NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: LWP42A.EXE;DOS Applications Update DOCUMENT ID: TID251032 DOCUMENT REVISION: A DATE: 17NOV94 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: LWP42A.EXE NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: LAN WorkGroup 4.1 LAN WorkGroup 4.2 LAN WorkPlace for DOS 4.1 LAN WorkPlace for DOS 4.2 ABSTRACT: LWP42A.EXE is the latest maintenance patch for LAN WorkPlace, DOS Applications and is recommended for all LAN WorkPlace for DOS 4.2 & 4.1 and LAN WorkGroup 4.2 & 4.1 sites ("international sites" see special note). LWP42A.TXT contains many fixes and improvements for the LAN WorkPlace and LAN WorkGroup DOS applications. Supersedes LWP207.EXE. ----------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ----------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE: These files do not constitute the entire product and are to be used only in conjunction with authorized purchased versions of the products. The products are protected under Copyright law and are not shareware. SYMPTOMS 1. Use of DOS wildcard characters ('*' and '?') would generate the error "*.* does not exist". (LPR.EXE) 2. Users unable to enter name and password in VT220 8 Bit emulation mode. (TNVT220.EXE) 3. Opening a TNVT220 session, then using ALT-T to get to the TNVT220 command mode, then entering an ASCII command, froze the TNVT220 session. (TNVT220.EXE) 4. Margin Bell causing Chips and Technology 4021 chipset to lock up. (TNVT220.EXE) 5. In ANSI mode, column 0 not updated when the screen page changed. (TNVT220.EXE & TELAPI.EXE) 6. TNV220 hanging after the DOS command MODE.COM COMx:. (TNVT220.EXE & TELAPI.EXE) 7. A call to TELCHECK_API did not return the version number in the BX register. (TELAPI.EXE) 8. The first character of each output line disappeared. (TELAPI.EXE) 9. "Error: Session setup failed, check terminal type." (XPC.EXE) 10. Login not displaying in Verbose Mode. (FTP.EXE) 11. Error "Read error on stdio socket: Connection reset by peer" at completion of RSH commands. (RSH.EXE) 12. Error "Read error on stdio socket: Bad file number" at completion of RSH commands. (RSH.EXE) 13. Passing LEXEC (DEL or EDLIN) within a script failed. (FTP.EXE) 14. Zero length files left behind when a Put or Get request failed. (FTP.EXE) 15. Use of a Monochrome Display Adapter resulted in a screen full of blinking question marks ('?'). (XPC.EXE) Symptoms in a VAX/VMS Environment 1. Failure to execute when a file containing the PASSWORD name is piped to REXEC. 2. Error "invalid filename format" returned when issuing a FTP "mget" to a host. NEW FEATURES 1. XPC.EXE modified to improved performance for client screen updates. 2. TNVT220.EXE modified so that DECCOLM (Reset) -- CSI ? 3 l or ESC [ ? 3 l -- clears the screen after resetting the terminal width from 132 characters down to 80 characters. 3. RCP now provides the error codes: 1 for not OK (FAILURE). 0 for OK (SUCCESS). -1 for OK but there are files with non-DOS names (partial success). 4. RPR & LPR now support the use of DOS wildcard characters ('*' and '?'). 5. RSH will now look for any random open source port. 6. In order to improve compatibility with other products, XPC.EXE now uses the software timer interrupt (INT 1Ch) instead of the hardware timer interrupt (INT 08h). 7. The session id of 01H will be used instead of 00H for TELAPI. SOLUTION Apply LWP42A Self-Extracting File Name: LWP42A.EXE Revision: A Files Included Size Date Time \ LWP42A.TXT (This File) FTP.EXE 96960 11-01-94 5:28p FTP.MSG 6581 08-10-94 10:17a LPR.EXE 42904 06-29-94 6:00p LPR.MSG 4605 06-29-94 6:00p RCP.EXE 56062 08-19-94 5:47p RPR.EXE 55810 06-15-94 9:55a RPR.MSG 2829 06-08-94 11:17a RSH.EXE 47076 09-15-94 5:14p RSH.MSG 1359 08-11-94 4:51p XPC.EXE 12284 08-29-94 11:19a XPC.MSG 2175 02-01-94 4:12a XPC.OV0 19481 08-29-94 11:16a XPC.OV1 38804 08-29-94 11:17a XPC.OV2 13136 08-29-94 11:19a XPC.PIF 545 02-01-94 4:12a REXEC.EXE 47612 08-22-94 5:35p TELAPI.EXE 40672 10-18-94 10:37a TELAPI.MSG 1919 08-17-94 5:12p TNVT220.EXE 108528 04-04-94 4:12a TNVT220.MSG 6088 02-01-94 4:12a Installation Instructions: 1. If you use the French, Spanish, German, or Portuguese versions of LWP or LWG read "2" below. (otherwise skip to "3") 2. Special International Note "International Sites" have two options concerning the new *.MSG files. (a) Install these files for "more complete, english-only" error messages if and only if the *.MSG files are more recent than the versions already installed. or (b) Don't install these two files and retain the "old and less complete" national error messages. 3. Copy the files in LWP42A into the proper product \NET\BIN directory (C:\NET\BIN, or server/volume:NET\BIN). Patch History: The combination of LWP42A.EXE and LWP42W.EXE supersede LWP207.EXE. Patch Availability: References to other patches are made by filename. The exact locations by electronic service are: CompuServe: NetWire NOVLIB 08 World-Wide-Web: Gopher: gopher:// FTP: Other Recommended Patches: LWP42T.EXE Solution Specifics: (These solution specifics relate to the, same numbered symptoms, shown above.) 2. Selecting VT220 8 bit mode will now leave the emulation in ASCII rather than binary mode. 4. An 8 bit value will now be written to the sound port instead of, a 16-bit value. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ÿ