1. Not compatible with NetSoft and DCA emulators. 2. Unexpected disconnects. 3. Failure to attach with Password Encryption turned on. 4. Multiple line RUNCMD responses limited to 110 characters. 5. Problems gathering statistics through SSM. 6. Problems using the verb CNOS. 7. If user terminated a session when running the DCA emulator using mod 5, subsequent users would get 4B? on the OIA line when trying to get a new session. 8. Definite response with pacing on, caused sense code 200A. 9. Test frames being sent causing the link to reset. 10. 3174 X.25 RPQ failure to connect with NWSAA. 11. Several different state transition errors; event=1 state=5 and event=7 state=7. 12. Several LU6.2 problems, including send error in recv state problems. 13. Failure to respond to a Null XID when configured as a PU type 2.1 over a SDLC link. Symptoms Related to R3SDLC & SDLCS 1. Server hang in a multidrop environment, if another device kept RTS high. 2. RTS toggled to Low even if CSCON was configured to set it constantly High. 3. Spurious interrupt/missed poll messages. 4. Pressing Attention during a Logoff could result in a Profile Unload. 5. Failure to re-establish connection with host. 6. Failure to respond to a DISC from NCP. 7. "DLCI ERROR:unable to attach to a logical board" when loading both a PU2.0 and a PU2.1 profile to the same board. 8. Failure of link to come up. Symptoms WITH SNALINKS 1. Even when SNALINKS was configured for Auto Connect, after a link was downed, the connection might not be brought up automatically. 2. Incompatibility with MPR 3.0. Symptoms with SAACOPY 1. "Unable to open file" 2. Downstream LUs unable to establish host sessions. 3. Unable to copy between a 1.3 and a 1.4 Communication Server. 4. "No more WCM connection" 5. "Error on Attach" 6. After a profile was copied onto a NetWare 4.01 server, an attempt to run CSCON from the same NetWare drive would cause the workstation to hang. 7. The use of SAACOPY, then CSCON, could result in the DOS prompt being changed to "%p". 8. SAACopy set the wrong model number. Symptoms with AS/400 1. Unable to access Shared Folders. 2. Invalid XID messages on the console. Symptoms Related to OS/2 1. Lack of OS/2 DOS Box support for CSCON. 2. Problems using OS/2 Connection Manager. Symptom Using Netview Server crash when NetView issues a REQMS. Symptom using Data Link Switch/Custom link Errors when session data spanned multiple data blocks. Symptoms When Using MPA Boards 1. System crash when using MPA driver and PS/2 model 9585. 2. MPA driver not compatible with servers over 16 meg of RAM. New Features Compatibility added for the new "LINKSNA", due out in the near future. Added TCPIP support for the as400pcs.nlm for the netsoft router. (This was the same file that was in nsrout.exe on compuserve.) Compatibility added for the new data link switch product. SOLUTION Apply SAA013 and SAA008 Self-Extracting File Name: SAA013.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ SAA013.TXT (This File) DLM.NLM 107523 11-15-94 10:21a * 599, 613, 666 SMA.NLM 28138 03-28-94 2:36p * 582 WCM.DLL 33309 03-08-94 10:48a * 573 CMTCP.NLM 39644 12-15-93 9:09a * 553 CSCFG.EXE 113445 04-18-94 10:07a * 558 CSCON.EXE 41183 04-18-94 10:05a * 558 NWSAA.001 855 11-17-94 8:46a * 629,624,610,659 NWSAA.NLM 367462 11-04-94 3:49p * 637,650,652,629,624,610,659 NWSAA.RMV 1839 07-07-94 6:20p * 629,624,610,637,650,652 ROUTE.NLM 5033 06-09-94 6:11p SDLCS.NLM 40905 04-19-94 3:01p * 590,586,578 CS_ERR.DAT 9451 02-26-90 6:52p * 588 CS_MSG.DAT 24812 12-14-89 4:52p R3SDLC.LAN 22551 04-29-94 9:18a * 590,586,578 CS_HELP.DAT 3722 09-01-89 12:00p LLC8022.NLM 34606 09-01-94 11:02a * 638, 644 MPASDLC.LAN 10809 08-04-94 11:37a * 622,636 PBTRACE.NLM 2735 04-19-94 3:00p * 590 PRODUCT.DEF 434 11-02-94 5:40p * 659 SAACOPY.EXE 262121 09-26-94 3:55p * 541,646 SPC_ERR.DAT 9451 02-26-90 6:52p * 646 SPC_FRM.FRM 1387 10-07-92 11:24a * 646 SPC_FRM.HLP 67975 10-11-93 5:15p * 541,646 SPC_MSG.DAT 24812 12-14-89 4:52p STRNRTR.EXE 41757 10-22-93 4:39p * 541 AS400PCS.NLM 20838 03-31-94 4:00p * 535 CPIC_SAA.NLM 32756 01-10-94 2:01p * 560 CSCONFRM.HLP 4425 07-23-92 4:26p * 588 CSINSTAL.HLP 2336 03-09-93 6:44p * 629,624,610 CSINSTAL.NLM 802 06-10-93 11:28a * 629,624,610 NOVELLRT.OVL 6678 10-22-93 4:39p * 535 PB_NWSAA.NLM 28622 04-19-94 3:00p * 590 PINSTALL.NLM 87963 06-10-93 11:29a SPC_HELP.DAT 3722 09-01-89 12:00p * 646 *Novell internal control number. Note: ROUTE.NLM released in SROUTE.EXE (included here as a convenience), see text about the use of this file!! Note: AS400PCS.NLM netsoft router support Installation Instructions: 1. Install this patch ONLY IF you have NetWare for SAA 1.3B or have installed the PTF410 series. 2. Put SAA013.EXE into an empty directory, called SAA013, on a hard disk or network drive. Make sure the directory path is available to the server(s) you are updating. 3. Unzip SAA013.EXE. SAA013 4. Have you ever applied SAA008? If you have, you are currently at version 1.3.46. If you are currently at version 1.3.46 skip to step #6. Do NOT apply SAA008 a second time. Put SAA008.EXE into an empty directory, called SAA008, on a hard disk or network drive. Make sure the directory path is available to the server(s) you are updating. 5. Unzip SAA008.EXE. SAA008 6. Do a CSDOWN so that COMMEXEC will not be running. 7. LOAD Install. 8. Select Product Options. 9. Press . You should select the directory path created above ie, sys:\saa013 or c:\saa013 10. Select server to update. 11. Press . 12. Wait for the update to complete. 13. Press . You should see NWSAA 1.3.60 14. If you have never applied SAA008, press .select directory path for SAA008 ie, sys:\SAA008 or c:\SAA008. 15. Select the server to update. 16. Press 17. Wait for the update to complete. 18. Press . You should see COMMEXEC 1.3.46. ***!!! !!! IMPORTANT NOTE: Never manually copy COMMEXEC.NLM or NWSAA.NLM into the system. The install scripts must be used! If you copy in manually, the version information will be incorrect. If you have ever applied an ETF that required copying NWSAA.NLM into the system directory manually, please recopy the NWSAA.NLM that was on the system just prior to installing the ETF, and then be sure the version number under Product Options for NWSAA is lower than the one in this patch. If an ETF was applied with an install script, you do not have to recopy NWSAA.NLM (however, be sure the version you have is lower than the one in this patch). If the version number is equal than or greater than the one to be installed by this patch, the install will fail. !!!!************ 19. Reload COMMEXEC. 20. Reload the profile. 21. Copy the new STRNRTR.EXE and NOVELLRT.OVL over any copies that may exist outside of the SYS:\SYSTEM\NWSAA\AS400 directories. 22. Read SAACOPY.TXT for instructions on the use of SAACOPY. Please note that there was a patch to SAACOPY that created an incorrect directory. The INCORRECT PATH is SYS:\SYSTEM\SAACOPY. Please delete the contents and the directory. The CORRECT directory path is SYS:\SYSTEM\NWSAA\SAACOPY. SAA013 will install the files here. 23. The CONFIG.SYS for the workstation from which you run SAACOPY must contain FILES=20 (or greater). If it does not, you will receive the following error message when you try to back up or restore SAA service files: MESSAGE Unable to Open File 24. If you are using the MPA board: The new MPA driver uses interrupt 3 and is non-shareable, run reference setup to make sure no other device uses Interrupt 3! 25. If you are using the MPA board with OS/2: Load MPASDLC Name=board mode=ns 26. In order to use 3174 X.25 RPQ you must use the ROUTE.NLM provided with this patch and load it with the GBR option! (specifies that all General Broadcast frames are to be sent as All Routes Broadcast Frames.) Please also note that the new ROUTE.NLM must be manually copied to the system directory in the event that the route you have installed is older than the one provided here. Patch History: SAA013 supersedes SAA001, SAA003, SAA004, and SAA007. SAA001 contained CSMPX.NLM dated 2/17/94, which randomized CSLIST. Such randomization is not desirable at many sites. SAA001 and SAA002 superseded PTF 443, PTF 435 and PTF 438. These files also replace the NetWire file SAACPY.EXE that introduced the problem of restored downstream LUs being unable to establish host sessions and PTF 431 that was the first PTF for SAA 1.3B. SAA008 superseded SAA002. Solution Specifics: (for some of the symptoms listed above) GENERAL 1. CMTCP.NLM modified to handle multiple QELs in a single packet. This was done for compatibility. 4. RUNCMD responses will now be limited to 220 characters. If in excess of 220 characters, will be truncated. Single line RUNCMD responses will be broken down into 220 character chunks. 6. When changing the number of sessions (CNOS) from X to Y, must be at 0 first before the change can be made. 9. DLM.NLM and LLC8022.NLM modified so that test frames will be turned around once the link is established. 12. Many fixes for LU6.2, including adding sense code for FMH-7 10086040,CNOS fixes, chaining and bracketing fixes,etc. 13. DLM.NLM modified. SOLUTIONS RELATED to R3SDLC & SDLCS 5. R3SDLC and SDLCS were modified so that DTR is not toggled when SAA receives a disconnect command in a leased line configuration. 8. SDLCS.NLM modified so that the link will no longer fail to come up when a DISC immediately follows a SNRM/UA. SAACOPY 4. Connections will now clear. They had not been, and as new connections were made the maximum number would be reached. 8. Model numbers will now transfer correctly. AS/400 1. Corrected by adding support for the "query conversation state" service verb. OS/2 2. WCM.DLL modified. USING NETVIEW DLM.NLM modified so that a server crash will no longer result from a REQMS resulting in a DLM_GET_STATISTICS or DLM_RESET_STATISTICS. DATA LINK SWITCH/CUSTOM DATA LINK Support provided for data spanning multiple data blocks, instead of being required to remain in one data block. This also effects Custom data link configurations as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ