═══ 1. Help for Keys ═══ Use this choice to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 2. Extended Help for EMTFORPM. ═══ This is the first logo. Press any key or left mouse button click to continue without waiting for logo time to elapse: You'll note that this program does not conform to any CUA guidelines, except inside the help windows. You may want to read some help to understand how it works, but you will gain productivity by the Redo button for repetitive tasks and the Copy/Same button for multiple copies. This is the "pop-up" menu. Press the right mouse button or escape to get it and to quit: Result shows the result window without executing any operation. This is useful to diplay the result of the last operation. Setup shows the Setup menu. Version shows detailed information on the version. Credit lists other people's contributions. Help gives the how to help. About gives the product information panel. This is a help window: Help buttons are context sensitive; F1 gives this panel. EMTFORPM or "EMT for PM" stands for Electronic Master Transfer for Presentation Manager. The EMTFORPM program is a productivity tool which enables you to pack or unpack diskettes using DiskImage,LOADDSK, EMTCOPY, or MIF files. LOADDSKF file can be built for DOS, OS/2 and AIX diskettes. This is an advantage over the SAVEDSKF program which packs only DOS or OS/2 diskettes. Help is available any time you press the Help button from anywhere within the program. Because this is context sensitive help, the help information that is displayed depends on where in the program the help button is pressed. Every highlighted word can be selected to get more help. Press Esc at any time to view the previous help window or to return to the current EMTFORPM window if there are no other help windows. EMTFORPM is a 32 bit version. It runs under OS/2 Version 2.x. Some functions like compare, checksum, and compress are faster with this version than with the 16 bit version. This program does not handle alternate logical diskettes (as B: for the A: drive when only one diskette drive is installed). Be sure the active diskette address for the diskette drive is the primary address (A: for A: drive for example). Do not switch to the alternate address (B: for the A: drive when only one diskette drive is installed) from another window when using the primary address with this program. The different EMTFORPM windows are: The selection window The result window The setup window The Working with label dialog From this dialog you can select the file you want to create a diskette from or the file you want to save the diskette image to. To select a file, select the drive, directory and file. When doing single file selection, you can either double click on the file name or select the file name and press OK. When doing multiple file selection select the files, then press OK. The "select" file dialog The "save as" file dialog The label edit dialog The font selection dialog More help: Exiting EMTFORPM Keys help General information Credit ═══ 3. EMTFORPM by Daniel VALOT ═══ How to ... When building diskette images, you have to choose the image format. EMTxxx is the preferred format used by EPL because it supports different diskette formats and includes label data. Its compression algorithm is efficient only on repetitive data. The DOS program to unpack these files is EMT4DOS or EMTCOPY by Carsten Groennemann who created this format. MIFxxx is the corporate standard for exchanging files between plants. It features support for any kind of data. It is best to format the diskette before writing the master diskette when using only part of the diskette. Then, when creating the diskette image EMT4OS2 or EMTFORPM stores only used sectors. DISKIMAGE is just a file with every diskette sector stored in the same file without any added data, label, comments or check-sum. Is is good for fast operations. VMDISK is just a DISKIMAGE with a small header. You can unpack VMDISK to diskette using this program. VMDISK files are diskette images built by the OS/2 V2.x VMDISK.EXE program to be able to boot from DOS diskette image. LOADDSK is a DISKIMAGE file without unused sectors; data is compressed and a label can be added, a check-sum is added to the file for comparison when building the diskette. This is generally the best format for Diskette image. When building images from diskettes filled with compressed files, use the "UNCOMPRESSED LOADDSK" option to bypass compression. In an attempt to detect a non-standard diskette format, or to detect the format of a defective diskette, the diskette drive may be set to an unknown state. Generally, trying to format a diskette under OS/2 in the diskette drive is sufficient to restore the diskette drive to a standard status. In rare situations you may need to shutdown and restart your workstation. When building a diskette from an image, EMTFORPM selects the correct format, and generally formats the diskette if necessary. If a check-sum is included in the file a comparison is made when building the diskette. DISKETTE FORMATS supported by EMTFORPM 5.25" 160k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 180k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 320k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 360k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 720k DOS-OS/2 diskettes with special hardware and driver 5.25" 1.2M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 360k XENIX diskettes 5.25" 1.2M XENIX diskettes 3.5" 720k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 1.4M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 720k AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 3.5" 1.4M AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 3.5" 2.8M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 2.8M AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 5.25" 720k 80-track diskettes are not supported without using a low density 720k drive or a special device driver allowing a PC AT 1.2meg drive to run at low density with single stepping. EXTDSKDD does not provide this feature. Even if 127 MB Optical diskettes are correctly detected, this format is not supported by this program. ==> ONLY 512 Bytes per sector is supported Note that on single sided diskettes, the second side is not erased. ═══ 4. Help for Editing label ═══ The label consists of 9 lines having up to 36 characters for EMT files, up to 72 characters for MIF files or up to 72 characters for LOADDSK files. The LOADDSK label function is available only for files created with EMT4OS2, EMT4WPS, EMTFORPM or EMT4PMWP. The files can be used by LOADDSK, but without label functions. BUTTONS No Label Used to have no label in the file. OK Used to enter the label in the file. Return for EMT file type Used to have no label in the file. Return for MIF file type Step back to previous menu. File Used to save the label data in a file and use it. Load Used to read the label data from a label file. Label files are either text files with nine lines of up to 36 characters each, or one line of up to 36*9 characters. (i.e. without the CR/LF characters.) Help To get this Help. ═══ 5. Help for Exiting EMTFORPM ═══ Use F3 or Alt-F4 to quit the EMTFORPM program. ═══ 6. Help for Key Assignments ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. ACCELERATOR KEYS F3 End the program ESC Get the POP-UP menu or quit the POP-UP menu. Right mouse button Get the POP-UP menu or quit the POP-UP menu. Alt-F4 End the program HELP KEYS F1 Get help F2 Get extended help (from within any help window) Alt+F4 End help F9 Go to a list of keys (from within any help window) F11 Go to the help index (from within any help window) Esc Previous Help Panel, or End help if only one panel Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs Shift+F10 Get help for help SYSTEM KEYS Alt+F6 Switch to the next windowed program Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a window F10 Go to/from the action bar Esc Cancel a dialog or the setup and the result menus Underlined letter Select using the Alt-letter Alt+F4 or F3 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window ═══ 7. Building diskettes from files. ═══ Use this function to build a diskette from a packed file. The packed file should have a supported format. The two methods to build diskettes: Interactive mode. Start EMTFORPM and press enter when selection menu is set. Selection menu Drag drop mode. Start EMTFORPM once to select the output drive (A: for example). then close EMTFORPM. You can then drop a file or a group of files from a drive folder on the EMTFORPM Icon. The Workplace Shell start EMTFORPM and start building the first diskette. If you dropped several files, the order in which they will be processed cannot be predicted, but a dialog tells you the diskette name. Do not drop too many files in one operation unless you have lot of memory available. Be sure to drop the files on the EMTFORPM Icon when a box is around the icon, otherwise the files will be moved. Technical data The drag/drop operation is started by the Workplace Shell which starts as many instances of EMTFORPM as the number of files you drop.The first EMTFORPM becomes an inbound server for the next instances of the program. Do not use this option if you are short of memory. The input file must be in one of the following formats: a DISKIMAGE file, a VMDISK file, an EMTCOPY file, an MIF file, or a LOADDSK/SAVEDSK file. Be sure to put a diskette of the correct type in the output drive before starting the operation. When building a diskette from a SAVEDSK/LOADDSK file, set the FORMAT option to ON if the output diskette is unformatted or if the output diskette format does not match the input file format. Copy protected diskettes are not supported by EMTFORPM. If you have a problem when building a diskette from a file on a remote drive, copy the source file to a local drive before using it. DISKETTE FORMATS 5.25" 160k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 180k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 320k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 360k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 720k DOS-OS/2 diskettes with special hardware and driver 5.25" 1.2M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 360k XENIX diskettes 5.25" 1.2M XENIX diskettes 3.5" 720k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 1.4M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 720k AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 3.5" 1.4M AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 3.5" 2.8M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 2.8M AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 5.25" 720k 80 tracks diskettes are not supported without using a low density 720k drive or a special device driver allowing PC AT 1.2meg drive to run at low density and single stepping. EXTDSKDD does not provide this feature. Even if 127 Mo Optical diskettes are correctly detected this format is not supported by this program. ==> ONLY 512 Bytes per sector is supported Note that on single sided diskettes, the second side is not erased Building a diskette To make a diskette: o Select File to diskette o Select the diskette address from the listbox o Press the Enter button o Select the input file name when the file selection is displayed o Press OK Options are: o Force formatting (generally not needed) o Suppress beep Building several diskettes ═══ 8. Help for No Beep ═══ Use this choice to suppress success or error beep at end of each operation. Success beep is a low tone to high tone beep. Error beep is high to long low tone beep. ═══ 9. Help for Query file ═══ Testing file for validity gives information on the packed diskette. DiskImage file have no information added to the file; for these files only the diskette format is displayed. VMDISK is just a DISKIMAGE with a small header. You can unpack VMDISK to diskette using this program. LOADDSK, EMT and MIF files may have information added to the file. Some MIF files are not supported by this program. Files with concatenated EMT of MIF files are not supported. Each file must include only ONE diskette image. Diskette images with trailing garbage due to host transmission may produce unexpected error depending on the length of the trailing garbage. Avoid using transmission scheme with such deficiencies. Use BINARY send or receive when transferring files between workstation and host. to analyze a file Select Query file Press the Enter button Select File Select file name Press Ok Option : - Suppress beep ═══ 10. Help for Diskette Test ═══ Use Diskette Test to display the disketter format. The information displayed is valid only if the diskette format is supported by EMTFORPM. DISKETTE FORMATS 5.25" 160k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 180k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 320k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 360k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 1.2M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 5.25" 360k XENIX diskettes 5.25" 720k DOS-OS/2 diskettes with special hardware and driver 5.25" 1.2M XENIX diskettes 3.5" 720k DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 1.4M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 720k AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 3.5" 1.4M AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 3.5" 2.8M DOS-OS/2 diskettes 3.5" 2.8M AIX-PS/2 and RS6000 diskettes 5.25" 720k 80 tracks diskettes are not supported unless you are using a low density 720k drive or a special device driver allowing PC AT 1.2meg drive to run at low density and single stepping. EXTDSKDD does not provide this feature. Even if 127 Mo Optical diskettes are correctly detected this format is not supported by this program. ==> ONLY 512 Bytes per sector is supported Note that the second side of a single-sided diskette is not erased. To analyze a diskette o Select Query Diskette o Select the Diskette Address in the listbox o Press the Enter button Option : - Suppress beep ═══ 11. Building an image file ═══ To pack a diskette to an image file: o Select Diskette to file o Select the diskette address in the listbox o Select the type of file you need: DiskImage, LOADDSK, Uncompressed loaddsk, EMTCOPY, MIF or Simple MIF. However, avoid Simple MIF when possible. Selection menu o Press the Enter button o enter output file name and fill dialog data Options are: - Suppress beep - HDR=a for APAR file o Diskimage file o Loaddsk file o Uncompressed Loaddsk file o EMTCOPY file o MIF file o Simple MIF file ═══ 11.1. Building a DISKIMAGE file ═══ This function allows you to build a DISKIMAGE file. Do not forget to put the source diskette in the source drive before starting the operation. The output file may be used by DISKIMGE, OS2IMAGE, EMT4OS2, EMTFORPM or DSKIMAGE to build a diskette later. ═══ 11.2. Building a LOADDSK file ═══ This function allows you to build a LOADDSK file. Do not forget to put the source diskette in the source drive before starting the operation. The output file may be used by DISKIMGE, OS2IMAGE, EMT4OS2, EMTFORPM or DSKIMAGE to build a diskette later. ═══ 11.3. Uncompressed Loaddsk file. ═══ Building a Uncompressed LOADDSK file This function allows you to build a LOADDSK file without compression. Usually this function is the best for diskette filled with compressed files. Do not forget to put the source diskette in the source drive before starting the operation. The output file may be used by DISKIMGE, OS2IMAGE, EMT4OS2, EMTFORPM or DSKIMAGE to build a diskette later. ═══ 11.4. Building a EMTCOPY file ═══ This function allows you to build an EMTCOPY file. Do not forget to put the source diskette in the source drive before starting the operation. The output file may be used by EMT4OS2, EMTFORPM, EPLCOPY or EMTCOPY to build a diskette later. The owner of the EMTCOPY format and program is Carsten Groennemann. EMTCOPY is a subset of EPLCOPY. The EMTCOPY format store the track format and data in the packed file. The OS/2 version is a subset of EMTCOPY, and allows only to store standard 512 bytes per sector diskettes. ═══ 11.5. Building an MIF file ═══ This function allows you to build a MIF file. Do not forget to put the source diskette in the source drive before starting the operation. The output file may be used by EMT4OS2, EMTFORPM ,EPLCOPY or EMTCOPY to build a diskette later. ═══ 11.6. Building a Simple MIF file ═══ This function allows you to build a SIMPLE MIF file (UNCOMPRESSED MIF file). Do not forget to put the source diskette in the source drive before starting the operation. The output file may be used by EMT4OS2, EMTFORPM ,EPLCOPY or EMTCOPY to build a diskette later. ═══ 12. Help for Format diskette ═══ Unless you are using diskette formatted with an incorrect format, this option should not be set. EMTFORPM automatically formats the diskette if needed. EMTFORPM will always verify the diskette. When the diskette is formatted before writing, the verification takes place between the format and write operation. When the diskette is already formatted, the verification takes place after the write operation. If EMTFORPM detects data check errors, please discard the diskette as it is probably not reliable. A diskette which shows intermittent errors is a BAD diskette. Sometimes, after problems during the format operation, EMTFORPM does not succeed in resetting the diskette drive to its normal state. You may try to use the OS/2 FORMAT program with this drive to reset it, or the CHKDSK program. If none of the above succeed, you will have to restart your system to recover the drive. ═══ 13. Help for HDR=APAR ═══ This function is used to produce EMT or MIF file for APAR as opposed to PTF files. More information is needed to produce the file. ═══ 14. Label file information ═══ Label file format These are either label files gotten from EMTFORPM or EMTCOPY (9 * 36 characters strings - file length = 333) or plain text file: (9 lines having up to 36 characters) To print label use or not the PagePrinter option Without this option the page length is set to one line. You may want to change your SPOOLER printer setup according to the label length, and suppress or not any form feed. ═══ 15. Help for Maximize window ═══ With this option, the program starts maximized. Options are stored in the EMTFORPM.INI file and the Default button erases EMTFORPM options from EMTFORPM.INI. ═══ 16. Help for Iconize window ═══ This option minimizes the window during diskette or file built. The window is restored when the operation ends. ═══ 17. Help for Save window position ═══ This option saves window position in EMTFORPM.INI. At the start of the program, the window is restored at the saved position. ═══ 18. Help for retore default values ═══ This option restores EMTFORPM default values and erases saved values from EMTFORPM.INI. ═══ 19. Help for Copying diskette ═══ Diskette copy This function allows you to copy any diskette format supported by EMTFORPM o Select Copy diskette o Select the diskette address in the listbox o Place the input diskette in the drive o Press the Enter button After the input diskette has been read, remove it from the drive, replace it with an output diskette and press the Copy/Same button. You may make as many copies of the input diskette as you want: as each copy completes, remove it, insert another output diskette and press the Copy/Same button again. When you have the copies you want, press the Stop/New button. To continue copying with a different input diskette, insert the input diskette in the drive and press the Redo button. Don't forget to change the input diskette before pressing REDO. The Stop/New button stops the operation, and Return returns to the main window. ═══ 20. Help for Page printer option ═══ If your printer prints labels with a line per page, set this option on. ═══ 21. What is the CRC code? ═══ What is the CRC code/value? ---For the EPL/EMT format, this is the sum of all vital data in the packed file, excluding the comments and label data. This includes all diskette data before compression. This CRC is not affected by the compression. This is not the CRC code given by the CRC program. This code is included in the file and displayed when testing the file or building the diskette. ---For the MIF format, this is also a word checksum of the data stored in the *DATA* portion of the MIF file. This excludes the label data and any description record included in the file. This Checksum depends on the compression algorithm used, and is often different from the value given by the DOS EMTCOPY program. Both DOS and OS/2 programs give the same diskette and display the expected/actual CHECKSUMs. This code is included in the file for comparison when building the diskette. ---For the DiskImage format, the CRC value is the same value calculated by the CRC program with the default parameters. This CRC value is NOT included in the file and may be included in the Package file. ---For LOADDSK file this is the double-word sum of packed sectors before compression. Only used sectors are packed on DOS-OS/2 diskettes. Every sector is packed on non-DOS-OS/2 diskettes. This code is included in the file. ═══ 22. Building several diskettes ═══ Building several diskettes You can build more than one diskette at a time: o Interactive mode o Drag/Drop mode o Batch mode ═══ 22.1. Interactive mode: ═══ o Select file to diskette operation o Select the Diskette address in the listbox o Press the enter button o In the select dialog file list, select all needed source file. o Press OK when ready to write the first diskette o When operation completes for one diskette, a dialog box asks you to replace the destination diskette. This feature can be used to compare diskettes and files. ═══ 22.2. Drag/Drop: ═══ o Use the Drag/Drop feature. See the building diskette building part to understand the direct manipulation feature. Building diskettes ═══ 22.3. Batch processing: ═══ o Be sure EMTFORPM is set for the proper output diskette.(A: for example) o Build a batch file which says: start emtforpm file1 start emtforpm file2 ... o start the batch file. ═══ 23. Compare diskette and source file ═══ To compare a diskette and a file, the file must be the image of the diskette. For example, if you compare an image file from a 9 sectors per track diskette and a 18 sectors per track diskette, you may end up with undetermined errors. The comparison stops on the first error (showing the track number where the error occured for DISKIMGE, EMT or MIF files). You can compare LOADDSK files to diskette. You can compare several diskettes in one operation by selecting several files in the file selection list box. After each diskette completes you are prompted for the next. Do not interchange diskettes, or you will get an error on track zero. At the end of each comparison the CRC value is displayed if available. This function compares any EMT, MIF, LOADDSK or DiskImage file and the source or target diskette. The source file must be the diskette image or undetermined errors may occur. Multiple source files can be selected. ═══ 24. Result window ═══ This is the "Results" window: This window displays the file label and any data available in the packed file, such as the checksum, the file creation date or the tool name used to pack the file. The window displays a bar graph showing processing progress and successful (green) or unsuccessful result (red). The Return button gives you the selection panel. The Help button gives this help. The Label button gives the "Working with label" dialog. The Redo button restarts the last operation. If you want to start a different operation, push the Return button instead. ═══ The Setup window ═══ ═══ 25. Help for Setup ═══ This is the "Setup" menu: 1. Display the Selection panel. 2. Press the SETUP button. 3. Select the check box according to your need. 4. Press the Return button For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ 26. List of Fields ═══ Save position Iconize Maximize 5.25 / 720k HDR=a Formatting Page printer no Beep Default General information ═══ 27. Help for 96 TPI 5.25" diskettes. ═══ This option must be set if you build files from 80-track low density 5.25" diskettes (720KB diskettes). If you do not set this option, the file will look like a 3.5" 720KB diskette. This options is valid only when building EMTCOPY files. ═══ 28. Default Font selection. ═══ Select the font used by the program to display its messages. The selected font name will be saved in EMTFORPM.INI for future invocations of EMTFORPM ═══ 29. Credit ═══ Time to write the program: My family. Compression algorithm: Ziv, Lempel, Victor S. Miller, Mark N. Wegman, Richard Redpath, Robert Cahn and Deborah Kruesi. EMT file format: Carsten Groennemann MIF file format: IBM corporate standard. LOADDSK file format: Jack Gersbach. CRC code for DISKIMAGE: Donald R. Blake. Help revision for version 2.31 Bob McNeill. The author. ═══ 30. Uncompressed ═══ Software distribution diskettes are already compressed. Do not compress them, as you would then get larger files. For LOADDSK files, set this option to bypass compression (when building files). Other formats are not affected by compression problems. The Checksum is not affected by compression. This is the DATA checksum before compression (for "loaddsk" format). SIMPLE MIF is an old MIF format maintained for compatibility only. In Simple MIF files, every sector is stored as-is (same as DiskImage). DATA are never compressed in MIF files, but consecutive sectors filled with unique byte data are stored as 80 bytes records. This works even with UNIX backups. ═══ 31. Working with Label help ═══ This is the label selection dialog: You can either edit or print label. Help for Print label from packed file Help for Print label from label file Help for Edit label ═══ 31.1. Help for Print label from packed file ═══ When building a diskette you may want to print the diskette label from the packed file. Only EMT, LOADDSK or MIF files can include label data. Many of them have no label data included or the label data format does not match the limited set supported by EMTFORPM EMTFORPM supports 9 * 36 character lines for EMT files and 9 * 72 characters for MIF or LOADDSK files. ═══ 31.2. Help for Print label from label file ═══ Label files are plain text files having 9 lines of 36 characters each. This format was created with the EPL/EMT format and does not support every label format. ═══ 31.3. Help for Edit label ═══ This is the label edition dialog: The EMT label consists of 9 lines having up to 36 characters. When editing lines you may have to remove trailing space characters. The MIF or LOADDSK label consists of 9 lines having up to 72 characters. When editing lines you may have to remove trailing space characters. BUTTONS No Label Used to have no label in the file. OK Used to enter the label in the file. Return for EMT file type Used to have no label in the file. Return for MIF file type Step back to previous menu. File Used to save the label data in a file and use it. Load To get the label data from an EMT label file. Label files are either text files with 9 lines of up to 36 characters, or one line of up to 36*9 characters. (i.e. without the CR/LF characters.) Load To get the label data from an MIF or LOADDSKF label file. The label file is a text file with 9 lines of up to 72 characters. ═══ 31.4. The selection window ═══ This is the "Selection" menu. Press enter when selection is complete. (source or destination drive, operation, type of file): On this menu, mouseless operation is available by pressing Alt-Underlined-letter, for window selection, by pressing the " : " to set focus on the diskette drive list-box, or by using the TAB key, or the Shift-TAB key combination. Type of operations : File to diskette Query file Diskette to file Diskimage file Loaddsk file Uncompressed Loaddsk file EMTcopy file MIF file Simple MIF file Query diskette Copy diskette Compare file and diskette ═══ Help for Open ═══ ═══ 32. Help for Open ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list or type in a file name and select the Open pushbutton to display the file you want to edit. For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ 33. List of Fields ═══ File name Drive File Directory Open pushbutton ═══ 34. Help for File name ═══ ═══ 35. Help for File name ═══ Type the name of the file you want to open in the File name field and select the Open pushbutton. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 36. List of Fields ═══ File name Drive File Directory Open pushbutton General help ═══ 37. Help for Drive ═══ ═══ 38. Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the files you want to edit. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 39. Help for File ═══ ═══ 40. Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to open. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 41. Help for Directory ═══ ═══ 42. Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 43. Help for Open ═══ ═══ 44. Help for Open ═══ Select the Open pushbutton to display the file you want to edit. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 45. Help for Save as ═══ ═══ 46. Help for Save as ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. EMTFORPM fill in the file name field with a dummy file name which will be used if no letters are replaced. The last two digits of the file name will be incremented for each diskette. You may want to replace the six first letters by something more significant. If the last two digits are replaced by digits, they will be incremented. If they are replaced by letters, they will be replaced by 01 on the next file selection operation. 5. Type the name of the file you want to save in the File name field and select the Ok pushbutton. For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ 47. List of Fields ═══ File name Drive File Directory Ok pushbutton ═══ 48. Help for File name ═══ ═══ 49. Help for File name ═══ EMTFORPM fill in the file name field with a dummy file name which will be used if no letters are replaced. The last two digits of the file name will be incremented for each diskette. You may want to replace the six first letters by something more significant. If the last two digits are replaced by digits, they will be incremented. If they are replaced by letters, they will be replaced by 01 on the next file selection operation. Type the name of the file you want to save in the File name field and select the Ok pushbutton. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 50. List of Fields ═══ File name Drive File Directory Ok pushbutton General help ═══ 51. Help for Drive ═══ ═══ 52. Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the files you want to save. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 53. Help for File ═══ ═══ 54. Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. You cannot select a file in a save operation but only in a diskette build operation. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 55. Help for Directory ═══ ═══ 56. Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 57. Help for Save ═══ ═══ 58. Help for Save ═══ Select the Ok pushbutton to save the file to the drive and directory you selected and with the file name you specified. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ ═══ Beep is just here to call attention at end of unattended operation. ═══ ═══ Success means that operation completed without error or that the error message has already been displayed and answered. ═══ ═══ Error means that the operation was invalid for that file or diskette, or the diskette format does not match file format, or the file is not a valid or supported file format for EMTFORPM ═══ ═══ EMT file or EMTCOPY file describes a diskette image packed with the Carsten Groennemann method. This file type allows support for Copy protected diskettes. To support copy protected diskettes, the EPLCOPY program should be used to pack and to unpack them. Standard diskettes can be packed to this format using EPLCOPY, EMTCOPY, EMT4OS2 or EMTFORPM. Only standard 512 bytes-per-sector diskettes are supported by EMTFORPM. ═══ ═══ The MIF format is the corporate standard format for diskette interchange. Only standard 512 bytes-per-sector diskettes are supported by EMTFORPM.