Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. New Job Entry Exit Help 1 of 1 If you are ready to submit this print job, select Yes. If you do not want to submit this print job, select No. If you want to make more changes, select Yes; then select the job you just submitted and make more changes. Print Definitions Help 1 of 1 These are the print definitions that are available to you. Choose the print definition you want to use. If you do not want to print any files, press .i Main Menu Help 1 of 1 CHANGE CURRENT FILE SERVER: Lets you attach to a different file server so you can examine its print queues and servers. Also lets you log out from a server or change the username you are logged in under. PRINT QUEUE INFORMATION: Lets you examine information about the print queues on this server. You can also add jobs to or remove jobs from the queues. Supervisors can also add, delete, or rename queues. PRINT SERVER INFORMATION: Lets you examine the list of print servers on this file server. Supervisors can also add, delete, or rename print servers. Available Options Help Change Current File Server This will allow you to select another file server as your preferred server. It will also allow you to attach to, or logout from a server. Print Queue Information Lets you examine or modify jobs in the print queue, add new jobs, or delete jobs. Print Server Information Lets you see what print servers are available. Also allows the Supervisor to add or delete print servers. Can't Read Job Definition Help 1 of 1 The program was unable to read the print definition for the PRINTCON mode you selected. A call to GetServerExtendedInfo failed. No further processing is possible. Notify When Done Help 1 of 1 Set this flag to Y if you would like to receive a broadcast telling you when and where your job was printed. Invalid Server Help 1 of 1 The job you selected has a target print server that cannot service this queue. Unless you change the target print server, or unless the supervisor allows that print server to service this queue, this job will not be printed. No Printers Available Help 1 of 1 No printers are available for the option you selected. If you are trying to configure the startup queues and notify list for a printer, you must configure the printer first. If you are trying to view the status of an operating printer, the printer must be defined before the print server is started. Queue Priority Help 1 of 1 Enter a number from 1 to 10 for the queue priority (1 is the highest priority). Queue Priority Help 1 of 1 The priority must be a value from 1 to 10.* Print Server Information Menu Help 1 of 2 You have the following options: CHANGE PASSWORD: Lets you change the password for the print server. This option is given only to the supervisor. FULL NAME: Displays a descriptive name for the print server, if one has been assigned by the supervisor. PRINT SERVER CONFIGURATION: Lets you configure the print server's printers, startup queues, and notify list. This option is given only to the supervisor. Print Server Information Menu Help 2 of 2 PRINT SERVER ID: Displays the object ID of the print server. PRINT SERVER OPERATORS: Displays the list of users and groups who are operators for the print server. PRINT SERVER USERS: Displays the list of users and groups who are print server users. PRINT SERVER STATUS/CONTROL: Lets you view the status of the print server. This option is available only if the print server is currently running. Server Operators List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of operators for this server. Use to add to the list, to remove from the list. Server Operator Candidates List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all users and groups that are not print server operators. Select the users and groups you want to add as server operators. Server Users List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of users who are authorized to use this print server. Use to add to the list, to remove from the list.o Server Users Candidates List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all users and groups that are not currently authorized to use this print server. Select the users and groups you want to add as server users. Print Server Configuration Menu Help 1 of 1 You have the following options: FILE SERVERS TO BE SERVICED: Lets you specify which file servers the print server will attach to at startup. STARTUP NOTIFYS: Lets you specify which users and groups will be notified when a printer needs attention. PRINTER CONFIGURATION: Lets you create definitions for the printers on your network. STARTUP QUEUES: Lets you specify which queues will be serviced by each printer. Configured Printers List Help 1 of 1 This window lists all available printer numbers and the status of the numbers. If you would like to change the configuration for a printer, select the printer. If you would like to add a new printer configuration, select one of the unused printer numbers. Defined Printers List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all printers that have been defined. Select a printer to see the list of queues serviced by that printer. If you have sufficient rights, you can add queues to and delete queues from printers. Defined Printers List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all printers that have been defined. If you want to see the list of users and groups to be notified when a particular printer needs attention, select the printer from the list. Print Server Status and Control Menu Help 1 of 1 SERVER INFO: Displays general print server info and status. SERVICED FILE SERVERS: Lists the file servers the print server is currently attached to. PRINTER STATUS: Shows the status of a printer. NOTIFY LIST: Shows the list of users and groups to be notified when a printer needs attention. QUEUE LIST: Shows the list of queues being serviced by a printer. Operating Printers List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of printers currently operating on the selected print server. Use to see the status of one of the printers. Operating Printers List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of printers currently operating on the selected print server. Use to see the notify list for one of the printers. Operating Printers List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of printers currently operating on the selected print server. Use to see the queue list for one of the printers. Queue Status Form Help 1 of 1 This is the current status of the print queue. It is updated every five seconds. If you are a queue operator, you can change the settings of the operator flags. Printer Name Help 1 of 1 Enter the name you want to give the printer. The name can be up to 47 characters long and should uniquely identify the printer. Examples: Daisy Wheel Printer on Sue's Desk Dot Matrix by North Door Printer Type Help 1 of 1 Choose the type of printer you are configuring. If the printer will not be attached to the computer the print server is running on, then it is a remote printer. If you are not certain if the printer uses a parallel or a serial interface, consult your printer documentation. If the definition for the printer has already been set up on another file server, select "Defined Elsewhere." Use Interrupts Help 1 of 1 Using interrupts allows more efficient use of a printer. Without interrupts, a printer may not be kept as active as it otherwise might If you have other devices or programs loaded in your computer that will conflict with the printer interrupt, you should not use the printer interrupts. IRQ Help 1 of 1 IRQ is the number of the interrupt used by a printer port. Consult the documentation for your parallel or serial ports to find out which IRQ to use. IRQ 7 is usually used for LPT1. IRQ 4 is usually used for COM1. Add Jobs to Queue Help 1 of 1 If you set this flag to No, users will not be allowed to submit jobs to the queue until you reset it to Yes. Buffer Size Help 1 of 1 This is the size of the print server's internal buffer for this printer. 3KB is adequate for most printers. If your printer often stops and starts during a job, changing to a larger buffer size may help. Queue Status Service Help 1 of 1 If you set this flag to No, no servers can service jobs in the queue until you reset it to Yes. Starting Form Help 1 of 1 Enter the number of the form that will be mounted on the printer when the print server starts. Attach New Servers Help 1 of 1 If you set this flag to No, no servers will be allowed to attach to the queue until you reset it to Yes. Queue Service Mode Help 1 of 2 There are four queue service modes: CHANGE FORMS AS NEEDED: In this mode, the order of jobs in the queue and the priority of each queue are used to decide what job to service next. You may have to change forms often. MINIMIZE FORM CHANGES ACROSS QUEUES: In this mode, the printer will service all jobs requiring the currently mounted form before requesting a form change. Jobs in lower priority queues that require the mounted form will be serviced before jobs in a high priority queue that require a different form. Queue Service Mode Help 2 of 2 MINIMIZE FORM CHANGES WITHIN QUEUE: In this mode, the print server will service all the jobs needing the currently mounted form from the highest priority queue before requesting a form change. All jobs from high-priority queues will be finished before jobs are serviced from lower priority queues. SERVICE ONLY CURRENTLY MOUNTED FORM: In this mode the printer will never request a form change. If no job requiring the current form is available, it will not print anything. Baud Rate Help 1 of 1 Choose the baud rate that is correct for your printer. Most printers are configurable for serveral baud rates. Consult your printer documentation. Data Bits Help 1 of 1 Enter the number of data bits required for your printer. Most printers are configurable. Consult your printer documentation. Stop Bits Help 1 of 1 Enter the number of stop bits required for your printer. Most printers are configurable. Consult your printer documentation. Parity Help 1 of 1 Enter the parity type required for your printer. Most printers are configurable. Consult your printer documentation. X-ON/X-OFF Help 1 of 1 If your printer uses X-On/X-Off protocol, select Yes. Most printers are configurable. Consult your printer documentation. Printer Configuration Help 1 of 1 This form controls how the printer will be configured for the print server. Move to the fields you want to edit and press to change them. Queues Serviced List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of queues serviced by the selected printer. If you have sufficient rights, you can use to change the priority of a queue, to remove a queue from the list, and to add a queue to the list. Queue Candidates List Help 1 of 1 This a a list of queues not currently serviced by the selected printer. You can use to add a queue to the service list and assign the queue a priority. You can use the Mark key (F5) and to add several queues to the service list. Notify List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of users and groups to be notified when a printer needs attention. "First" is the number of seconds after the printer needs attention before the first notice is sent. "Next" is the number of seconds between subsequent notices. User Hold Help 1 of 1 You can put your job on hold. If you do, it will not be printed until you release it. Notify Candidates Help 1 of 1 This is a list of users and groups that are not currently notified and are available to be inserted into the list. Notify Intervals Help 1 of 1 This is the number of seconds, after the printer needs attention, before the first notice will be sent to this user or group. Notify Intervals Help 1 of 1 This is the number of seconds between subsequent notices to this user or group. File Servers List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of file servers to be serviced by the print server. If you have sufficient rights, you can use to remove servers from the list or to add servers to the list. The current file server is the default server and cannot be deleted from this list while you are logged in to it. File Server Candidates List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of file servers not currently serviced by the print server. To add one to the service list, highlight the name and press . To add more than one, mark each server first using the Mark key (F5). Server Status Help 1 of 1 Server status can be one of the following: RUNNING: The print server is currently running. GOING DOWN AFTER CURRENT JOBS: The print server will finish any print jobs currently in progress, and then go down. DOWN: The print server is down, and must be restarted. If you choose this option, the print server abandons the current jobs. Printer Control Help 1 of 2 ABORT PRINT JOB: Causes the printer to abandon the current print job. The job will be deleted from the queue. FORM FEED: Causes the printer to advance to the top of the next page. MARK TOP OF FORM: Prints a line of * across the page. Useful when trying to align the page on a printer. PAUSE PRINTER: Places the current job on hold. No more printing takes place until a start command is given. Printer Control Help 2 of 2 REWIND PRINTER: Used to reposition the print job. Useful if the printer jams and you don't want to reprint the entire job. You can also position forward to skip pages of printout that you don't want. START PRINTER: Restarts the printer after a Pause or Stop command. STOP PRINTER: Stops the printer and returns the current job to the queue. The printer will be idle until it receives a start command. Current Form Help 1 of 1 This shows the form currently mounted on the printer. You can inform the print server that you have mounted a different form by changing it here. Printer Status Help 1 of 1 This form shows the status of the printer. If a job is currently being printed by the printer, then it will also show the status of the job and how much of it has been completed. If you are a print server operator, you can change the queue service mode and currently mounted form, and issue printer control commands. Pages to Rewind Help 1 of 1 Enter the number of pages you want to rewind the printer. If the number is too large, printing will start at the top of the current copy. If you choose this option, the Rewind to Page option will not be used. Rewind to Page Help 1 of 1 Enter the page number you want to continue printing from. If you choose this option, the Rewind N Pages option is not used. Rewind to Copy Help 1 of 1 Enter the copy number you want to continue printing from. The number cannot be greater than the number of copies specified when the job was submitted to the queue. Rewind Page Help 1 of 1 If you want to back up a given number of pages, fill in the top line with the number of pages. If you want to position to a selected copy and page, fill in the lower line with the page and copy number. Operator Hold Help 1 of 1 If a job is on operator hold, then it will not be printed until a queue operator releases it. If you are a queue operator, you can change the hold status. OPERATOR HOLD HELP Rewind by Byte Help 1 of 1 Enter the number of bytes you want to back up the printer. Warning: Rewinding byte stream files may not have the expected results due to the way printers interpret control sequences. Rewind to Byte Help 1 of 1 Enter the byte number in the file that you want to continue printing from. Warning: Rewinding byte stream files may not have the expected results due to the way printers interpret control sequences. Rewind by Byte Help 1 of 1 If you want to back up the print job by a specified number of bytes, enter that number on the top line. If you want to position to a selected byte in a selected copy, enter those numbers on the lower line. No Active Job Help 1 of 1 There is not an active job for this printer. There must be an active job for you to abort. Either the printer was not active, or the printer finished the job before the abort command was given. Delete Replicated Queues Help 1 of 1 You selected a replicated queue that does not have a corresponding actual queue. To delete all replicated queues with this queue name and resynchronize the domain, choose Yes. To leave the domain unsynchronized, choose No or press . Exit Help 1 of 1 To exit PCONSOLE, choose Yes. To continue using PCONSOLE, choose No or press . VeRsIoN=3.75 CoPyRiGhT=(c) Copyright 1986 - 1993, Novell Inc. All rights reserved. NaMe SeRvIcE=A Novell Name Service Utility Job Entry Help 1 of 1 These are the specifications for the job you selected. If you are the owner of the job, or a queue operator, you can change most of the specifications. Press when you are finished. Job Description Help 1 of 1 Enter the job description for this job. This is usually the filename, but you can use some other identifier (up to 49 characters). Server Info Menu Help 1 of 1 You have the following options: FULL NAME: Displays the full name of the print server. PRINT SERVER ID: Displays the object ID of the print server. Print Queues Menu Help 1 of 1 This is a list of print queues on this file server. You can select and examine any queue in the list. If you are a supervisor or supervisor equivalent user, you can add, delete, or rename print queues. Print Queue Information Menu Help 1 of 3 These options are available to all users: PRINT QUEUE ID: Shows the Object ID and file server name of the selected print queue. QUEUE SERVERS: Lists the print servers that can service this queue. Queue operators can add or delete servers from this list. QUEUE USERS: Lists the users who can submit jobs to this queue. Queue operators can add or delete users from this list.Cf Print Queue Information Menu Help 2 of 3 These options are available to authorized queue users, queue operators, and supervisors: CURRENT PRINT JOB ENTRIES: Lists the jobs currently in this queue and allows jobs to be submitted or deleted. Also allows you to view and change information about a particular print job. CURRENT QUEUE STATUS: Shows the current status of this print queue and allows user with appropriate rights to set or change operator flags. CURRENTLY ATTACHED SERVERS: Lists the print servers that are currently attached and servicing jobs from this queue. Print Queue Information Menu Help 3 of 3 This option is available only to supervisors: QUEUE OPERATORS: Lists the current queue operators and allows the supervisor or supervisor equivalent to add and delete queue operators. Queue Users List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of users who are authorized to use this queue. Use to add to the list, to remove from the list. Queue Users Candidates List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all users and groups that are not currently authorized to use this print queue. Select the users and groups you want to add as queue users. Queue Operators List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of operators for this queue. Use to add to the list, to remove from the list. Queue Operator Candidates List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all users and groups that are not currently operators of this print queue. Select the users and groups you want to add as queue operators. Queue Servers List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of servers that can service this queue. Use to add to the list, to remove from the list. Queue Servers Candidates List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all servers that are not currently servers for this print queue. Select the servers you want to add to the server list. Print Servers List Help 1 of 1 This is a list of print servers on this file server. Select a print server to examine. If you are a supervisor or supervisor equivalent, you can add, delete, or rename print servers. Print Jobs List Help 1 of 1 This is the list of print jobs that are in the queue. It is updated every five seconds. You have the following options: Show detailed information about a job. Remove selected jobs from the queue. Add new print jobs to the queue. Currently Attached Servers Help 1 of 1 These are the print servers that are currently attached to this print queue. No Full Name Specified Help 1 of 1 The print server you selected does not have a full name. This is a list of users who are authorized to use this queue. Press to return to the Print Queue Info Menu. Queue Already Exists Help 1 of 1 A print queue by that name already exists. Use a different name. If you want to add a queue with this name, delete or rename the existing queue. Not a User or Operator Help 1 of 1 Only queue operators and users can use this option. No Right to Delete Job Help 1 of 1 You must be the owner of this job or a queue operator, to remove this job from the print queue. No Directory Rights Help 1 of 1 You do not have sufficient access rights to print files in this directory. You need Search, Open, and Read rights. No Files in Directory Help 1 of 1 There are no files in the directory you selected. Select a different directory to print from. Available Files Help 1 of 1 These are the files in the directory you selected. Choose the files you want to have printed. Highlight the file you want to print and press . Use the Mark key () to select more than one file; then press . Full Print Server Name Help 1 of 1 This is the current full name of the print server. The maximum length is 62 characters. FULL NAME HELP New Print Server Name Help 1 of 1 Enter the name of the new print server you are adding. Maximum length is 47 characters. Rename Print Server Help 1 of 1 Enter the new name of the print server. Maximum length is 47 characters. Queue Name Help 1 of 1 Enter the name of the print queue you are creating. Maximum length is 47 characters. Rename Queue Help 1 of 1 Delete the present queue name and enter the new name of the print queue. Maximum length is 47 characters. This is a list of operators for this queue. Press to return to the Print Queue Info Menu. This is a list of print servers that can service this queue. Press to return to the Print Queue Info Menu.B New Job Entry Help 1 of 5 These are the specifications for the job you are about to submit. You can change them if you want. Press when you are finished. Parameter Function Variable Default Description Describes the file you are printing n/a No for identification purposes. User Hold Puts print job on hold. You must be n/a No the print job owner or a print queue operator to set this parameter. Operator Puts print job on hold. You must be n/a No Hold a print queue operator to set this. Service Allows print queue operators to n/a n/a Sequence change a print job's queue position. New Job Entry Help 2 of 5 Parameter Function Variable Default Number of Indicates the number of copies 1 to 999 1 copies to be printed. File Defines tab spacing in a print Text, Text contents job. Use "Text" if you want to Byte change the default spacing for Stream tabs. Use "Byte Stream" if you are printing a file created by an application with a print formatter. Tab size Specify the number of spaces you 0 to 18 8 want the tabs in your file set to. Use this parameter if you chose "Text" above.k New Job Entry Help 3 of 5 Parameter Function Variable Default Suppress Disable form feed at the printer. Yes, No No form feed Notify when Include to be notified that your Yes, No No done data has been printed. Target For use with NetWare print server. n/a n/a server Form Specify the kind of form on which Form name Default you will print the job. (The or form default is the form name specified number name in your default print job configuration--if one exists.) New Job Entry Help 4 of 5 Parameter Function Variable Default Print Indicate whether you want a Yes, No Yes banner banner page printed before the file. Name Specify the username you want Valid Your to appear on the banner page. username username Banner name Specify the text to appear on Up to 12 Filename the bottom of the banner page. characters Defer Indicate if you want the job to Yes, No No printing be printed at a later time. New Job Entry Help 5 of 5 Parameter Function Variable Default Target Set this parameter if you chose Valid date Yes for "Defer printing." date Target Set this parameter if you chose Valid time Yes for "Defer printing." time Queue Full Help 1 of 1 The print queue can hold only 250 print jobs. You cannot submit new jobs to the queue until some of the existing jobs are completed or removed from the queue. Queue Halted Help 1 of 1 The queue has been halted by the queue operator. No print jobs can be submitted. Job No Longer in Queue Help 1 of 1 The job you selected is no longer in the print queue because the job has been completed or another user has deleted it from the queue. Banner Name Help 1 of 1 Enter the text you want printed in the first large print area of the banner. This is usually your username. Banner File Help 1 of 1 Enter the text you want printed in the second large print area of the banner. This is usually the filename, but you can use any banner you want. Field Exit Help 1 of 1 Select "Save and Exit" if you want to save the changes to this field. Select "Cancel and Exit" if you do not want to save your changes. Select "Do Not Exit" to finish editing this field. Number of Copies Help 1 of 1 Enter the number of copies of this job you want to have printed. Print Banner Help 1 of 1 If you want a banner page printed before the job, select Yes. If you do not want a banner printed before the job, select No. File Contents Help 1 of 1 Select "Byte stream" if you want the application to handle the formatting commands. Select "Text" if you want tabs converted to spaces. Suppress Form Feed Help 1 of 1 If you want the printer to advance to the top of the next page after your print job, select No. If you don't want to advance to the top of the page, select Yes. Form Number Help 1 of 1 Select the number of the form you want to have this job printed on. Enter the number of spaces you want the tabs in your file to be expanded to. Target Time Help 1 of 1 Enter the time you want to have your job printed. For example, 1:30 pm or 13.30. Target Date Help 1 of 1 Enter the date (such as 10 Dec 91) you want to have your job printed. Defer Printing Help 1 of 1 If you want the job to be printed as soon as possible, select No. If you want to have it printed at a later time or date, select Yes. Service Sequence Help 1 of 1 This is the position of your job in the queue. Queue operators can change this value to move the job forward or backward in the queue. Target Server Help 1 of 1 These are the print servers that are allowed to service this print queue. Select the server you want to have service your job, or (Any Server). Unknown Server Help 1 of 1 The job you selected has a target server that does not exist. Unless you change the target server, this job will not be printed. Server Already Exists Help 1 of 1 A print server by that name already exists. Use a different name. If you want to add a server with this name, delete or rename the existing server.