Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Available Topics Help 1 of 4 Use FILER to control volume, directory, and file information, and to change directory and file security. To select an option, highlight it and press . The options are described below. Press Help again for a list of function keys.x Available Topics Help 2 of 4 Current Directory Information Shows information about the directory, including creation date, owner, Maximum Rights or Inherited Rights Mask, trustees, and your effective rights. Directory Contents Shows the files and subdirectories of the current directory. Your rights determine which options you see. Available Topics Help 3 of 4 Set FILER Options Lets you change the defaults for "Directory Contents." These defaults include confirmation during file copying and deletion. They also let you specify that only files or directories that match certain patterns be displayed. Available Topics Help 4 of 4 Volume Information Lets you view information about the volume on which the current directory is located. You can see the volume's total size, the free space on the volume, the maximum number of directory entries allowed, and the unused directory entries. Volume Information Help 1 of 2 This screen shows the following information about the volume on which the current directory is located: Volume's type (fixed or removable) Total size Free space Maximum directory entries allowed Number of unused entries Volume Information Help 2 of 2 The supervisor can adjust the maximum directory entries by running the NETGEN portion of the INSTALL program. When you are finished viewing the volume information, press . Current Directory Information Help 1 of 5 This shows the information you can view or change for the current directory, depending on your rights in the directory. The options are described below. Owner Shows the owner of the current directory. With supervisor rights and if you aren't at the root (v2.x servers) of the volume, you can change the owner. Current Directory Information Help 2 of 5 Creation Date and Time The date and time the directory was created. With supervisor rights and if you aren't at the root (v2.x servers) of the volume, you can modify the creation date. Current Effective Rights Displays your rights in the current directory. Current Directory Information Help 3 of 5 Maximum Rights Mask (v2.x servers) Shows the maximum rights allowed in the current directory. With Parental rights in the directory or in its parent directory, you can modify the Maximum Rights Mask. Inherited Rights Mask (v3.x servers) Shows the inherited rights for the directory. With Access Control rights, you can modify the Inherited Rights Mask. Current Directory Information Help 4 of 5 Directory Attributes Shows the directory attributes for the current directory. With the necessary rights you can modify these attributes. Trustees Shows the users that have trustee rights in the current directory and lets you modify those rights. You can also add or delete users from this list. (Cont.) Current Directory Information Help 5 of 5 Trustees (Cont.) On a v2.2 server, this field is active only if you have Parental rights in the directory in its parent directory. On a v3.x server you need Access Control rights in the current directory. V Current Effective Rights Help 1 of 3 These are your rights in the current directory. With Parental or Access Control rights in this directory or in its parent directory, you can change your rights by selecting "Trustees" from the Current Directory Information form. The rights are described below. Current Effective Rights Help 2 of 3 Trustee rights (v2.x servers) R - Read from files W - Write to files O - Open existing files C - Create new files D - Delete files P - Parental rights S - Search for files M - Modify filenames/flags Current Effective Rights Help 3 of 3 Trustee rights (v3.x servers) S - Supervisory R - Read from files W - Write to files C - Create new files E - Erase files M - Modify files F - Scan for files A - Access Control Maximum Rights Help 1 of 1 These are the maximum rights. To add rights, press and select rights from the list. To delete a right, highlight it and press . To delete several rights, mark them first using Mark . When you are finished, press . Directory Trustee Help 1 of 4 This list shows the names and rights of users who have rights in this directory. To add users, press and select users from the list. To delete a user, highlight the name and press . To add or delete several users, mark them first using Mark . Directory Trustee Help 2 of 4 To change a user's rights, highlight the name and press . Users whose names don't appear have the same rights they had in this directory's parent directory. You need Parental or Access Control rights to change trustees. Directory Trustee Help 3 of 4 Trustee rights (v2.x except v2.2) R - Read from files W - Write to files O - Open existing files C - Create new files D - Delete files P - Parental rights S - Search for files M - Modify filenames and flags Directory Trustee Help 4 of 4 Trustee rights (v2.2 and v3.x) S - Supervisory right (not in v2.2) R - Read from files W - Write to files C - Create files and subdirectories E - Erase files and subdirectories M - Modify files and subdirectories F - File scan A - Access control FILER Settings Help 1 of 12 These are the defaults you can set while using FILER. When you are finished, press . A brief description of each default setting follows. FILER Settings Help 2 of 12 Confirm Deletions Deals with deleting multiple files from a directory. If set to Yes, you are asked to confirm the deletion of each file individually. If it is not set, you are asked once to confirm that you intend to delete the files; then they are all deleted. FILER Settings Help 3 of 12 Confirm File Copies Deals with copying multiple files from a directory. If set to Yes, you are asked to confirm the copying of each file individually. If it is not set, you are asked once to confirm that you intend to copy the files; then they are all copied. FILER Settings Help 4 of 12 Confirm File Overwrites Deals with copying files. When you copy a file to a directory where a file by the same name already exists, the existing file is deleted. If this is set to Yes, you are asked if you want to overwrite the existing file. If it is set to No, the file is overwritten automatically.3' FILER Settings Help 5 of 12 Notify Extended Attributes/Long Name Lost Deals with copying files from an OS2 system. If set to Yes, you are notified with each file copied that the attributes and long name are not preserved. If set to No, you are not notified. Default: No FILER Settings Help 6 of 12 Preserve File Attributes Determines whether extended file attributes are preserved when you copy files from an OS2 system. Default: Yes If you don't preserve attributes, the file is set to Normal.O* FILER Settings Help 7 of 12 Directories Exclude Pattern Lets you specify a pattern of directory names you do not want to see while viewing directory contents. For example, if you entered a pattern of A*, you would not see any subdirectories that begin with the letter A. Exclude patterns override Include patterns. FILER Settings Help 8 of 12 Directories Include Pattern Determines which directories are listed when you choose Directory Contents. This default is set to *, which lists all directories. If, for example, you change it to S*, you see only subdirectories that begin with the letter S. Exclude patterns override Include patterns. FILER Settings Help 9 of 12 File Exclude Pattern Determines which files are displayed when you select Directory Contents. For example, if you specify a pattern of *.OBJ, none of the .OBJ files in the directory appear in the list of files. Exclude patterns override Include patterns.U/ FILER Settings Help 10 of 12 File Include Pattern Determines which files are displayed when you select Directory Contents. Normally, it is set to *, which displays all the files. If, for example, you set it to *.EXE and *.COM, you see only files with the .EXE or .COM extension. FILER Settings Help 11 of 12 File Search Attributes Determines which files are displayed when you select Directory Contents. Normally Hidden and System files are not displayed. This default lets you specify whether Hidden or System files should be shown. FILER Settings Help 12 of 12 Directory Search Attributes Determines which directories are displayed when you select Directory Contents. Normally, Hidden, System, and Private directories are not displayed. This default lets you specify whether Hidden, System, or Private directories are shown. Exclude Directories Patterns Help 1 of 2 This setting lets you exclude directories from appearing in the list of subdirectories when you select "Directory Contents." For example, to exclude all directories that begin with A, you would enter A* as the pattern. Exclude Directories Patterns Help 2 of 2 To add patterns, press . To remove a pattern, highlight it and press . To delete several patterns, mark them first with Mark . To change a pattern, highlight it and press Modify . When you are finished, press . Include Directory Patterns Help 1 of 2 This setting lets you choose which directories are listed when you select Directory Contents. Normally, the pattern * is used and shows all the subdirectories. However, to see only subdirectories that begin with A, enter the pattern A*. Exclude patterns override Include patterns. Include Directory Patterns Help 2 of 2 Use to add patterns. To remove a pattern, highlight it and press . To delete multiple patterns, mark them first using Mark . To change a pattern, highlight it and press Modify . Exclude Files Patterns Help 1 of 2 These patterns let you specify what files are listed when you select Directory Contents. For example, if you do not want to see any files with the extension .OBJ, enter the pattern *.OBJ here. Exclude patterns override Include patterns. Exclude Files Patterns Help 2 of 2 Use to add patterns. To remove a pattern, highlight it and press . To remove several patterns, mark them first using Mark . To change a pattern, highlight it and press Modify .r< Include Files Patterns Help 1 of 2 This setting lets you specify which files are listed when you select Directory Contents. Normally, * is used, which displays all files. However, to see only files that begin with the letters WP, specify the pattern WP*. Exclude patterns override Include patterns. Include File Patterns Help 2 of 2 To add patterns, press . To delete a pattern, highlight it and press . To delete multiple patterns, mark them first using Mark and pressing . To change a pattern, highlight it and press Modify .b? File Search Attributes Help 1 of 2 This setting affects the list of files that is shown when you select Directory Contents. To add an attribute to the list, press . To remove an attribute, highlight it and press . To remove multiple attributes, mark them first using Mark . File Search Attributes Help 2 of 2 When you are finished, press . Files with the System or Hidden attribute do not appear in the list unless that attribute is listed as a search file attribute."B Directory Search Attributes Help 1 of 2 This setting affects what subdirectories are listed when you select Directory Contents. To add an attribute, press . To remove an attribute, highlight it and press . To remove multiple attributes, mark them first using Mark . When you finish, press . Directory Search Attributes Help 2 of 2 Directories with the Private or System or Hidden attribute do not appear in the list unless that attribute is listed as a directory search attribute. Directory Creation Date Help 1 of 1 The date displayed is the date that the selected directory was created. It is displayed in the form MM-DD-YY. To change the creation date, you must use a valid date in the correct form. You need supervisor rights to change the date. Ungranted Maximum or Inherited Rights Help 1 of 1 These are the rights that have not been granted. To grant a right in this list, highlight it and press . To grant several rights, mark each using Mark , then press . If you do not want to grant any of these rights, press . Delete Trustee Help 1 of 2 If you want to remove the highlighted trustees from the current directory, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . Removing trustees causes them to default to the same rights they had in the current directory's parent directory. If the current directory is the root directory, the trustees will have no rights. Delete Trustee Help 2 of 2 If you have marked several trustees, they will all be removed if you answer Yes. If you want to give the trustee no rights in the current directory, select the trustee and revoke all the listed rights, rather than deleting the trustee. Confirm Revoke Trustee Right Help 1 of 1 To revoke the highlighted right, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . If you marked several rights, they are all revoked if you answer Yes. Trustee Rights Help 1 of 1 This list shows the rights that are granted to the selected trustee. To grant other rights, press . To revoke a right, highlight the right and press . To grant or revoke several rights, mark them first using Mark . Trustee Rights Help 2 of 2 You need Parental or Access Control rights to change trustee rights. Ungranted Trustee Rights Help 1 of 1 This list shows the rights that have not been granted. To grant a right in this list, highlight it and press . To grant several rights, mark them first using Mark (F5). If you do not want to grant any of these rights, press . Others Who Are Not Trustees Help 1 of 1 This list shows users and groups that have no specific trustee assignments in the selected directory. To add one of these users or groups, highlight the name and press . To add more than one, mark each with Mark and press . If you do not want to add any trustees, press . Owner Help 1 of 1 This is a list of all known users. Highlight the owner you want and press . If you do not want to change the owner, press . You need supervisor rights to change the owner. Creation Time Help 1 of 1 The time displayed is the time that the current directory was created. The time is in the form hour:minute. To change the time, enter a valid time in the correct form. You need supervisor rights to change the time. Confirm Revoke Maximum or Inherited Right Help 1 of 1 To revoke the highlighted rights, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . If you marked several rights, they are all revoked if you answer Yes. Delete Patterns Help 1 of 1 If you want to delete the marked patterns, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . Edit Default Pattern Help 1 of 1 Change the selected pattern to the new pattern that you want and press . If you do not want to change the pattern, press . Insert New Pattern Help 1 of 1 Type the pattern you want to add and press . If you do not want to add a pattern, press . Change to Root Directory Help 1 of 1 If you want to move to the root directory and make it the current directory, answer Yes. Otherwise, answer No or press . Delete Default Search Attribute Help 1 of 1 If you do not want files with the marked attributes to appear in the list of files when the Directory Contents option is selected, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . Other File Search Attributes Help 1 of 1 These are the attributes of files that will not currently be shown in the Directory Contents file list. To add an a search attribute, highlight it and press . To add multiple attributes, mark them first using Mark . If you do not want to select any attributes, press . Change to Parent Directory Help 1 of 1 If you want to move to the parent directory and make it the current directory, answer Yes. Otherwise, answer No or press . Mark Directories or Files Help 1 of 1 Specify the pattern that matches the directories or files that you want marked and press . All the directories or files that match the pattern you specify are marked. Directories or files that do not match the pattern are left as they were. If you do not want to mark a group of directories or files, press . Unmark Directories or Files Help 1 of 1 Specify the pattern of the files or directories that should be unmarked and press . If you do not want to unmark a group of files or directories, press . File or directory names that do not match the specified pattern will be left as they were. Remove File Attribute Help 1 of 1 If you want to remove the marked file attributes, answer Yes. Otherwise, answer No or press . If you marked several attributes using Mark , they are all deleted if you answer Yes. Confirm Deletions Help 1 of 1 If you want to delete multiple files, you can delete them all at once or one at a time. If "Confirm Deletion" is set to Yes, you must confirm each deletion individually. If it is set to No, you must confirm the deletion only once and all selected files are deleted. Confirm File Copies Help 1 of 1 This option deals with copying multiple files. If you want to confirm each copy individually, answer Yes. If you do not want to confirm each one, answer Confirm Overwrites Help 1 of 1 If you copy a file to a directory that already contains a file with the same name, that file is overwritten. If you want to verify each overwrite, choose Yes. If you choose No, files will be overwritten automatically. Delete Search Attribute Help 1 of 1 If you do not want directories with the marked attributes to appear in the list when you select the Directory Contents option, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . Other Directory Attributes Help 1 of 1 These are the attributes of directories that will not be shown in the Directory Contents option. Select the attribute that you want to add as a directory search attribute by highlighting it and pressing . To select multiple attributes, mark them first using Mark . If you do not want to select any attributes, press . No File Scan Rights Help 1 of 1 in Current Directory You do not have the Search or File Scan right in the current directory. The file server will not let you see the files in the directory. You can see the subdirectories.hi Directory Contents Help 1 of 7 This list shows the files and directories in the current directory. If you specified include or exclude patterns, the list shows only the files and directories you specified. The following screens describe the operations you can perform. Without the necessary rights, you cannot complete all the operations. Directory Contents Help 2 of 7 To view, move, or modify a file or to view file information, highlight the filename and press . To rename a file, highlight it and press Modify . To delete a file, highlight it and press . Directory Contents Help 3 of 7 To change to another directory or server, press . Backspace over the displayed path, then press . You can choose your path from a series of windows that appears. To modify or view directory information, move a directory, or copy a directory, highlight the subdirectory's name and press . Directory Contents Help 4 of 7 To delete the files from a subdirectory or to delete the subdirectory and all files and subdirectories beneath it, press . To rename a subdirectory, highlight the name and press Modify . To add subdirectories to the current directory, press . Directory Contents Help 5 of 7 To move to the root or parent directory, highlight the appropriate choice (root or parent) and press . In performing tasks, you can work with multiple items by using the multiple subdirectory and file operations options. To use these options, you must first use either Mark or Mark Pattern .Rq Directory Contents Help 6 of 7 When using the mark keys, you can mark only items of the same type (not both files and subdirectories). You cannot mark the root or the parent directory. To mark an item, highlight it and press . (You can unmark an item the same way.) Marked items blink when they are highlighted. Directory Contents Help 7 of 7 To use Mark Pattern, press to call up the Mark Pattern window. Delete the asterisk and enter any valid wildcard pattern. Press . After you mark patterns, press . The Muliple Subdirectory (or File) Operations window appears. The Unmark Pattern key is . Rename Macintosh File Help 1 of 1 Edit the filename, then press . If you do not want to change the filename, press . A Macintosh file can be up to 31 characters long and cannot contain a colon (:). Other File Attributes Help 1 of 1 This list shows other attributes that you can assign to the selected file. To assign an attribute, highlight it and press . If you want to assign several attributes, you can mark each with Mark before pressing . Inherited Rights Help 1 of 2 This list shows you the inherited rights. To add rights, press and select rights from the list. To delete a right, highlight it and press . To add or delete several rights, mark them first using Mark . Inherited Rights Help 2 of 2 When you are finished, press . You need Parental or Access Control rights to change the Maximum or Inherited Rights MaskSy Set File Execute Only Help 1 of 2 If you want the file to be set to Execute Only, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . A file that is Execute Only can be run but it cannot be read or copied. This prevents unauthorized copies of programs from being removed from the network. Set File Execute-Only Help 2 of 2 WARNING: Once a file is set to Execute Only, it cannot be reset. If you want to restore the file as a normal file, you must delete it and recopy the original file. Some programs that load as several overlays will not work correctly if the files are set to Execute Only. Overwrite Existing File Help 1 of 1 A file already exists in the specified destination directory with the name of the file you are copying. If you want to replace that file with the one you are copying, answer Yes. Otherwise, answer No or press . Copy File Help 1 of 1 To copy a file to the same directory, you must give it a new name. (You cannot copy a file to itself.) To copy a file to a different directory, you can use the same filename or a new filename. Specify the new directory as the destination directory. Device Name Conflict Help 1 of 1 The specified name is illegal because it conflicts with one of the DOS device names. CON, AUX, COM1, COM2, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, PRN, and NUL are all reserved for use by DOS. Destination Filename Help 1 of 1 Enter the name for the new copy of the file and press . If you do not want to copy the file, press . The destination filename can be the same as the source filename unless you are copying to the directory that the source file is already in. Select Destination Directory Help 1 of 1 Type the name of the directory the selected file should be copied to and press . If you do not know the directory name, you can press to bring up a series of windows from which you can select the path. No Copy Rights in Directory Help 1 of 1 You do not have the rights to copy files to the destination directory. Invalid Filename Help 1 of 1 The filename you entered is not a valid DOS filename. Filenames can consist of up to eight characters followed by a period and three more characters. The following characters are invalid in DOS filenames: ; : * ? , ~ ^ [ ] / \ No File Overwrite Privileges Help 1 of 1 You tried to copy a file to a directory where a file by the same name already exists. You do not have the necessary rights to delete the existing file, so you cannot copy the new file to this directory with the selected filename. Other File Attributes Help 1 of 1 This list shows other attributes that you can assign to the selected file. To assign an attribute, highlight the attribute and press . If you want to assign several attributes, you can mark each with Mark before pressing . File Form Help 1 of 2 This form displays information about the selected file. To make modifications, highlight the field and press . Press when you are finished. Your rights determine which fields you can modify. File Form Help 2 of 2 You need Modify rights to add, delete, or modify file attributes. You need supervisor rights to change a file's owner or date. You need Parental or Access Control rights to change the Maximum or Inherited rights mask. Modify Audit Flags Help 1 of 1 This list shows the audit flags of the selected file. To add flags, press . To remove a flag, highlight it and press . To remove multiple flags, mark them first using Mark . Move File or Directory Help 1 of 1 To move a file or directory, type the destination directory in the destination directory window and press . The file server and volume already appear in the window, since the move is restricted to the current volume. After you press , the name of the entry appears in a new window. Edit the name if you want, then press . View File Help 1 of 2 You are viewing the contents of the selected file. If the file you selected is not a text file, it appears as a random mixture of graphic characters on the screen. When you finish viewing the file, press . Keys you can use to move through the file are explained below. View File Help 2 of 2 Use the following keys to move through the file: Up arrow - Move up one line Down arrow - Move down one line PageUp - Move up one full screen PageDown - Move down one full screen Special up - Move to the top of the file Special down - Move to the bottom of the file Who Has Rights Here Help 1 of 2 These are the trustees who have rights to this entry. This list is different from a regular trustee list in two ways: 1. It contains trustees who have been given rights at a higher level, which gives them rights to this entry. 2. It lists trustees' security equivalences. Who Has Rights Here Help 2 of 2 You need Access Control or Parental rights to view who has rights in the directory. Delete File Help 1 of 1 To delete the highlighted file, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . If you marked multiple files, they will all be deleted if you answer Yes. This permanently deletes the file. Make sure you want to delete it before answering Yes. Set Multiple Subdirectories' Help 1 of 1 Inherited Rights To set the marked sudirectories' inherited rights to those in the Inherited Rights list, answer Yes. If you do not want to set the inherited rights of the marked subdirectories, answer No. To resume editing the Inherited Rights list, press . Delete Transactional File Help 1 of 1 The file you are trying to delete is flagged Transactional. If you want to delete this file, answer Yes. If you do not want to delete the file, answer No. To discontinue deleting files, press . FILER Works Only on Help 1 of 1 Network Drives FILER works only on network drives. This station is not attached to a file server. You must attach to a file server and have at least one drive mapped to a directory on that file server before you can run FILER. New Subdirectory Name Help 1 of 1 Enter the name of the subdirectory you want to create and press . If you do not want to create a new subdirectory, press . You need Create rights. Rename File Help 1 of 1 Change the filename to the new filename and press . The new filename can have up to eight characters before the period and three after the period. If you do not want to rename the file, press . Rename File Help 1 of 1 The filename you entered is not a valid DOS filename. DOS filenames can contain up to eight characters followed by a period and three more characters. The name can contain one period, and cannot contain any of the following characters: ; : \ / ~ ^ [ ] * ? , Rename Directory Help 1 of 1 The directory could not be renamed to the specified name. Either a directory or a file by that name already exists in the directory, or the new directory name is invalid. Directory names cannot be longer than 14 characters and cannot include any of the following characters: ; : , * ? \ / ~ [ ] Rename Subdirectory Help 1 of 1 Change the displayed subdirectory name to the new one and press . If you do not want to rename the subdirectory, press . The new subdirectory name cannot be the same as that of a file or subdirectory that already exists in the current directory. Rename Files or Subdirectories Help 1 of 2 To rename multiple files or subdirectories, you must specify both an original pattern and a replacement pattern. The original pattern should match all the marked files or subdirectories. For example, if all the marked files are C source code that have an extension of .C, the original pattern should be .C. Rename Multiple Files Help 2 of 2 or Subdirectories After you type the pattern, press . If you do not want to rename the files or subdirectories, press . File Rename Pattern Help 1 of 1 To rename multiple files, you must specify a wildcard pattern for the current filename pattern and specify the pattern they should be renamed to. The wildcard characters * and/or ? must appear in the original pattern. If you do not want to rename multiple files with a pattern, do not mark any filenames before pressing Modify (F3). Rename Files or Subdirectories Help 1 of 1 Enter the pattern that the marked files or subdirectories should be renamed to and press . If you do not want rename the files or subdirectories, press . The rename pattern should be similar to the original pattern. Rename File Help 1 of 1 The file cannot be renamed to the new name. A file by the same name may already exist, or the new filename may be invalid. Valid DOS filenames can contain up to eight characters followed by a period and three more characters. They can contain one period, and cannot contain any of these characters: ; : ` ^ * / \ [ ] No File Erase Rights Help 1 of 1 You do not have the Delete or Erase right in the current directory. You cannot delete files from this directory. If you are trying to copy a file to a directory where a file by the same name already exists, and if you do not have Delete or Erase rights in that directory, you will also get this error. Rename File Help 1 of 1 You have tried to rename a file to the same name as a file that already exists. The file that already exists has the Hidden or System attribute set. If you want to overwrite the existing file, you must remove the Hidden or System attribute first. Delete Read-Only File Help 1 of 1 The file you are trying to delete is flagged Read-Only. Usually files are flagged Read-Only to protect them. To delete this file, answer Yes. If you don't want to delete the file, answer No. To discontinue deleting files, press . Delete Read-Only and Help 1 of 1 Transactional File The file you are trying to delete is flagged Read-Only and Transactional. If you want to delete this file, answer Yes. If you do not want to delete the file, answer No. To discontinue deleting files, press . Delete Subdirectory Help 1 of 2 To delete only the files in the marked subdirectories, choose Delete Subdirectory's Files Only. To delete the subdirectories, their files, and the subdirectories below them, choose Delete Entire Subdirectory Structure. You need Delete or Erase rights. Delete Subdirectory Help 2 of 2 If you do not want to delete the subdirectory, press .f Delete Subdirectory Files Help 1 of 2 To delete all the files in the marked subdirectories, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . If you answer Yes, files in the marked subdirectories are deleted. Files in subdirectories beneath the marked subdirectories are not deleted. WARNING: The files cannot be recovered. Delete Subdirectory Files Help 2 of 2 If you set "Confirm Deletions" in the "Filer Settings" option to Yes, you are asked if each file in the subdirectory should be deleted. If it is set to No (the default), you are asked if a file should be deleted only if it has the Read only attribute set. Delete Default Directory Help 1 of 1 If you choose Yes, the default directory (the directory where FILER was originally executed) and its subdirectories will be deleted and the default drive will become an invalid drive when you exit FILER. Change Current Directory Help 1 of 1 Enter the path to the directory that you want to examine next. If you do not know the path, press to see a list of directories you can choose from. When the directory path is correct, press . If you do not want to change directories, press . No Erase Rights Help 1 of 1 You do not have the Delete or Erase right in one of the subdirectories of the subdirectory structure you are trying to remove. The files in that directory cannot be deleted. To delete the files in this subdirectory, you must give yourself Delete or Erase rights in the subdirectory. (You have Parental or Access Control rights to the directory where your Delete or Erase right was revoked.) Directory Not Empty Help 1 of 1 The specified directory is not empty. Either you had no Delete or Erase rights in the directory or some of the files have the Read-Only attribute set and you chose not to delete them. A directory that is not empty cannot be deleted. Delete Entire Directory Structure Help 1 of 2 To delete the marked subdirectories, all their files, and all subdirectories and files beneath them, answer Yes. To retain the subdirectories, press . WARNING: After the subdirectories and their files are deleted, they cannot be recovered. Delete Entire Directory Structure Help 2 of 2 If "Confirm Deletions" of the "Filer Settings" option is set to Yes, you are asked if each file in each subdirectory should be deleted. If it is set to No (the default), you are asked to confirm only if a file has the Read only attribute set. Subdirectories that contain files are not deleted. Notify Extended Attributes Help 1 of 1 When you copy files that have extended attributes, the extended file attributes and long name are lost. Default: No If you want to be notified each time a file's extended attributes and long name are lost, choose Yes. If you don't want to be notified, choose No. Preserve File Attributes Help 1 of 1 When you copy files that have extended attributes, the extended file attributes are lost. To preserve the extended attributes, choose Yes. If you don't want to preserve them, choose No. Default: Yes If you choose No, the attributes are set to Normal when the file is copied. No Rights to Set Marked Help 1 of 1 Files or Subdirectories You do not have the rights to set information for the marked files or subdirectories. You can view the information for a file or subdirectory by unmarking all the other names, then highlighting the name you want and pressing . Set Multiple Files' Information Help 1 of 4 This menu shows the information that can be set for all the files that are marked. The options that appear vary, depending on your rights in the directory. Highlight the option you want to set and press . The options are described on the following screens. Set Multiple Files' Information Help 2 of 4 Copy Files Lets you copy the files to another directory. You need Read, Open, and Search or Read and File Scan rights in the directory you are copying from. You need Create, Modify, Write, and Delete or Erase rights in the directory you are copying to. Set Multiple Files' Information Help 3 of 4 Set Attributes Lets you set the file attributes. You need Modify and Parental or Access Control rights. Set Creation Date Lets you set the creation date. You need supervisor rights. Set Multiple Files' Information Help 4 of 4 Set Last Accessed Date Lets you set the last accessed date. Set Last Modified Date Lets you set the last modified date. Set Owner Lets you set the owner. You need supervisor right to modify these. Set Multiple Files' Owner Help 1 of 1 Enter the name of the user you want to be the owner of the marked files and press . To see a list of all the users, press . If you do not want to set the marked files' owner, press . User Does Not Exist Help 1 of 1 The username you entered is not defined on the file server. Check the spelling and press again, or press to see a list of all the users on the file server. Other Users Help 1 of 1 This list shows the names of the users on the current file server. To select one of these users as the new owner, highlight the username and press . If you don't want to select a new owner, press . Set Multiple Files' Attributes Help 1 of 2 To set the marked files' attributes, ensure that the attributes you want appear in the list, press , and answer Yes. To add an attribute, press . Select attributes from the list that appears. To remove an attribute, highlight it and press . Set Multiple Files' Attributes Help 2 of 2 To add or remove several attributes, mark them first using Mark . If you do not want to set the marked files' attributes, press and answer No. Execute Only Attribute Help 1 of 1 The Execute Only attribute cannot be removed. The selected file has been marked Execute Only to prevent it from being copied. To return the file to normal you must delete it and recopy it from the original disk. Edit Date Help 1 of 1 You can change the date associated with the selected file or directory. To do so, enter the new date in the form is MM-DD-YY. (You can use a / rather than a - .) When you are finished, press . Edit Time Help 1 of 1 You can change the time associated with the current directory or file. To do so, enter the new time in the form HH:MMam or HH:MMpm. When you are finished, press . Invalid Date Specified Help 1 of 1 The date you entered is invalid. Enter the date in the form MM-DD-YY. Use a number between 1 and 12 for the month, a number between 1 and 31 for the day, and the last two digits of the year. Use a hyphen (-) or a slash (/) between entries. Invalid Time Specified Help 1 of 1 The time you entered is not in a valid format. Specify the time in the form HH:MMam or HH:MMpm. The hour must be a number between 1 and 12 and the minute must be a number between 1 and 59.? Multiple Subdirectories Menu Help 1 of 4 This menu shows you the information you can set for the subdirectories that are marked. The options that appear in this menu vary, depending your rights in the current directory. Highlight the option you want to set and press . The options are described below. Multiple Subdirectories Menu Help 2 of 4 Copy Sudirectories' Files Copies the marked subdirectories and the files in them. Copy Subdirectories' Structure Copies the entire subdirectory structure, including subdirectories and files. Multiple Subdirectories Menu Help 3 of 4 You need Read, Open, and Search or Read and File Scan rights in the directory you are copying from. You need Create, Modify, Write, and Delete or Erase rights in the directory you are copying Multiple Subdirectories Menu Help 4 of 4 Set Creation Date Set Maximum or Inherited Rights Set Owner These options let you set information for the marked subdirectories. You need supervisor rights. Set Subdirectories' Owner Help 1 of 1 Enter the name of the user that you want to be the owner of the marked subdirectories and press . To see a list of possible users, press . If you do not want to set the owner of the marked subdirectories, press . Set Directories' Maximum or Inherited Rights Help 1 of 2 This list shows the maximum rights that are allowed. To remove a right, highlight it and press . To remove several rights, mark each first using Mark . To add rights to the list, press . Set Directories' Maximum Rights Help 2 of 2 When the rights that you want appear in the list, press , then answer Yes. If you do not want to set maximum rights, press and answer No. Set Subdirectories' Maximum Rights Help 1 of 1 To set the marked subdirectories' maximum rights to those in the Maximum Rights List, answer Yes. To not set the maximum rights of the subdirectories, answer No. To resume editing the Maximum Rights List, press . Remove Maximum Right Help 1 of 1 If you want to remove the marked trustee rights from the list of rights allowed, answer Yes. Otherwise, press . If several rights have been marked with Mark , they are all deleted if you answer Yes. File Menu Help 1 of 1 This menu lets you copy or view the file and modify or set file information. Highlight your choice and press . Press when you are finished. Directory Menu Help 1 of 2 This menu lets you Copy the subdirectory Copy the subdirectory's structure (v3.x and v2.2) Make the subdirectory the current directory Move the subdirectory's structure View and set subdirectory information See the list of trustees Highlight your choice and press . Press when you are finished. Directory Menu Help 2 of 2 When you make the selected subdirectory the new current directory, you are immediately brought out of the menu with a new list of directory contents--the contents of the new current directory. You need Supervisory rights to view who has rights in the directory. Local Drives Not Allowed Help 1 of 1 You entered the drive letter of a local drive as part of the directory path. You can examine directories only on a network file server with FILER. For a list of areas you can examine, press when asked to enter the directory path. Modify File Attributes Help 1 of 1 These are the attributes of the selected file. To add attributes, press . To remove an attribute, highlight it and press . To remove multiple attributes, mark them first using Mark . The Execute Only attribute cannot be removed. Directory Flags Help 1 of 1 This is a list of the attributes assigned to the directory. To add attributes, press . To delete them, press . To add or delete multiple attributes, mark them first using Mark (F5). You need Modify rights to change attributes. Directory Information Help 1 of 1 This form displays information about the selected subdirectory. Your rights will determine which fields you can modify. To make modifications, highlight the field and press . Press when you are finished. Delete Audit Flags Help 1 of 1 To delete the marked audit flags, answer Yes. To retain the marked audit flags, press . Delete Attributes Help 1 of 1 To delete the marked attributes, answer Yes. To retain the marked attributes, press . Server Doesn't Support Extended Help 1 of 1 Attributes You are trying to copy a file with extended attributes to a server that does not support extended attributes. The data will be copied, but the extended attributes will not. Illegal Character in Help 1 of 1 Macintosh Filename Macintosh filenames cannot contain a colon (:). Delete the colon (:) from the filename to make it valid.