NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: OS2 Utilities for use with NetWare v3.11. DOCUMENT ID: TID021888 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 22NOV94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: OS2UTB.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Client for OS/2 2.10 ABSTRACT: The OS/2 utilities do not ship with the NetWare client kit for OS/2. Some users with NetWare v3.11 do not have the latest OS/2 utilities available to them. OS2UTA.EXE and OS2UTB.EXE address this issue. Most of these utilities shipped with NetWare v3.12 some have been updated. To get only the updated OS/2 utilities Download OS2UTP.EXE from NOVFILES CLIENT.KIT\OS2\FIXES. The utilities contained in OS2UTA.exe and OS2UTB.exe are to be used with the NetWare Client for OS/2 v2.01 and later. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- SYMPTOM The OS/2 utilities do not ship with the NetWare client kit for OS/2. Some users with NetWare v3.11 do not have the latest OS/2 utilities available to them. OS2UTA.EXE and OS2UTB.EXE address this issue. Most of these utilities shipped with NetWare v3.12 some have been updated. To get only the updated OS/2 utilities Download OS2UTP.EXE from NOVFILES CLIENT.KIT\OS2\FIXES. The utilities contained in OS2UTA.exe and OS2UTB.exe are to be used with the NetWare Client for OS/2 v2.01 and later. Novell recommends using the latest NetWare Client for OS/2. SOLUTION OS2UTB.EXE Self-Extracting File Name: OS2UTB.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ OS2UTB.TXT (This File) \OS2LOG\ MAP.EXE 28160 03-24-94 9:30a LOGIN.EXE 74451 05-04-93 3:15p SLIST.EXE 18433 04-14-93 5:06p ATTACH.EXE 48625 05-11-93 2:01p \OS2PUB1\ PSC.EXE 19127 05-24-93 3:02p $RUN.OVL 2400 07-13-89 9:30a SEND.EXE 23932 06-16-94 8:24a _RUN.OVL 2815 01-19-93 10:33a PURGE.EXE 17899 08-04-93 3:06p SLIST.EXE 18433 04-14-93 5:06p SETTTS.EXE 11471 04-14-93 4:55p SYSCON.EXE 273468 08-22-94 3:12p SYSCON.HLP 97710 09-05-91 12:14p IBM$RUN.OVL 2400 07-13-89 9:30a IBM_RUN.OVL 2815 01-19-93 10:33a SALVAGE.EXE 104621 04-13-93 11:45a SALVAGE.HLP 7560 01-22-91 10:33a SETPASS.EXE 23947 04-19-93 10:55a SYS$ERR.DAT 9170 12-10-90 1:37p SYS$MSG.DAT 25138 01-30-91 3:10p SYSTIME.EXE 7285 04-14-93 5:16p CMPQ$RUN.OVL 2400 07-26-89 10:26p CMPQ_RUN.OVL 2815 01-19-93 10:33a PCONSOLE.EXE 183523 06-01-93 1:32a PCONSOLE.HLP 40977 05-05-93 5:48p PRINTCON.EXE 156983 05-24-93 1:52p PRINTCON.HLP 14281 05-10-93 5:20p PRINTDEF.EXE 141129 05-04-93 2:36p PRINTDEF.HLP 34557 05-10-93 5:08p SYS$HELP.DAT 14092 01-29-91 2:39p TEXTUTIL.HEP 11735 10-26-92 4:06p TEXTUTIL.IDX 9170 12-10-90 1:37p TEXTUTIL.MSG 29466 01-27-93 6:56p \OS2SYS\ ATOTAL.EXE 14497 05-10-93 4:35p PAUDIT.EXE 29998 04-14-93 4:37p BINDFIX.EXE 64001 02-04-91 9:40a BINDREST.EXE 11903 02-04-91 9:32a SECURITY.EXE 27093 04-14-93 10:24a Installation Instructions: 1) Login to a NetWare server as supervisor or supervisor equivalent. 2) CD to the SYSTEM directory 3) MD OS2 4) Copy the files found in the OS2SYS subdirectory into SYSTEM\OS2 5) CD to the PUBLIC directory 6) MD OS2 7) Copy the files found in the OS2PUB1 subdirectory into PUBLIC\OS2 8) CD to the LOGIN directory 9) MD OS2 10) Copy the files found in the OS2LOG subdirectory into LOGIN\OS2 Additional Comments For the latest updates to the utilities see OS2UTP.EXE in NOVFILES\CLIENT.KIT\OS2\FILES. *************************************************************** CAUTION ALWAYS backup your system before implementing any program/utility revision involving the low-level functions of NetWare including re-linking of operating system .OBJ files, Bindery utilities, drive and volume operation, etc. *************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ