Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Main Menu Help 1 of 2 Select an option by highlighting it and pressing . The options are described below and on the next screen. Salvage from deleted directories Lets you salvage files that were erased from directories that no longer exist. Select current directory Lets you to change to another directory or volume/server to view the SALVAGE file list. Main Menu Help 2 of 2 Set SALVAGE options Lets you change the way the SALVAGE files are displayed on your screen. View/recover deleted files Lets you view the SALVAGE file list in the current directory and recover or purge salvaged files. Set SALVAGE Option Help 1 of 1 This option lets you change the sort order of the View/Recover Salvage File list. Normally, SALVAGE sorts by the filenames of the salvaged files. To change this order, select this option from the main menu or press the Modify key (F3) while viewing the list. The available sort orders are: 1. Sort by deletion date. 2. Sort by file size. 3. Sort by filename (default). 4. Sort by owner name. To change the sort order, highlight a sort order and press . To keep the current sort order, press . View/Recover Salvageable Files Help 1 of 2 This option displays a list of salvageable files in the current directory, the root directory, the parent directory, and subdirectories. You can change the order of the files by pressing the Modify key (F3) and selecting the sort order of the current list. The options are described on the next screen. View/Recover Salvageable Files Help 2 of 2 The following options are available: Recover salvageable files Lets you recover salvageable files by highlighting the file you want to recover and pressing . Purege salvageable files Lets you purge salvageable files by highlighting the file you want to purge and pressing . If the entry is marked , pressing shows salvageable files in that directory. Filename Pattern Help 1 of 1 Enter a filename pattern to search by and press . Wildcard characters allowed in the pattern are * and ?. * matches zero or more of any character. ? matches exactly one of any character. Press to return to the main menu. Confirm File Recovery Help 1 of 1 To recover the selected files, highlight Yes and press . To not recover the selected files, highlight No and press . Confirm File Purge Help 1 of 1 To purge the selected files, highlight Yes and press . To not purge the selected files, highlight No and press . New Filename Help 1 of 1 You just tried to recover a file whose name matches an existing file in the same directory. You must enter a different name for the recovered file. Type the name and press . To stop recovery of this file, press . No Rights to Files from Help 1 of 1 Deleted Directories You have no rights to recover, purge, or view files erased from directories that have been deleted. The system supervisor must assign you rights to do this. No Search Privileges Help 1 of 1 You have no search privileges in the selected directory. Without search privileges, you cannot search for salvageable files or subdirectories. You will be returned to the last directory you selected. Salvageable File List Out of Memory Help 1 of 1 Your workstation has run out of memory while building a list of salvageable files. The option you requested will abort. To purge or recover files, enter a filename pattern that will match fewer files. An unexpected error has occurred. The option you requested will abort. Program Too Large for Memory Help 1 of 1 This program is too large for the memory on your workstation. To run this program do one of the following: Run this program on a workstation with more memory. Reboot your workstation with fewer Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) programs. New Filename Exists Help 1 of 1 The new filename you entered already exists. You must enter a name that is not in use. Press to either enter a new name or to abort. Out of Memory Help 1 of 1 Your workstation does not have enough memory to do the requested operation. The operation will abort. To use this operation do one of the following: Run this program on a workstation with more memory. Reboot your workstation with fewer Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) programs. No Create Rights Help 1 of 1 You do not have sufficient rights to create files in the selected directory. Recovering a salvaged file requires Create rights. No Delete Rights Help 1 of 1 You do not have sufficient rights to delete files in the selected directory. Purging a salvageable file requires Delete rights. Select Volume Help 1 of 1 Select a volume on which to recover or purge files deleted from directories that were later deleted. To select a volume, highlight the volume using the arrow keys, then press . Press to return to the main menu. Main Menu Help 1 of 2 Select an option by highlighting it and pressing . The options are described below. Select current volume Lets you change to another server\volume. If you select a 386 server, you can specify subdirectories. Recover deleted files Recovers all salvageable files on the current volume. Main Menu Help 2 of 2 When a user deletes a file, it is kept as a salvageable file so it can be recovered until the user logs out or writes to the disk.